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Mister J asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Can anyone show evidence that Obama was born anyplace other than the USA?

On the one hand, we have an authentic birth certificate (which on close examination says that he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA) that has been validated by the State of Hawaii. But, on the other hand, there is all this talk of his paternal grandmother "remembering" his birth in Kenya. But, no one has shown any authentification or genuine corroboration of this "fact." If anyone has this corroboration, please tell about it and please show it or show the link.


Lucy lou, I have three earned college degrees. I am not a pre-teen. Can't you tell that by my grammar and punctuation?

To others: this question has been in the air for quite a while, yet no one has presented any EVIDENCE that contradicts his birth in the United States. There has to be something concrete out there aside from the faded memory of an old woman that this rumor is based upon. I am just asking what that something is.

Update 2:

pznbob: It's a simple question. You either have evidence to support the claim or you don't. Show it, and let the world be the judge of its authenticity. From all of the unsubstantiated claims, it appears that it does not exist. Or, to put it more succinctly: The inauguration is in two weeks. It's time to put up or shut up.

Update 3:

Bud: You are begging the question without providing any proof.

Update 4:

Miss Kitty: Show us the divorce papers that say that, or any evidence that such papers exist. PLEASE, give us a link.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No they can't. His Birth Certificate has been provided and Certified by the Hawaii Dept of Health and the Lawsuit Challenging it was thrown out of the Court for being "frivilous" this ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court. As for the "grandmother" ting, that is a unsubstantiated rumour started by Philip Berg on a radio show, to date no tape of hIs Grandmother saying this has ever been produced.

    Yes the dispute the evidence provided, then provide no proof to contradict it and think that is the evidence - it makes no sense.

    Its not true he provided it long ago..

    Obama Was Born in the United States

    Monday, December 8, 2008 11:30 AM

    By: Ronald Kessler

    For months, I have been bombarded by e-mails claiming Barack Obama

    was born in Kenya and therefore does not meet the constitutional

    requirements to be president. I have also received hundreds of e-

    mails from readers asking why I do not expose the truth about his


    The truth is that Obama was born in Hawaii. Hawaii, by law, does not

    make original birth certificates public, and this has enabled

    conspiracy theorists to claim that there is something nefarious about

    the circumstances of Obama's birth.

    Instead, it allows the public to see a so-called certification of

    birth — also known as a short-form birth certificate — that lists the

    name of the baby and the date and place of birth but not additional

    details like the birth weight and the parents' hometowns.

    As claims of a cover-up mounted on the Internet prior to the

    election, Obama posted a digitally scanned image of his original

    birth certificate. But that enabled conspiracy theorists to say the

    image had been created by Photoshop. Obama then let, a

    nonprofit project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the

    University of Pennsylvania, view, handle, and photograph the birth

    original certificate at Obama campaign headquarters in Chicago.

    "The certificate has all the elements the State Department requires

    for proving citizenship to obtain a U.S. passport,",

    headed by respected former Wall Street Journal reporter Brooks

    Jackson, concluded.

    According to the State Department, that includes "your full name, the

    full name of your parent(s), date and place of birth, sex, date the

    birth record was filed, and the seal or other certification of the

    official custodian of such records."

    That led to claims by conspiracy theorists that the document shown to was fake. However, on Oct. 31, the Hawaii Department of

    Health issued a press release saying that Chiyome Fukino, director of

    Hawaii's Department of Health, along with Alvin Onaka, the registrar

    of vital statistics, had "personally seen and verified that Hawaii's

    State Department of Public Health has Sen. Obama's original birth

    certificate on record in accordance with state policies and


    Fukino told the Honolulu Advertiser that her department issued the

    press release after being barraged by calls about the issue,

    including some received by state officials at home in the middle of

    the night.

    "This has gotten ridiculous," said Fukino, a medical doctor.

    Aside from that official verification of Obama's birth in Hawaii,

    back on Aug. 31, 1962, the Honolulu Advertiser ran an announcement of

    his birth.

    "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalaniaaole Hwy., son, Aug. 4,"

    Left column, half way down under babaies thrive on carnation

  • 5 years ago

    Because he doesn't have to show it to any Tom, Dick or Harry who asks to see it. It's his right. You conspiracy people can't seem to grasp the concept that the Federal Election Committee, the FBI and the CIA have vetted the guy including seeing his birth certificate. And for your information, if a baby is born overseas to an American mother, that baby is an American too. As for the grandmother in Kenya being at the birth, she was talking about Barack's father who has the same, exact name.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It does make you wonder. The Libs sure circled the wagons when Obama was pressured to show a certified birth certificate showing where he was born.

    If you are trying that hard not to release something as simple as a birth certificate then you obviously have something to hide.

    August 21,1959 is when Hawaii became a state. If he was born in Hawaii before that date then technically he wasn't born in the United States. One of the requirements to run for President.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As corrupt as the government of Hawaii is, we have nothing. No one credible has seen such a certificate, and those in Hawaii would lie to get Obama seated, and if caught the democrats would defend and cheer them.

    How this thing works, is you don't ask others to prove a negative. You go ahead and make good credible disclosure of the actual certificate to credible authority.

    Back in the 1996 elections, the democrats totally refused to show contribution statements as required by Federal election law. This was the first time it's ever been done, and no one was taken to task for it and the election proceeded illegally when those who didn't show should have by law been disqualified. Well it turned out that they were covering up illegal Chinese campaign contributions to Bill Clinton.

    Before the 911 commission looked at documents in the national archive, Clinton's chief of staff Sandy Berger stuffed documents in his socks and underwear and took them home and destroyed them. He got a plea deal and no jail time. In the deal was a provision that he must complete a lie detector test. Later members of the justice department even let him go on the lie detector test ... we are going to trust that justice department? Considering the democrats history with documents we are going to trust in their honesty?

    Why do some have no confidence in a bunch of democrats making a self serving verification on documents?

    Gee, I wonder why.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When can we let this question finally rest?

    He was not born in U.S. Territory.

    Yes it is against the constitution for him to be President

    Does anyone care. NO. Give us Socialism Now!! That is what

    young Americans want. Get used to it. The constitution is history.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In light of these questions that have been looming - the State Dept., Justice Dept., or Homeland Security could clear this up in short order - by just validating his citizenship. Why haven't they ?

  • 1 decade ago

    All of the documents are sealed, which makes one wonder, if it is up to the voters to vet him, how are we supposed to do that?

    There is a leak that has surfaced, though, evidently they missed his mother's (1st)divorce papers which state there is one child of the marriage, born in KENYA.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. If anyone had such evidence, they'd surely have produced it by now!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Jen
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Please understand that the Justice Department and other governmental entities ensure that every candidate for the Presidency of the United States meets every qualification prior to his/her name being placed on a ballot. Please give this rumor a rest.

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