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Lv 6
JEFF S asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Obama's lack of experience what do you think.?

He has none and I just want to know how this is all going to play out.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Experience is more than just lines on a resume. It's what you've seen, and learned, and thought about.

    In 2007, Obama had no experience in running a large scale campaign. His only races against Republicans had been against a candidate who was a joke for the Senate seat, or as the Democratic candidate in overwhelmingly Democratic districts. Other than his primary run in 2004, against a guy who had never before run for office, Obama had no experience in a tough campaign. Hillary Clinton, John McCain, John Edwards, and Joe Biden had all been in prior campaigns, and except for Biden had all had significant success.

    Obama put them all to school. He ran the first real 21st Century campaign in history, one that will be a model for other candidates for decades. It was the most skillful race since at least Reagan in 1980. So no, it doesn't bother me much that Obama has 'no experience'.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is this a re run of the Sarah Palin comedy show? Trying to run him down for being "just a community organizer" ??

    Friendly tip.. when running a political campaign.. it shows more intelligence to talk about WHAT THE PROBLEMS ARE, AND WHAT YOU BELIEVE WILL HELP SOLVE THEM.

    Months of what the GOP did, nothing more than attempts to discredit and ridicule Obama (so called palling around with terrorists, blah blah) .. did not work.

    The "he does not have any experience" line, did not work for the election. It showed a lack of intelligence on the GOP side, who wrongly believed that smears are the way to win an election. And that, of course, clearly showed that Obama had more intelligence than they did, by not running that kind of campaign.

  • 1 decade ago

    A great number of people voted for him for one of two reasons: {1] they consider him black, although he is half white; {2] he is a Democrat and they would have voted for anyone but a Republican. Obama did not win this election on his own merits. It is not going to play out well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hopefully better than Bush's lack of experience played out.

    Don't tell me he was Governor of Texas. I live in Texas and know the power that the Governor has (the Lt Gov has the power).

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Refer back to the days of another inexperienced Democratic President with a Democratic Congress for a deja vu experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    The question is what experience do you need to be considered as experience is adequate for presidency. Plus, what other presidents were in the same "lack of experience' category as Obama. JFK. George Washington.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well how do you get experience other than just doing it, and all these people who voted him in must think he can stand and think on his feet and will stand by what he does. Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    as opposed to McCain's military experience? I'd rather vote in a Harvard Law Grad, top of the line, hard-working American from humble roots, than another war-mongerer.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only really good indicator we have so far has been his cabinet picks, which have mostly been good.

    He may be inexperienced, but he is surrounding himself with mostly very experienced people.

    So I am cautously optimistic.

  • 1 decade ago

    absolutley. He cant even vote yes or no. (he voted present over 100 times in congress, not yes or no to a bill.)

    3- experience and now president???

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