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blphnx asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Why does it seem like it is only the right-wingers who can't seem to understand the science of Global Warming?

Is it me, or is it a fact that 95% of the people out there that deny Global Warming, let alone AGW, are very much right-winged politically? Why is that? Do they know they are lying or are they being duped from choosing to only listen to other right-wingers on the subject? If they know better, why are they trying so hard to convince everyone else that Global Warming is a bunch of Al Gore hooey? Do they not realize that the less we do to prepare for the future with regard to this very real changing climate, the worse it will be for us and even more difficult and more EXPENSIVE it will be to deal with it later? Seriously, what is the deal here?




The one an only cause of Global Warming is not human beings and their carbon output. Human activites, including those which caused CO2 levels to rise higher than the earth has seen in millions of years, is only part of it. Pollution, land clearing, feedback loops and the fact that we're in the peak warm period of an interglacial period to begin with also play a role along with other natural factors that help keep our planet warm to begin with.

Also, it doesn't matter that you've seen NASA's data from infrared satellites going back 30 years with your own eyes, and we're concerned about the rising temps from the last 20 years, not the last sixty.

Update 2:

'BB' - You made a lot of claims.

CO2 is rising, you got that much right, and surely you understand that has to do with human activities right? But first of all, we're not facing record cold temperatures... the records this past decade have been reserved for record warm temperatures, not cold. (see my very last question which contains links that should help to dispell that MYTH you are only helping to spread...)

The truth is, the extent man's activities is having on impacting on climate change are only becoming more and more clear and there is extensive study, that the less we do now and the longer we hold out, the less we can do, and the more it will cost us. Is that really what you want?

Update 3:

Lyle G -

Your claim is that "only political right-wingers understand scientific method".

Then please, why does every major scientific organization in the world disagree with you, not just one, but ALL of them?

Update 4:

Roadhazzards -

Your answer confused me... you admit you are a right-winger and that you don't believe in AGW and then ask "what is your point?"??? You seem to be making my point for me... but to be clear, I can't think of one news pundit who isn't radically right wing politically who tries so hard to make it seem like global warming is fubar. Clearly, this AGW denial business is 100% politically driven, not science driven. The question is... why is that? What's in it for the conservative right?

Update 5:


Moore has earned his living since the early 1990s primarily by consulting for, and publicly speaking to a wide variety of corporations and industry lobby groups such as "polluters and clear-cutters (land clearing)" who he as been paid to consult. Moore obviously uses his name and his history to elevate his new career... which has nothing to do with supporting environmentalism.

Using his name is no different than using Fred Singer's name... same idea. Where he used to be an advocate for main-stream atmospheric and space sciences, he has since made a profitable career doing consulting and lobbying, speaking on behalf of oil and tabacco Industries.

Media may be politically motivated, but where AGW is concerned, there is no question that all the global warming hating comes from the far right, and it is usually never backed by any evidence, just rumors and opinions. There's no question that there is an agenda fueled by conservative pundits and think tanks.

Update 6:

Peter Jungman:

I gave you a thumbs up simply because you had a clever answer.

However, you answer is no more or less true than anyone else. And if anything, I've seen on countless more occasions, right winged GW deniers use misinformation tactics or outright lies where I seldomly see that used by scientists (referring to your 'consensus', since the scientific consensus on GW and AGW is overwhelmingly in support of it being a fact, which obviously you do not agree with, yet you call your indifference 'Truth' seeking... how ironic).

Update 7:

Ken, your answer was good but it didn't seem to agree with my observation, that literally, nearly every outspoken critic of global warming is from the right wing variety (like all but 5%).

Jp79to, very good answer, perhaps the best answer among those given

Martin M, your answer seems to be the best answer so far, you agree with my observation, and you gave a reason why, and you point out something I failed to that not all right-wingers deny global warming, but all who do seem to be right wingers. I just wish someone had really tried to harder to explain why that is.

This isn't anything new... just type "right wingers global warming" in Y-answers Search Engine

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The really funny thing is when the deniers claim AGW is just a left-wing communist liberal plot, but don't have much to say when you point out that George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, Nikolas Sarkozi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Duncan Hunter, etc. etc. etc. all believe humans are causing global warming.

    Generally people who deny AGW do so out of fear. They're afraid of big government, taxes, and afraid they won't be able to drive their gas guzzlers anymore. In general, they're afraid of change, and that's what AGW is, both in its results and its mitigation. Lots of change.

    People who are afraid of this change slide into denial. And generally, people who fear change are conservatives (which is why liberals are also called 'progressives'). And as we know, the Republican Party lives on fear (liberals are going to take away your guns, let gay people get married and have sex on your lawn, invite terrorists to blow up your house, tax you to death, and in general just tell you what to do).

    Generally speaking, the more an individual is afraid of these things, the more politically conservative they are. That's why I think most AGW deniers are extremely politically conservative.

  • JJ
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Seems they may be the only ones to study history....

    Volcanic eruptions have been the prime driver of our climate for several thousand years now. The little ice age was caused by 4 huge volcanic eruptions in a 50 period in the late 1200's. Tamboura and Krakatoa kept things cool in the 1800's and well into the 1900's. It has been near 130 years now since a major eruption and no, St Helens and Pinatubo were far too weak to do much. The result is warming just as has been well documented in the Midieval warming period. If you want things to cool off a major eruption may do that but, be careful what you wish for if this happened today the resulting food shortages would be the likes no one alive today has ever seen.

  • Ken
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There are a bunch of left-wingers who don't understand the science of Global Warming either. The fact is, most people lack sufficient scientific training to know the difference between real science and pseudo science. So it comes down to who does a person (lacking the knowledge themselves) trust in such matters.

    Sadly, many right-wingers trust people like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity more than NASA (which has more climate scientists than any organization in the world).

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, here is a leftist environmentalist ; Patrick Moore, who pretty much gets it right on Global Warming. Unlike you.

    So, you should be careful in throwing around inaccurate accusations about the so-called "denial business" being 100% politically driven. When CLEARLY, the whole issue of GW as we know it, especially where the media is concerned, IS ALL ABOUT POLITICS, not science. The science is incomplete, yet the media paints GW as "settled" and "the fault of man". None of which is true or at the very least has not been proven yet. So, why knock those on the right who are simply pointing out the tremendous amount of misinformation about the politically driven issue of Global Warming.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Might it just be that climatology is a subset of metrology intended as a place to put law school dropouts that could not qualify for more rigorous disciplines.

    One of the believers that responded to a question recently hit the nail on the head when he said, as he understood the science. This is the real problem in that they really do not understand the basics of science and how weather and climate work. The basic assumptions their pogrom of voodoo science is based on are so faulty it shows they either have not taken any basic science courses at all or they are deliberately lying for political reasons. The problem you are having is it is history and geology where the information is available that debunks AGW with ease. The answer on C02 rise in relation to temps is that Co2 always trails temp rises. The sun warms the oceans and as they warm their ability to retain Co2 in solution weakens. The more the oceans warm, the more Co2 they release to feed the plant life that can now survive in warmer climates. This reduction of Co2 in solution also lowers the pH of the water because pH goes up and down accordingly to the amount in solution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know about "95%", but certainly most global warming sceptics I've talked to are right-wing. I think the reason has to do with the fundamentals of their philosophy. They believe in the laws of market economics over anything else, and explicitly or otherwise, they believe that "might is right". It is very difficult to convince such a person that there is such a thing as a common good, that collective action might be needed, or that humans do not have an innate "right" to do whatever they want. Anthropogenic global warming challenges all their basic preconceptions about the world, and because they can't handle this challenge, they end up trying to tell the rest of us that they have found flaws in career scientists' theories.

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere continues to grow and we are facing record cold this winter. What more proof do you need that Global Warming is over-hyped? In 150 years of industrialization, the planet has warmed 1 degree according to scientists. That's really a very small amount to get all concerned about.

    Global Warming is BS. Climate Change is where it's at, but then there's the problem that Earth's climate has always changed and the scientists studying this phenomenon have not made enough progress to determine to what extent man's activities have an impact on climate change, and most importantly, if our impact is going to have a catastrophic outcome.

    The reason why skeptics abound is because global warming / climate change proponent's predictions often DON'T come true. When they say this will happen, and it doesn't, it gives one pause to consider the merits of their argument.

    Another thing that concerns me is that their research is not very publicly available. They have these climate prediction models that have been demonstrated to contain flaws. Why would you rely on such models that are incomplete? Saving the planet from this perceived problem is going to be costly, people are not going to be happy about that if it was all for nothing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gee I'm a "right winger" with a degree in Environmental Technology and many of my professors don't believe in the AGW theory so whats your point.

    I suggest you learn the meaning of the word THEORY and all your questions will be answered. Theory is science speak for "we actually have NO IDEA but this is our best guess" or in other words AGW = SWAG i.e. Scientific Wild *** Guess

    You also conveniently sidestep the FACT that many REAL scientists (unlike the left wing eco weenies) don't believe in the AGW scam either. So how can you possibly be anywhere near correct when not all of Science agrees with it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because we're the only ones who understand scientific method?

    The IPCC had to include anyone who could even loosely be described as a "scientist" to get the result they wanted. Even so, several of their hand-selected group sued to have their names taken OFF the report because it's blatantly political and void of any actual science.

    Among actual climatologists, you will be hard-pressed to find any thought more dire than an acknowledgment that maybe, somehow, mankind might be able to influence the climate. (which is pretty-much what the SCIENTISTS with the IPCC said, too)

    If Algore knows his stuff, why does he find it necessary to lie about it and to avoid any debate? Why is he LIVING as if he doesn't believe a word of it? Why are ALL of them doing so?

    Seriously, according to the IPCC alarmist/bureaucrats:

    -We're in "danger" of repeating the climate of the late 1930s.

    -If ALL human activity ceased it would make less than 1 degree of difference.

    -Warming was faster BEFORE the Industrial Revolution.

    From outside the U.N. and Algore we also learn that:

    -It has been several degrees warmer in the past, within recorded history.

    -No warming is in evidence away from urban areas and when you factor OUT data from weather stations that are no longer operating in their original environments, the whole problem disappears.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps it's that part about the typical right-winger being a truth-seeker, and a thinker instead of a "consensus seeker."

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