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How do I deal with being poor?

I have always been relatively wealthy and come from a wealthy background. My parents recently got a divorce and I spend equal time at both houses. Dad makes nearly tripple what mom makes. (Dad makes about a half million a year) My sister and I shop nearly everyday, or atleast every weekend. It has never been a problem before but now Mom is poor. She drives a 2007 dodge charger, lives in a small house (3 bed rooms, 2 1/2 bath) and we shop once a month at that. I have always been much closer to my mom then my dad but now I dread going to my mothers house. I hate it. I know I must sound like a big brat right now but really I am not. I just do not do well with change and am going through a big one. Mom was recently in a car accident. (Not at all her fault, was hit by a drunk driver who made his own turn lane) And now she does not even have the money to get the car out of the shop for at least another week. I feel like my whole world is crashing because I can not longer do what I am used to. I really do love my mom and I want to believe her when she tells me that things will be ok but it is a lot harder then I thought it would be. Can someone help me get used to the fact that things are different now and help me ease the pain a little? How do others deal with not having money? Thank you.


I am 14 years old. I do have a job but my father has me put my whole paycheck into my college fund because he says he will only pay half of my tuition.

Update 2:

Ok thanks to those who have taken time to help me and not just jumped to conclusions about my situtation. I have come to realize that I am not so upset about not being able to spend like I want to but it feels like everything I once knew is gone and it is the change that is over whelming.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe you should concentrate on helping your mother over this very difficult time. If she can adapt then so can you. Im sure you are not a brat, you just need to shift your focus off you and on to other people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he makes triple what she makes, doesn't that mean that she makes well over $100,000 a year, or at least that amount? That is considered a lot. I know that it's hard to adjust when you're so used to something else, so even though people are saying might think you're spoiled, and they're worse off than you dealing well, they've never lived the high life, and then suddenly had to go way down. Anyway, it's the same with people in Africa. It might not be as bad to them because they're so used to it. It's all they know. People like us in this country wouldn't do so well there because we'd feel a lot of discomfort since we've experienced stuff that is better. The only thing is that they suffer, so don't think I'm comparing the extremety of change between being average and going to Africa, and then being wealthy and going to average.

    You are complaining about the type of car you have though. You have 2 and 1/2 bathrooms? My house only has one small one that 6 people have to use. There's so many people who only have one bathroom. As long as the car isn't too embarrassing looking, and does the job, then what's the problem? A lot of people can't even buy a new car from like 2007, so they get older, used ones from years ago. Think, will less bathrooms and a bad car affect your happiness? It's just stuff. If probably affects your happiness because you THINK that's what you need to be happy, but really, that's not what you need to be content.

    You do know that your father would have to pay child support though, right? It's not like you still won't have his money for other things.

  • 1 decade ago

    You really need to get a hold of yourself.

    Your mother needs help adjusting as well, so find out how to adjust together.

    Ask her if she can help you think of fun things to do with your friends or with her that aren't expensive, and actually go out and allow yourself to enjoy it.

    Instead of shopping or other things that you'd normally spend money on, try making some things yourself - take up sewing to alter old things or make new things (you might be able to find a cheap sewing machine on a website like

    You could also try spreading out your money-spending trips to the mall or other places, try only buying yourself something nice once a week, instead of buying 4 things all at once. Make sure your selection is carefully considered, so that you'll be really happy with it for longer.

    You had freedom before, and it's not so much that you have to deal with being poor now, it's more-so that you have to learn how to budget what you do have/get. If you really feel that your mother needs more help, consider getting a part time job. Not just to bump her up because she doesn't have to give you money from her own pocket, but it's a great experience if you find a place where there's great people to work with as well.

  • ScSpec
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Try facing facts maybe that will help. You are superficial and a bit of a brat. Plus what you describe your mother having is much more than the majority of people have in many places, so she isn't poor. So get over your need to "shop" daily and try to devote some time to pursuits that may broaden your mind or help others who are less fortunate. You may not be able to keep up this life style after you leave home in any case, might as well get used to it now.

  • 1 decade ago

    we learn that our lives can change in an instant, to not put value on materials because they can be taken away quicker than what it took to earn it and accept people more.

    actually a 2007 car is not a bad deal and living in a 3 bedroom house is not a bad deal either. there are those that live in smaller places with older cars and with the job layoffs they are looking at loosing that as well.

    maybe you should change the way you look at your self and your life and say 'maybe the best thing I can do right now is start depending on my own and making my own way like going to college.'

    your mom is trying really hard to do the best she can and as much as you want things to go back to what they were it will never be the same and that is what life is unfortunately. yes bad things happen to the best of people but what makes a person strong is how they handle the changes that are thrown at them.

    I hope you handle yours with a smile for your mom and conviction of becoming a strong woman not only for your self but for your family.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't help but think of my son working every day after school from the time he turned 15 to help with the family bills. Or of my daughter who watched her younger siblings every night while I went to work, never whining about not getting to go out. I remember when I got sick the first time, how the kids all worked together to keep the house up and take of me and their baby brother and sister.

    I don't know how you deal with not being able to throw money around. But obviously it isn't by thinking of others, like your injured moither!

    My children didn't have money, didn't have new clothes or fancy cars, but we had each other. And I know they were and are a lot happier than you are. Perhaps you need to grow up and learn what is really important, like your mother and giving and caring. There is no price tag on love.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not living poor,you are merely living below your expectations and what you have been accustomed to. You should be glad you have a roof over your head, clothes, and food to eat. Be glad your mom is alive. If your dad is wealthy and really loves you he will take the car out of the shop for your mom, after all she uses it to take you places.

    Materialistic things do not make you as a person, underneath your clothes and makeup your just like everyone else who is poor.

    A rose is a rose even if you call it by any other name.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you just need to distinguish your NEEDS from your WANTS.

    needs: food, water, clothes, a place to live, having people who love you

    wants: Anything else that you could live without

    Try to concentrate on what you have at your mom's house that is good.At least you have food to put in your belly. You have clothes to put on your back etc..... and a mother who loves you very much.......

    Then try to realise that you don't need to have the BEST of everything to be happy. Your mom may have a t.v. but it may not be the nicest t.v. But at least it works.... and honestly, would you be THAT much hppier if you had a better one? Try to see that material things do not bring happiness. It is the love you show to others and that you receive that makes the difference. Just be happy you are alive.

    Hope this helps. It is hard to change your lifestyle when you are used to a certain way of life. But try to be supportive of your mom.

  • 1 decade ago

    You were hit with big changes suddenly so it is understandable that you are not happy about it.

    Your mother needs your care and support. Nothing wrong with a small house. Home is where the heart is.

    You may find your mothers home more cozy. Your dad makes lots of money but money is not everything.

    In time you will adjust. When the chips are down we find out what we are made of, what's important and who our friends really are.

  • 5 years ago

    You advise like a 'deal'? I try this, you, God do this? that should have been a protracted time in the past. in actuality, i think of there grew to become right into a technology of Protestants who, perchance after WW II? (and till now that) DID have self belief in not uncomplicated artwork=prosperity and this worked!! They did nicely. For a time. yet God would not artwork in 'deals', and maximum Christian protestants now have self belief in not uncomplicated artwork being 'righteous'. Now there are limits to this because of the fact they are in a position to then placed artwork first. i've got heard of this fake coaching. i've got heard of it in different components, that in case you're ill, then God isn't blessing. The bible teaches neither of those issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    think about all the things that you do have. your mom could have died, but she didn't. are all those material things more important than you mother's life? i don't think so. i have to struggle constantly and work super hard to get all of my bills paid, hopefully on time. there are a lot of things that i want, but can never get because i don't have the money. but i have food and a home and family and friends. a lot of people don't have those things. you could be a lot worse off. maybe you should try volunteering at a homeless shelter, you'll find that you have more than you thought.

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