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Is a revolution or civil war about to happen in America?
I walk into gunshops in my hometown and I see most of the gun racks empty, military caliber ammo is specially the one that is vanishing. The manufacturers of AR-15's, AK-47's, Galil's, H&K G3 clones, .50 caliber M82A1 rifles, and SKS are all backordered in their manufacture and in filling the orders.
I browse through the Internet, I am astonished to see AR-15 stripped lowers selling away in seconds. Is some kind of revolution or civil war about to start, or what is going on?
17 Answers
- vangionLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
F100 is crrect
There is no revolution coming as long as the cable stations stay on and the trains run on time
We have always practiced B.O.H.I.C.A. in all past assaults to the 2nd amendment th
ere is no reason to belive this time will be any different
People are just preparing for the AWB that Obama has promised to reinstate and that wil ban ARs and AKs in their current configuration along with their hi cap magazines
Some are buying because they may never be able to again and some are just hoping to make a little money on the deal
The ammo shortage has little to do with the war, we have had no problem finding it until Obie got elected
The run is in reaction to his 1999 support of a %500 increase in the excise tax on ammunition
I also agree that getting a couple of BP guns and learning to make your own powder might come in handy in the not too distant future
- 1 decade ago
* Yes * Any Laws, Amended or Created Laws pertaining to any Guns in regards to Permits, Fees, Where, When,Who, What type can be bought, Carried Concealed, or Open Carry are UnConstitutional, Invalid, and Unlawful, whether created by the Federal, State, County, or Local Governments are themselves Violating, Denying, Ignoring, Perverting, Compromising, DisHonoring, and Subverting your Constitutional Rights.* The U.S. Constitution in the Form of the 2nd Amendment is living Proof against those who would attempt to Ban, Manipulate, and Confiscate your Guns, and Dictate to you, that you can't have, or do this and that, or you have to have Permits, and Pay Fees.* etc... Fight to the Death, if need be to Preserve, Protect, and Defend the Constitution of the U.S. Against all Enemy's Foreign or Domestic, and especially Anyone, Anywhere, at Anytime who would attempt to Disarm, Confiscate, or Ban your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.*,, Only a Tyrant or a Criminal is Afraid of the Armed Citizen.* " Don't pick a Fight with an Old Man. If he is too old to Fight he will just Kill you."... Don't tread on Us.* Give Us Liberty or Give Us Death.*
Source(s): Run like a Deer.*..............Fly like an Eagle.*~~ - Anonymous1 decade ago
no revolution, no civil war.
its all because Barack Obama got elected President!. He was a senator from Illinois with a long history of being anti-gun. Even though he said that he'll leave our rights along, he cannot be trusted.
so everyone that own a gun is scrambling to stockpile ammo, hi capacity (anything over 5 or 10 rounds) magazines, AK, AR, and other similar semiautomatics. We fear another assault weapon ban, this time permanent and never expiring. And a ammo ban, requiring all ammo to be registered. And a magazine ban, on anything over 5 or 10 rounds in capacity.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I love the answers that say "the economy is in trouble" followed by "so people are spending $1,000 on fire arms". Guess I'll go buy stock in Guns & Ammo. Looks like the economy is pretty good based on that.
Revolution? We could sure use one based on how our political representatives have and continue to screw us. President "SELECT" obama isn't going to improve anything. He will strip our military defenses among other ill conceived hare brained liberal ideas.
So the citizenry has no choice but to take up arms for self defense. And if enough want to band together and take back this country from the liberal press selection of our representatives, I could be convinced to join. Easily.
- CoastyLv 71 decade ago
Do you remember the Clinton era gun bans. Obama is a bigger fruit loop than Clinton was and He has voted for legislation the a complete violation of the second amendment.
That being said some 80 million Americans are registered gun owners and there are estimates that there are from one third to as many gun owners not registered as registered. So if they try to repeal the Second Amendment they will have anywhere from 105 to 160 million people of a population of 300 million. The liberals think they will succeed because they now control the military. I tend to laugh at at their math. US Military total strength + total LEO strength the percentage of population is less than 0.01%. Let me see 300,000,000 X 0.01% = 3,000,000 against even 66,250,000 (guesstimated revolutionaries if it drops in the pot) Even with military weapons who do you think will win especially since the primary targets will be politicians. Personally I hope that the Liberals read this and do serious thinking about if it is worth it to try to tear up the US Constitution.
- 1 decade ago
yes, a revolution is coming, but thats always been a question of when and where, and of what kind. many say that this years election was a revolution.
will a violent revolution sweep across america? lets hope not, but i believe it to be possible in the near future. many of us are extremely discontented with the way our government has been acting, and if pushed hard enough im sure there would be some kind of revolt.
- 1 decade ago
no i do not think a war will break out in the us, but the reason for all of the guns and amo being sold and gone is because of obama, every1 is afraid that he will make it herder to getem so thier acting now. so if theres a gun u want go wight for it caus ull have to and try to get it before obam is sworn in. cause w/ the transfer fee of $200 on mg and smg every1 scered that obama will rais it and put more taxes on more thing now i not saying that every1 scered overe nothin cause ther is sumthin to be scered of and they call it obama i bet that if mccain had won there would be guns every were buyin sellin tradin and well u get wat i mean
Source(s): being a proud gun owner and payin atention to the news - f100_supersabreLv 71 decade ago
Many people think there will be new weapon restrictions and want to get ahead of them by buying now.
As to a revolution, I doubt it. There are too many sheep and not enough wolves!
I got ahead a long time ago by learning to cast and reload.
(I ALSO have BP weapons, and can make my own BP if necessary!!)
I am MORE worried about civil breakdowns than revolution.
MOST people, if given only 2 choices, steal or starve, WILL steal!
- nonnieLv 51 decade ago
Nah- they are just stocking up based upon the newly elected administration's promise to eliminate or hugely control the purchase of guns. Gun selling is one of the few growth industries in the USA right now because of that.
Source(s): Your question would more appropriately go into the 'Politics and Government' category .... - exnav138Lv 41 decade ago
Probably not. Most folks seem to be worried that come the new year and the new president, that there will be more regulations/restrictions on guns, esp. the automatic/military types.