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I got a warning ticket for speeding! I wasn't speeding!?

I'm pretty ticked off right now. Just got home from town. On the way a Texas Highway Patrol Officer pulled me over for speeding. He said I was doing 79 in a 70. He is so wrong! I put my cruise control on 70 on the highway and do not speed - ever. If my car gets to 72 that would be as far as it might go down hill! It's now just his word against mine, but he's wrong and he doesn't believe he is. There were a lot of vehicles on the road, and so someone could have possibly been going 79, but it wasn't me. I was passing some semi trucks that were doing 65, but I did not exceed 70. What can I do or should I just blow it off! I just had to blow off some steam. He did just give me a warning, but I'm just as mad as if he had given me a ticket and that would be expensive. I don't know how in good conscience he could do this! I always thought the cops were the good guys, but this sure puts a tarnish on my opinion of them. So should I do anything? Write his bosses? Or just let it go?


To officer of 30+ years. I don't need anger management. I haven't threatened anyone with violence. I haven't even thought of anything but writing this officer's boss. If this officer has a habit of harrassing innocent people on the roads then one more name added to the pile that have already reported him would be in good order. If I'm the only one, then nothing would be done to him. I personally like cops. I don't like bad cops. Which one are you? They all look the same on the outside, good and bad that is.

Update 2:

Okay, for all of you police officers that think only you are right and anyone else is wrong. I was innocent and that is why I am infuriated. Of course if I had been speeding I would have been very thankful to get the warning. Having been completely innocent, is my only reason for getting upset about this at all. Of course we all know that officers aren't held to the same laws as us commoners and speed or break other laws at will and only show a bade to their brothers in the force to get out of it. I find it easier to follow the rules, not speeding or breaking other laws, and when I am accused wrongly, for some reason I am wrong. Go figure!

Update 3:

Just for my peace of mind, I will have my speedometer checked. I don't believe that's the problem as I drive a new vehicle.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First I'd suggest anger management!

    You seem to forget we're ALL human and subject to error! I wasn't there to see what the officer observed so...maybe he's right...maybe you're right.

    To say the least he gave you a warning only which is more leeway than many officers will give!

    If you're that angry, maybe a NICE letter to the Director of Highway Patrol describing your observations. Of course the officer should be allowed to defend his actions as well and in the letter suggest a meeting between you, his supervisor and the officer!

    Source(s): Police Officer +30 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are just doing our job. People like you are so disrespectful. We have to pull anyone we see speeding/ braking the law to "PROTECT & SERVE". Then after that takes place we can judge rather or not to give you a ticket!

    You obviously gave the officer no reason to ticket you so quite CRYING!

    Calm down!

    You are lucky to get a warning. Leave it at that. Some cops are a$$holes yes, but still, we are just doing our job. We aren't just protecting you we are protecting other innocent people on the road. If he says you were speeding. You were. Cops do not lie just to give someone a ticket. That is the last thing we want to do. It takes a lot of paper work and a lot of writing. Well for me anyways lol.

    It's a warning. Let it go!

    Source(s): Current Officer 6+yrs
  • 1 decade ago

    Let it go, thank your lucky stars too. I have no idea why this happend. You may want to check and make sure that your speedometer is working properly and your cruise control too. There are mile markers on some roads, or ask at a service station how to time the cars speed.

    It may be, that he saw soemthing else that you did that brought his attention to you possibly? Just continue to drive defensivly and use that cruise control as you do, it took me getting a few speeding tickets to pay more attention to my speed, and I am a defensive driver and a very courtious driver, I just do it fast.

  • 1 decade ago

    So did you get the ticket or not? Because if you didn't get a ticket, don't worry about it. Maybe he second guessed himself and was trying to save face, and that's probably why he didn't actually write you a ticket. You're lucky sort of. At least you don't have to go to court and fight it, or pay the fine.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Let it go, nothing will change anything. He prob was not sure if he was right to give you the ticket, so he just gave you a warning ticket.

  • Matt J
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    um you can go 5 miles over the speed Limit so you he said you were speeding by 4 miles over the speed limit and it's just a warning

  • 1 decade ago

    When was the last time your speedometer was calibrated? Police have the radars calibrated regularly (at least yearly) so that equipment is going to be way more reliable than you speedometer.

  • Anna P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It was a warning and there are no consequences. Maybe he clocked another car. I would just let it go--won't help you to stay mad. Do NOT write his bosses--they can put a note on your license plate in the computer and stop you again!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its a warning, therefore, you are VERY lucky and nothing will happen.

    Get a radar detector, they are a life saver.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get over it. You got off with a warning, consider yourself lucky.

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