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Lv 7

Christians who believe we cannot be moral w/o a belief in god... is that any god?

or does it have to be the Christian god?

If you say it has to be the Christian god you are saying that all Jews, all Hindus, all Muslims, all Wiccans, etc., are incapable of having morals.

If you say "any god will do", you are saying it is better to believe in a false god, a non-existent god, than in no god at all.

Or is there a third possibility that I have failed to see?

This question only applies to those who say we must believe in a god in order to be moral, but, of course, everyone is free to answer. You'll just be preaching to the choir if you are not of the targeted audience. :)


Suzi♥Squirrel, numerous theists, usually fundie Christians, say that. I am very well aware that not all Christians say it, but too many do. It is them I hope to get answers from. But they won't supply real answers, I'm sure.

Update 2:

ballardbutch, that does not answer my question at all. Try again?

Update 3:

Why do some Christians insist on answering every question with instructions on how to be saved? That is ONLY appropriate answer (however wrong the info is) when the question is, "How can I be saved, according to Christians?"

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "To accept a faith just because it is customary, means to be dishonest, to be cowardly, to be lazy. And do dishonesty, cowardice, and laziness then appear as the presupposition of morality?" Nietzsche

  • 1 decade ago

    Jews and Muslims believe in the same God as Christians. They just do things differently.

    I had a friend who converted to Christianity. He doesn't talk to me anymore because he feels my soul is corrupt without Jesus. He thinks I'm doomed and will lead a life of moral corruption and sin. I thought about telling him I found religion and now worship Zeus but I doubt he will see the humor....

    So no, most Christians think the only way to spiritual salvation is through Jesus Christ. Without him, they say, we are lost sheep.

    In answer to your last question, the Christian creed says they have to attempt to save non-believers. One of the more annoying things about Christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no word in the Bible that is translated as moral. It is not a Christian concept. The word implies that behavior is what is important, but the Christian concept is that the motive behind the behavior is what is truly important. If that motive flows from the love of God, it is good and if it doesn't, it isn't.

    But back to the word "moral". The word refers to universal law which we all ought to obey. That requires a lawgiver and that can only be a Creator. The word has no meaning for the atheist. It only has meaning for those who agree that we have an obligation to a Creator.

    If I were to be asked if I am moral, I would probably be at a loss as to what to say. I would probably say that I know how to behave myself because that's what most people think morality is, i.e. just behaving as society wants us to behave.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is none good none moral no one righteous but christ ...

    look shellie this is the gospel truth you are looking for some one to share the lie with some one to tell you your moral or a good person .. someone to blow smoke up your axx.. some bad theology from some weak knee misunderstanding wasn't paying attention christian who believes we rise and fall on our own merits .. that isn't a christian .. it's anything but .It's what a ton of people love to hear because it's subjective .. it precludes any need for jesus and adds to mans pride and says he's worthy or good enough etc.. it's satanic crap, a lie from hell .It's the quickest way to end up in the ditch .. the blind leading the blind with a lie that lifts the ego...

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  • comas
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    it quite is truly very easy. the worldwide is done of religions, philosophies and different ethical/ethical structures besides to human beings's individual ethical/ethical standards that are derived from those or synthesized from them. Social morality is a manufactured from our evolution while we began as tribal creatures that mandatory to cooperate to outlive. And early on, human beings worshiped the "spirits" of the organic forces they relied on and those genuinely ethical tries to placate/effect those spirits progressed into greater desirable and bigger (and greater precis) gods alongside with our experience of the "non secular" worldwide no longer based upon gods. human beings are clearly programmed to be ethical/ethical interior the tribe. habit in the direction of "outsiders isn't so effective. Our experience that we are all one "tribe" is amazingly vulnerable, regrettably. reward on your journey!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you don't have to believe in God to be moral anyone can be moral anyone can do good deeds you have to accept God ie, Jesus as your savior to be saved if you believe in God and his word the Bible which I do. There are many religions but not only one may be right it takes all faith, the key is to have faith believe in God trust in him that he sent Jesus to die for our sins and that he will keep his promise the who so ever believes in him shall no perish but have everlasting life. John 3 16

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most religious people apparently feel that mutual respect and empathy are insufficient grounds to treat each other decently.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sisters and brothers, it's deeper than that. That you have any morality at all is because there is God. Morality is a capacity beyond your instincts, beyond your chromosomes, beyond your DNA. Therefore even an unbeliever can possess some of it.

    The thing about having a relationship with the true God, is that you are then guaranteed to develop an even greater morality.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only the Jewish/Christian God exists, all others are false gods. The false ones are not Holy, but demonic & inherently evil.

    Source(s): Holy Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    Apparently without religion, they can't function.

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