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Are these contractions?

Yes, I do feel really stupid asking this. When I had my daughter, I didn't feel any contractions. My water broke, I went to the hospital, they gave me an epidural, I went from 4cm to 10cm in about 45 minutes and I pushed 3 times and she was out. Prior to the epidural, I was having contractions according to the monitor, but I wasn't really feeling any pain. This was also almost 7 years ago so this baby is almost like being pregnant for the first time all over again, lol.

I am at 35wks 5 days. I have been getting sharp pains in the lower part of my tummy that kind of radiates to my vaginal area. It only lasts for about 30sec to a minute. This has happened 3 times in the last hour. Are these contractions? Should I start timing them? I really do feel stupid, lol.

As of Monday, I am 3cm and 50%.

Thank you for your help and Happy New Years!!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, start timing. If they are regular both in duration and intervals, then they probably are contractions. If they are irregular in duration and intervals, then it's braxton hicks.

    Move around, walk around, take a shower, bake some bread. Whatever. If they go away, then they're not contractions. If they don't, then they coud definitely be contractions.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): doula in training
  • 5 years ago

    Sounds like Braxton Hicks contractions. If they look to be widespread, you must relaxation and drink a few water. The extra hydrated you're the fewer you'll have them. If you had been in early hard work, the contractions would not stop, they might simply hold getting more potent. As some distance as the release, so long as there is not any scent or whatever, it is average. Your frame raises vaginal discharge in training for supply, it's going to occur by way of the relaxation of your being pregnant. The diarrhea was once most commonly whatever you ate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes. nice story.

  • 1 decade ago

    They sound like contraction but you're not in labor if its only 3 times in one hour. When they become closer and don't go away you're in labor

  • 1 decade ago

    Anything that is repeated regularly like that means you should probably have the clinic check on it. Especially since you are still quite early. If they could stop labor now, they will and the earlier they can catch it the better. I wouldn't even bother timing them - just go have them check.

    For me, I've always noticed contractions to be when my whole belly just gets tight. Not really painful, at least not at the start, but tight.

  • 1 decade ago

    They could possibly be contractions. I would call the hospital and let them know what you are experiencing. I also had very easy deliveries and didn't have anything worse than period cramps for the entire duration of my labor. My first baby was born after 2 hours and my next was born 45 minutes after my 1st contraction. You don't want to deliver your child at home so it would be best to ask a professional for advice on this one. Happy New Year and Happy Labor Day!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Start timing, and I hope you've packed! I think you may have a New Year baby!

  • I would time them jsut in case. But, they coudl also be braxton hicks! At any rate..time to be sure. Maybe u will ahev the first New Years baby!

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