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Could I be depressed or what could be wrong?

I am the girl that most people want to be on the outside. I have more money then others, I get good grades, colleges are already looking at me to cheer for them (freshman), I hang with all upperclassmen, and my parents brag to just about everyone about how perfect my sister and I are. But my parents got divorced about a year ago and I have been in and out of eating disorder rehab for about 3 years. No one except my family and best friend know about the eating disorder and few people know about the divorce. For the last few months, I have cried just about every night with the exception of about a few days here and there. I do not really have anything to be sad about besides the divorce and my fights with anorexia. I tried to tell my aunt that I thought I might be a while ago and she laughed and told me to look at all the things I have. I have been "sober" from anorexia since July. Plus the things that I used to get really excited about, do not make me as happy anymore. I had a few suicidal thoughts but they were nor serious. Am I just changing a lot or am I depressed?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First and foremost, congratulations on your abstinence from anorexic behavior for all these months. That is a huge accomplishment! I'm proud of you.

    As far as your "insides" (feelings, self-image) are concerned, the "outsides" mean essentially nothing. It's great that your grades are good, you have money and you have some colleges recruiting you. But you obviously know something doesn't feel right emotionally inside yourself. Honey, I'm sure your family members (including your aunt) mean well, but it sounds like they might not know how to help you with your feelings. Your aunt essentially invalidated what you were trying to tell her. I'm sure she didn't mean to do that, but she equates things with happiness, by what you said.

    With the little bit you shared, my guess is that you probably are depressed. Please tell your parents you believe you need to see a counselor, and ask their help in getting that set up for you. If they don't seem to want to help, go to your school counselor and get the ball rolling yourself. And I send my very best wishes to you!

    Source(s): (I am a licensed mental health counselor.)
  • 1 decade ago

    You sound very depressed and that's normal. Anyone who has had parents divorced or separated should feel sad and depression is sure to follow. Talk to the one who treats your eating disorder and don't leave anything out. There are some good anti-depressants on the market now with few side effects. It can make a big difference in the quality of life you have. There is nothing wrong with getting the help we need. Take good care of yourself.

  • It sounds like you meet all the criteria for Depression ! It dose not matter what your wealth or fame are and its sounds as though you are

    very pretty but you mind can get over loaded. There have been many

    people from all walks of life that Depression over took them and they

    destroyed their self. Look at Maryland Monroe,they say she had it all

    but in her thoughts she did not have the desire to fight for life.

    Seek the help you need if you have all the bad thoughts you say you

    do. If your parents love you they will listen but if they don't call a crisis

    help line.

  • 1 decade ago

    you're too young to be anorexic and depressed. just a phase that comes with cheerleading i suppose. make a list of everything you have to be happy about, then go out and each a big ol' whopper from booger king. kill 2 birds with one stone. okay it's a stupid idea, but maybe it'll work. don't know what to tell ya there slick.....don't worry about the nasty thoughts, they're presenting themselves to you because the way you're feeling.

    go out and watch some comedy movies. i laugh my butt off when i watch "over the hedge" when the chipmunk whatever drinks the energy drink at the end.

    don't worry about it, it won't last too much longer. can't get much worse, can it? can only get better.

    Source(s): been here done that....well not the anorexic stuff.....or the rich parents.....or the cheerleading..... okay, maybe i haven't been there or done that, but it doesn't sound very appealing.
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