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Does Co2 cause cooling?

The conclusion of Chillingar et. al., 2008 suggests that increasing methane does nothing interms of climate change and co2 leads to cooling. Now another paper has been published that suggests that high levels of co2 could have caused an ice age (see Telegraph article) and that increased co2 levels due to mans output will lead to cooling. Do you think they are right, or is this just because we are entering a cooling phase the scientists are now rethinking their hypothesis?

At least we can now be blamed whether it warms or cools due to Co2 emissions!


Firstly I didnt say I support their findings, the Telegraph articles sounds like they have merely assumed causation looking at one small period of time and is quite rediculous. I just find the timing of these recent papers humerous and wanted to know what others think.

I keep an open mind.

I suspect Co2 causes warming to a point but it then reduces with concentration to nothing which is commonly accepted. I dont think it causes cooling or significent warming in such trace amounts.

Update 2:

I will have to get hold of the rebuttal to read

8 Answers

  • David
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Greenhouse gasses cause the planet to cool? Come on now Hot Water, that is a bit outlandish even for you. Not even the biggest names in AGW skepticism make such a claim:

    Lindzen: "Finally, there has been no question whatever that carbon dioxide is an infrared absorber (i.e., a greenhouse gas--albeit a minor one), and its increase should theoretically contribute to warming."

    Spencer: "Now, you might be surprised to learn that the amount of warming directly caused by the extra CO2 is, by itself, relatively weak. It has been calculated theoretically that, if there are no other changes in the climate system, a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration would cause less than 1 deg C of surface warming (about 1 deg. F)"

    Source(s): Well I agree. No one disputes the fact that the more CO2 you have, the weaker it gets as a GHG. Glad you see you disagree that it causes cooling ; )
  • jeff m
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A few years from now they'll be back to worrying about a cooling climate and denying they ever said it would cause warming. Hysteria goes in cycles too.

    Does it seem to you that the countries which adopted the Kyoto protocol have lost a lot of entusiasm for the idea? They might be starting to realize that there is costs after all, surprise surprise

  • 1 decade ago

    Simple physics, any gas that absorbs infra red radiation will act as a green house gas. Both CO2 and CH4 are in this group. More gas means more impact. There is no leveling off. Its the same as putting on extra blankets, the more blankets the warmer you get. There is most definitely no cooling!

  • 1 decade ago

    Some things are so stupid, you have to wonder if they are serious. The theory about the snowball earth is that CO2 rose dramatically while it was covered with ice. The carbon cycle basically shut down because very little bacteria were being deposited on the ocean floor or buried. Only CO2 from volcanoes increased it so it accumulated for millions of years before it was sufficient to eliminate the global glaciers. There was so much CO2 that it precipitated as limestone deposits. To blame CO2 on causing an ice age because of that apparent high level of CO2 following a massive global ice age is either stupid or intentionally deceptive to give them a reason to blame CO2 in case it cools. I frankly wouldn't put it past many of the Climate Change types to swallow that given how easy they are to convince as long as the right people get blamed.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nope they're wrong

    Richard Alleyne's article in the Telegraph is nothing but an amazing mess of confusion

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    co2 removes oxygen and doesn't cause cooling

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but SO2 does

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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