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Baby's First Birthday question?

Ok, so we are planning just a little party for our daughter's first birthday next month with just family (grandparents, a few aunts and uncles and cousins). Here is my question: Other than eating and opening gifts, what does everyone DO? Obviously, our daughter is too young for party games... Is eating and opening gifts enough? I mean, will everyone enjoy just hanging out and talking? I am just envisioning everyone standing around waiting for... something... What have your experiences been with first birthdays? Anyone have any suggestions?

8 Answers

  • *_*
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We had our son's 1st birthday last September and that's pretty much all we did. We had a buffet style of snacks and such so people could eat as they wanted. Our son opened his gifts and we served cake. While people were eating and before my son opened his gifts, we put in a DVD of all the pictures we had taken of him from birth to that day for everyone to enjoy and watch him as he grew. They all seemed to have a good time and everyone thanked us at the end for inviting them. We, also, only had grandparents, aunts/uncles and cousins invited.

    EDIT:If there are going to be some older children there you could always have goodie bags with some cheap toys for them to play with so they don't get too restless.


  • 1 decade ago

    The 1 year old will not have a clue but if the cousins(or other kids) are of an age that they would enjoy a couple of birthday games that might be fun to do. But mostly yeah for first birthday it is just chatting eating and the gifts. Just enjoy having the family together and take LOTS of pictures because you never know who may not be around later in your childs life.

    Source(s): mom of 3 - 14, 10 & 8
  • P
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I was wondering the same thing.

    I found a site with some interesting ideas

    These are my favorite ideas.

    Baby Gym Relay

    Have you ever noticed much moving your little one does.

    Most adults would find this exhausting! This relay race will give your guests a workout. Place two baskets at one end of a room and a pile of toys at the other end. Divide the guests into teams. The game starts at the pile of toys. Players take turns picking up a toy, crawling (or walking on their knees) to the basket, drop the toy into the basket and return to their team. Next player takes their turn and so on. Until all of the toys are in the basket. First team to finish wins!

    Baby Portrait Time

    This is supposed to be fun and with no artistic pressure.

    Give every guest some crayons, paper and a hard surface,

    or play at a table. Hold your baby where everyone can see him/her.

    When you say "Go" players have 30 seconds to draw the baby. When the time is up...switch drawings to the player next to you (clockwise).

    Say, "GO" draw again. Keep this going for several rounds (or as long as your baby can handle sitting) the pictures are quite entertaining. Remember,

    no artistic talent is necessary. Stick figures, abstract ...anything goes.

    After the party you may want to make a collage using all of the pictures and frame it - talk about an original work of art.

    Baby's First... Guessing Game:

    Before the party, collect photos, mementos, and hand drawn pictures of your babies milestones. Tape them onto construction paper and then mount them on the wall chronologically, but without dates. Examples of milestones: left hospital, first shots, 1st bath, first trip, slept through the night, 1st smile, met grandma, first solid food, first babysitter.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best part about a 1st birthday is watching them eat there cake. For my daughters first birthday it was also just family and a few close freinds and we ate and opened gifts. Then we socialized and had a good time. Everyone there had a good time watching her eat her cake. Sometimes family can't always get together and this event will be for celebrating your daughters big number 1 and also a time for family to get together.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think that eating and opening gifts is enough. Make sure the video tape her eating cake, that's always precious!

  • harpel
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I actually have a niece who loooves Dora (shes 2) How about like a Dora books, or coloring books? She also loves sidewalk chalk. & i imagine they only got here out with some 3D chalk... besides. solid luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    this is all i did for my daughters first birthday and it was really all that was needed. if you have to many things planed it could make baby cranky from all the hyperactivity

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    by then they'll just be glad to be getting out of there. I mean they may love her and all, but it's your kid not theirs and they'll be glad it's over and just want to leave!

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