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I am a total city girl. My passion is all star cheerleading. I have been doing it for almost 8 years. My friends and family are definitely my life. I live for them above all. Boys are one f my favorite things. My looks are important to me. Make up is my thing. Tanning salons are pretty much my favorite thing ever. I love almost anything classic. Audrey Hepburn, diamonds and Chanel. I love football season, my favorite time of year. Been a patriots fan since I was born and that is never gonna change. I love my boys. :)

  • Is he just trying to be a gentleman?

    I was texting this guy who I have been friends with for years and lately we have been pretty flirty. Last night, our conversation went like this:

    Him: "come over and lay with me babe"

    me: "I would if I could!"

    him: "and bang? (; "

    me: "Anything is possible (:"

    him: "I was kidding, but if you say anything is possible...(:"

    me: "We will see babe (:"

    him: "I want to do stuff with you, I just don't expect that (:"

    Is he just trying to be nice and a good guy, or does he not want to sleep with me? Am I reading waaay too far into this? Haha thanks in advance

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What does Wak status mean?

    So I am fairly certain that he is referring to jacking off, but my friend wants me to make sure because she is new to the world of boys and "sexting." She sent a picture of herself in booty shorts and a tight tank top to a guy whom which she has a thing with and he replied "thats wak status(:" Can some one please clarify what that means. Thank you(:

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Boy problem..........HELPPP?

    Okay, Me and this one guy went out 2 times. Before the second, he liked a girl named Maddy and then we hung out ONCE then he said he liked me,and we went out and Maddy was mad. So once we broke up the second time.... i still liked him and recently started talking to him and me and have been flirting he called me BABE like 3 times and said i was pretty and flirted ALOT.... aand told me he had a crush on me and Maddy, When WE were supposed to hang at church on night, MADDY showed up and he COMPLETELY ignored me...and now is hanging with Maddy all the time...and i try to text him and he hasent texted back for a week now ? Soo i dont get it ? my friends say to stop bothering him and let him come to me. But what if he never comes, i REALLY like him. ( aND WHEN WE WENT OUT WE NEVER MADE OUT SO HE THINKS IM PRUDE) i wanna prove to him thats its not true.... but idk what to do ? I am having a b-day party he said he wanted to come...but idk ? What SHOULD I DO ABOUT IT ALLL!!!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Boy problem..........HELPPP?

    Okay, Me and this one guy went out 2 times. Before the second, he liked a girl named Maddy and then we hung out ONCE then he said he liked me,and we went out and Maddy was mad. So once we broke up the second time.... i still liked him and recently started talking to him and me and have been flirting he called me BABE like 3 times and said i was pretty and flirted ALOT.... aand told me he had a crush on me and Maddy, When WE were supposed to hang at church on night, MADDY showed up and he COMPLETELY ignored me...and now is hanging with Maddy all the time...and i try to text him and he hasent texted back for a week now ? Soo i dont get it ? my friends say to stop bothering him and let him come to me. But what if he never comes, i REALLY like him. ( aND WHEN WE WENT OUT WE NEVER MADE OUT SO HE THINKS IM PRUDE) i wanna prove to him thats its not true.... but idk what to do ? I am having a b-day party he said he wanted to come...but idk ? What SHOULD I DO ABOUT IT ALLL!!!!

    22 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My mom is lying and hiding things from me.?

    So my Mom and I have a very open relationship. I tell her everything and I used to think she did too. Her and my father divorced about a year ago and our bond got even closer because I could tell her things and I knew she would not tell my dad. But lately like since summer of last year I have begin sensing that she is hiding quite a bit. Like she told me she was going to Vegas with her friend from work who I have known for years but she really went with a boyfriend and when I called her out said she had just forgot he was going too. She has done several things like this lately and ever forgot about my sister and I once because she was out with some guy. I am very against the use of drugs and alcohol. Even cigarettes disgust me. My mom helped me get a petition into my school to help get rid of smoking and now I am sure she smokes. When ever I get into her car, I smell it and it makes it hard to breathe. Her clothes always smell like cigarettes and she always goes on these long walks that my sister and I are not allowed to go on with her. It is not like she does not get alone time, we are only at her house 3 days a week. My mom also drinks a lot and goes out with guys she barley knows. It worries me especially because she drives too. I know she is not past legal limit or anything but it is still scary. The smoking thing bothers me more then anything because I am so strongly against it and I thought she was with me. I know that she does because I went through her purse while she was in the shower and she had a carton with 6 cigs in it then after she took a walk only had 5 and smelled like smoke. I have asked her before and she says that I am crazy and she is not but I know she is. What should I say to tell her that I care and am really concerned about her health. I am only 15 so I do not want to seem like I am telling her what to do but I would like her to know that I am really hurt by her lies and decisions.

    12 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with me?

    I am fairly popular, pretty, smart and get along great with guys. I have had a few boyfriends but nothing that really stuck, mainly just physical attractions. I have tons of guys asking for my picture and being like your pretty/hot/cute but never anything more. I am not boring, have a 4.0, am not high maintenance, and all that stuff but I never get past flirting. What should I change about my self to get more guys wanting a real relationship.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Anyone on the waiting list?

    I am a member and just trying to help everyone out by extending an invite to those who want to join. If you want an invitation then put up your email address and I will gladly send you one to the ultimate sample sale shopping paradise.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Taking my best friend to Canada.?

    My sister has a cheer competition in Canada and my family and I are driving. My best friend wants to go too. We are driving so passports are not required. Does my mother need to have some papers or need documents from her parents? Her parents are ok with the whole thing so it is not kidnapping or anything. Thank you.

    7 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • William and sonoma giant cup cake pan?

    I was given this as a gift and now I am helping to cater a poker party tonight. It is the HUGE two piece cup cake. I just got two boxes of betty crocker mix. (one to fill each half) Has anyone used these before and what are some tips on how to make the cake look as good as possible. Thanks

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is it my place to say something to my mom?

    My mom and dad recently got a divorce and my mom now has a boyfriend who I have never met. She is always talking to him on the phone, texting him and buying him things. She spends more time and money on him then she does on her own daughters. She met him about a month ago. They are already sexually active. I have found condoms, lubes, toys, coupons and other kinky things by her bed that were never there before. Plus I have read her texts which are very racy and graphic. I am worried that she is moving too fast. Should I say something to her? We have always been really open. She knows about all my relationships, my first time and all that, and she told me that she was not going to have sex again til she was married. Is it my place to call her lie or would that be inappropriate for a 15 year old.

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Could I be depressed or what could be wrong?

    I am the girl that most people want to be on the outside. I have more money then others, I get good grades, colleges are already looking at me to cheer for them (freshman), I hang with all upperclassmen, and my parents brag to just about everyone about how perfect my sister and I are. But my parents got divorced about a year ago and I have been in and out of eating disorder rehab for about 3 years. No one except my family and best friend know about the eating disorder and few people know about the divorce. For the last few months, I have cried just about every night with the exception of about a few days here and there. I do not really have anything to be sad about besides the divorce and my fights with anorexia. I tried to tell my aunt that I thought I might be a while ago and she laughed and told me to look at all the things I have. I have been "sober" from anorexia since July. Plus the things that I used to get really excited about, do not make me as happy anymore. I had a few suicidal thoughts but they were nor serious. Am I just changing a lot or am I depressed?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How do I deal with being poor?

    I have always been relatively wealthy and come from a wealthy background. My parents recently got a divorce and I spend equal time at both houses. Dad makes nearly tripple what mom makes. (Dad makes about a half million a year) My sister and I shop nearly everyday, or atleast every weekend. It has never been a problem before but now Mom is poor. She drives a 2007 dodge charger, lives in a small house (3 bed rooms, 2 1/2 bath) and we shop once a month at that. I have always been much closer to my mom then my dad but now I dread going to my mothers house. I hate it. I know I must sound like a big brat right now but really I am not. I just do not do well with change and am going through a big one. Mom was recently in a car accident. (Not at all her fault, was hit by a drunk driver who made his own turn lane) And now she does not even have the money to get the car out of the shop for at least another week. I feel like my whole world is crashing because I can not longer do what I am used to. I really do love my mom and I want to believe her when she tells me that things will be ok but it is a lot harder then I thought it would be. Can someone help me get used to the fact that things are different now and help me ease the pain a little? How do others deal with not having money? Thank you.

    24 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Long shot but who is the key board player in Miranda Cosgrove's Stay my baby video?

    He is probably the hottest guy I have ever seen and I was wondering if anyone knew who he is. Thank you

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Yahoo keeps emailing me best answer alerts for the same question. ?

    I got best answer on a question like a week ago and I have got over 20 emails telling me that my answer was chosen. How can I stop this from happening?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I was babysitting and I found porn on the computer?

    I was just babysitting. I needed to work on a project so the parents allowed me to use the printer and computer. I went to look at my pictures in the picture file thing and found countless photos of the dad, naked with like 10 girls all naked, most looked underage and all were drinking. He goes on busisness trips a lot so he is rarely home. She loves him more then anything and we always joke about him being in some hotel room with some skank while away and she laughs then swares that he never ever would do anything like that to her. Should I say something to her or him or do I just need to leave it?

    17 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • The Zone in Portland Oregon ?

    I live in Salem and I am tired of Razzles 2 or now Flirt and have heard that the zone is Portland is lots better. I was thinking about going on Saturday for the Christmas party thing. What is it like? It is safe for two 15 year old girls? How much is it to get in? All other information is welcome. Thank uou.

    1 AnswerPortland1 decade ago
  • The Zone in Portland Oregon ?

    I live in Salem and I am tired of Razzles 2 or now Flirt and have heard that the zone is Portland is lots better. I was thinking about going on Saturday for the Christmas party thing. What is it like? It is safe for two 15 year old girls? How much is it to get in? All other information is welcome. Thank uou.

    1 AnswerPortland1 decade ago
  • Is this an ok thing to do?

    Background: I was really good friends with this girl (Erika) in middle and elem. school but we both moved during 6th grade. She moved far away. I just moved to another town close by then I moved back for 8th grade. Her and I still talk sometimes and are still kinda close. While she lived her, she really liked this guy (Ryan) and they had a relationship. (Well what you call a relationship in 6th grade, more of a OMG you are so cute, will you be my boyfriend thing.) Then like a week later they "broke up" and every one seemed to forget and move on.

    Question: We are in 10th grade now, am I am starting to like Ryan and I think he might like me too. I would never mess with any of my friends ex's but does Ryan count? I don't really think he does because it was like a week long thing is 6th grade. Erika is in another state and it is hard to get ahold of her to talk, but do you think that it would ruin our friendship if I made a move?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Question about quest field?

    I am going to the patriots/seahawks game on the 7th. Kick off is at 1:05 so what time should I arrive? Is the field a dome? Should I know anything about parking? Anything else I should know about the field would be lovely. :)

    2 AnswersSeattle1 decade ago