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*27 years old *Live in Tampa, Fl *Divorced- Not getting married again. *Live with my boyfriend who I will sometimes call my husband. *Have a seven year old daughter and 2 year old step-son. *Gave birth to the most beautiful little boy on January 23rd :) *Ovarian Cancer survivor, lost an ovary and a tube to get that way. *Love animals and would open up an animal rescue if I ever won the lottery. *Love to debate, and can pick either side... as long as I feel like I know about the subject.

  • Why is snapping a infant seat on to a shopping cart bad?

    I was reading some questions tonight and came across one that said snapping a infant seat on to a shopping cart was bad. I have never heard this before and snap my son's infant seat to the cart whenever we go shopping. What are the reasons why it is "bad"?

    Thank you Yahoo Answers for making me 2nd guess my parenting :)

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Comparing Abdominal Incisions, which recovery is worse?

    Last year I had surgery to remove an ovary, tube and VERY large mass. The incision was a vertical incision from my pubic area to about 3 in above my belly button. The recovery was quite awful. Getting in and out of bed, walking, etc.

    I am set to have another surgery on the 24th to repair an ventral/incisional hernia. The hernia is rather large so it will be an open surgery (as opposed to laproscopic) and the incision will be from my belly button to below my sternum. I was wondering if anyone could give me a comparison as far as recovery goes between the two locations of the incisions.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Need advice on recovering from surgery with a newborn at home?

    I am scheduled to have surgery to repair a hernia in a couple of weeks and was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to deal with the recovery time. I will be in the hospital for 2-3 days and then recovering for 6-8 weeks. My son will be about 8 weeks and I won't be able to pick him up during that time. The incision will be a vertical cut from the top of my belly button to the base of my sternum, so holding him while laying down is going to be difficult too. I won't be able to do anything to take care of him.

    I will have help from my family, staying with my mom for the first two weeks. My fiance will be taking two weeks off of work after that. I guess I am just looking for advice on how to deal with someone else taking care of my son for that long. If anyone has any tips on how to keep our bond during that time (sounds silly, but I really am worried), that would be wonderful.

    Thank you!!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Are these contractions?

    Yes, I do feel really stupid asking this. When I had my daughter, I didn't feel any contractions. My water broke, I went to the hospital, they gave me an epidural, I went from 4cm to 10cm in about 45 minutes and I pushed 3 times and she was out. Prior to the epidural, I was having contractions according to the monitor, but I wasn't really feeling any pain. This was also almost 7 years ago so this baby is almost like being pregnant for the first time all over again, lol.

    I am at 35wks 5 days. I have been getting sharp pains in the lower part of my tummy that kind of radiates to my vaginal area. It only lasts for about 30sec to a minute. This has happened 3 times in the last hour. Are these contractions? Should I start timing them? I really do feel stupid, lol.

    As of Monday, I am 3cm and 50%.

    Thank you for your help and Happy New Years!!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Should I let my ex-husband see our daughter on Christmas?

    A little background:

    My ex-husband and I have been divorced for a little more than 3 years. In our divorce decree, we left visitation very open. He can see her whenever he wants as much as he wants, but must give me 10 days notice prior to intended visitation. There is no set holiday schedule, as I am very willing to compromise on everything.

    Each year for the past 3, he has made the choice to only see her on her birthdays (which falls in Feb), Thanksgiving, Christmas and once during the summer. Has told me on several occasions that he would like to see her and then never follows through.

    Which leads me to my situation now. He called me the week before Thanksgiving and asked if he could have her either Wed night and return her Thursday morning or Thursday night to Friday. I had told him either were fine and to let me know which one he would like to do. He told me he would get back to me. That was the last time we heard from him until today. He did not see her on Thanksgiving and never called.

    He texted today asking me if he could have her on Christmas. I told him that we had made plans since we haven't heard from him, but that I would see if I could adjust them and let him know.

    So, what do I do? I don't really want him to have her on Christmas (the last time he saw her was in July). But I don't want to stand in the way. I just want others opinions on what I should do, so I can try not to make a blinded decision.


    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What happens to my possessions when my car is repossessed?

    I fell two and a half months behind in my car payment (Please don't judge, I am a single parent who doesn't receive child support from my ex-husband. I had ovarian cancer earlier this year and lost my job due to taking too much time off while I was sick. I have always supported myself and my daughter, it has just been a very tough year). I made arrangements with my finance company and paid 50% of my outstanding balance via Western Union on Monday. Even with that, my car got repossessed tonight. I have found through internet research that my finance company is known for doing that.

    My daughter's backpack and a few other things are in the car. I don't have the money to get the car back now and I was wondering what will happen to my possessions now?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What other veggies can I feed my hamster?

    I know that I can feed my daughter's hamster the occasional carrots, but what other veggies are ok for him?

    Current fresh fruits and veggies in house:







    He is a Syrian hamster, if that makes a difference :)

    Thank You!!

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • What do you think the McCain's and Obama's are talking about over dinner tonight?

    This is just a fun question. I just need a little comic relief today and I am sure you folks out there in Y!A land can come up with some witty answers.

    So, what do you think John McCain and the Mrs. are talking about? What about Barry and Michelle?

    I would love answers from both sides :)

    Remember, It's just for fun!!

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What is involved in the pulling of baby teeth?

    My 6 year old daughter has not lost any teeth yet. I noticed yesterday that her two bottom teeth have her permanent teeth growing in behind them. They have broken through the gum line and (with my best estimation) have grown in about a quarter of the way. I will be taking her to the dentist next week.

    It is my understanding that they will most likely have to pull her baby teeth if they do not come out on their own (one is a tiny bit wiggly, the other isn't wiggly at all). What is involved in the extraction procedure for a child? Do they give her Novocaine? I know the dentist is going to go over all of it next week, it is just driving me nuts :)

    Thank You!!

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Suggestions on a longer name for Sam?

    I am 24wks and we have been calling this baby Sam since we found out we were pregnant. I like the name Sam but I would prefer for him to have a longer name and just call him Sam (I know it may be silly, but that's just how I am). The problem is I don't like any of the names that start with Sam (Samuel, Samson, etc).

    Does anyone have any suggestions? His middle name is going to be Philip if that helps.


    13 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Blood between placenta and uterine wall?

    From 14wk to 15wk I had bleeding, the U/S showed that the baby was fine and that there was blood between the placenta and uterine wall. I was told to be on mostly bed rest until the bleeding stopped. I had my regular anatomy U/S at 18wks, they wanted me back at 20wks for another U/S because baby boy was being difficult and they were unable to measure his umbilical cord. The U/S tech that I had at the follow-up wasn't very clear on what she was looking at (she wasn't very pleasant), but I could tell that she wasn't looking at just the umbilical cord. So today I went in for my 24wk check-up and I asked the doctor what they were looking at in the previous U/S. She went over my chart and said that there was still blood between the placenta and uterine wall. She asked me if I was scheduled for anymore U/S and I told her no, she went and consulted with the "real" doctor (I go to an office that is a teaching office, so she is a 1st yr resident and I know that she is a real doctor, but I always like to say that), came back and said that if I have any bleeding go to the ER but everything should be fine. That there is really no concern.

    So here I am at home, searching the internet and everything that I find on this subject scares me. There are a lot of articles regarding premature labor and placenta previa in conjunction with blood behind the placenta.

    So I am wondering if anyone out there in Yahoo Answer world has ever had this and what was the outcome? Am I allowing the internet to freak me out for nothing?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Both Obama and McCain voted against more troop funding?

    McCain's reasoning was because there was a timeline involved. What was Obama's reason?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should birth control costs be split?

    I am asking this because of a Dear Abby question I saw and I just wanted to see what others opinions are about it...

    If a couple(unmarried) spilts all household expenses, should the cost of birth control also be split? If you could please give reasons for your answer that would be great. Again, I am just curious.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Cat doesn't meow... just opens her mouth and nothing comes out?

    My cat doesn't meow, she never has. She is a striped tabby, about 8 months old. It's the cutest thing. She will look at you, open her mouth and nothing comes out. I have never had a cat do that. It is almost as if she thinks she is meowing but no sound is being made. She is in perfect health and it doesn't seem to hurt her, so I am not really concerned about it health wise. We also have a siamese mix that meows enough for the both of them, lol.

    Has/Does anyone have a cat that does this?

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago