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Why are almost all of the states with the highest teen pregnancy rates part of the "Bible Belt"?


Don't they teach about abstinence down there?

34 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because we teach our poor little children sex education from an abstinence only perspective and don't give any alternative when it comes to risk factors and birth control. It is stupid to believe that all kids are going to listen and do what they are told. Yes abstinence education is said to work only because the percentages give it a false sense of being effective. If one child who recieves an abstinence only education gets pregnant or an STD because she didn't know about condoms then we have failed her.

    Source(s): Christian health teacher in the middle of the Bible belt.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I saw that too. Oddly enough, I would attribute it to kids acting out more so than them being christians. I graduated not 3 years ago. It was starting to get bad in my little rinky-dink town. I can't even imagine what it's like now in a big city public school.

    Oh please, Sweetness. I'm sure you have evidence of the idea all the schools in the states (or any, for that matter) are taking that approach. No? Oh, right, taking cheap shots for no apparent reason. (And, you get that many thumbs-up. That's actually kind of funny.)

    People have to want to be abstinent for that to work. These days, teens have little to no responsibility ( I was/am the same way and am almost 21). The lack of parenting has more to do with this than any religious affiliation. My father taught me well, though. In my 21 years, I have had no insatiable need to have sex, at all. Why? I have more important things to worry about. Kids at the highschool (and junior high, even) age have nothing to worry about. If they get pregnant, mommy and daddy usually are the ones that take the hit.

    Source(s): []D [] /\/\ []D
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The part off the female anatomy which these rednecks prefer is slightly below the bible belt.

    To be serious, I think that the rampant sexual repression in the southern states makes the forbidden act more desirable. And because sex is viewed as so evil that it's not spoken of. And I'm admittedly stating a stereotype when I say that southerners are less intelligent, but the fact that they continue to keep subjects that conflict with their religion repressed, whether overtly or covertly, lends credence to this claim.

  • 1 decade ago

    I say outdated programming . Its what most human would end up doing if we didn't have our minds occupied with other more important progressive activities. Also ,I think kids will use condoms when they are free and Easily available ,but that would be contrary to traditional belief systems in the Bible belt.

    Source(s): Life in big Lib cities and little Tennessee towns
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  • 1 decade ago

    You'll also find out that teens in the "silver ring thing" or other abstinence groups are more likely to have an unwed teenage pregnancy and an STD than teens who aren't !!

    It's all about lack of education !!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We'll the statistics should definitely show them that people are gonna go ahead and do it anyway, so you may as well teach 'em right, and teach them about safe sex, and use of contraceptives. Education should be their only option. It's incredible in year 2009 America, they are increasing funding to abstinence only based teachings. Bloody incredible! Thanks for the question..

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    this is basically component of it. The religiously inspired "abstinence in basic terms" application George W Bush poured $15 billion into became given credit for 26% individuals woman young ones contracting STDs. while the information got here out I did somewhat learn and located that 30% of the U. S. intense colleges accompanied the abstinence in basic terms application in lieu of proper intercourse training. a extensive proportion of young human beings that the two did and did no longer participate interior the abstinence in basic terms had engaged in sexual intercourse, abstinence in basic terms became shown to no longer be a deterrent (duh!), the numbers have been very comparable, bigger ninety percentile for the two communities. the foremost distinction became, risk-free practices became used lots greater in many cases by ability of the young human beings that gained intercourse training as adversarial to those that gained "abstinence in basic terms" darkish a protracted time eduction. The numbers I bear in mind are a real eye opener on the failure of abstinence in basic terms, in basic terms some million% of the young human beings that recieved proper intercourse training have been having unprotected intercourse, as many as 40% of the young those with abstinence in basic terms training have been doing it devoid of risk-free practices.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, do not have any statistics handy but I think you will find that the best indicators for teenage pregnancy are low income and lack of education.

    PS If confusion between the virgin birth and the immaculate conception is one of your pet peeves, you might be Catholic.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they ignore the human aspect of a human being. They are therefore unbalanced and unreasonable. Life is about being, not about death. Spirituality is about death and the two should not be confounded and or one ingnored over the other. In otherwords moderation in all things and forgiveness. Not bludgening people to death with egotisitcal subjective opinions.

  • Mike R
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    >Why are almost all of the states with the highest teen pregnancy rates part of the "Bible Belt"?<

    No matter how much we fail to follow YHVH's others commands, we seem to be able to follow the "be fruitful and multiply" one without err.

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