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Lv 5
Link asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

What's this? Hamas offered a ceasefire in December, why did Israel refuse?

"The proposal to renew the ceasefire was presented by a high-level Hamas delegation to Egyptian Minister of Intelligence Omar Suleiman at a meeting in Cairo Dec. 14. The delegation, said to have included Moussa Abu Marzouk, the second-ranking official in the Hamas political bureau in Damascus, told Suleiman that Hamas was prepared to stop all rocket attacks against Israel if the Israelis would open up the Gaza border crossings and pledge not to launch attacks in Gaza.

The Hamas officials insisted that Israel not be allowed to close or reduce commercial traffic through border crossings for political purposes, as it had done during the six-month lull, according to the source. They asked Suleiman, who had served as mediator between Israel and Hamas in negotiating the original six-month Gaza ceasefire last spring, to "put pressure" on Israel to take that the ceasefire proposal seriously. "

And Israel DOES acknowledge that Hamas approached them with a renewed ceasefire deal:

"The interest of Hamas in a ceasefire agreement that would actually open the border crossings was acknowledged at a Dec. 21 Israeli cabinet meeting -- five days before the beginning of the Israeli military offensive -- by Yuval Diskin, the head of Israel's internal security agency, Shin Bet. "Make no mistake, Hamas is interested in maintaining the truce," Diskin was quoted by Y-net News agency as saying."

And as it should remind people, Israel chose during the 6 month truce from June on to choke off the 1.6 million people of Gaza by starving them and cutting off their food, medicine, and even UN aid. Nearly 50% of the population of Gaza are children under the age of 14, that is 700,000 at least are minors.



There has not been a suicide bomber since 2005. And we are talking about Gaza's ports, their own waterways, to receive aid.

Update 2:

And Israel's acts are nothing short of ethnic cleansing. Do you want IMAGES of the victims?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course there have been Hamas suicide bombers since 2005! What on earth are you talking about? Want the list of victims???

    Hamas kept on firing missiles EVEN as they were making that 'ceasefire' offer. Also, aid has ALWAYS gone into Gaza.

    Perhaps you should take a quick look at what Hamas TV shows the group's leaders saying about what they want to do to Jews? They've been openly saying this for years:

    Hamas: religious duty to kill Jews

    Hamas insists Islam must commit genocide on all Jews:

    Palestinian religious leader: 'The Jews are the AIDS of the world'

    2000, Gaza Mosque: Imam insists: 'Jews must be butchered'

    Palestinian Arabs supported Hitler: here is the secret document Hitler gave them in 1941

    Palestinian Christians persecuted by Palestinian Muslims


    Oh, and here are SOME of the suicide bombings that YOU state 'never happened':

    July 22, 2008: Sixteen people were wounded when a man drove a bulldozer into a bus and four other vehicles in central Jerusalem. The attack was an attempted copycat of an earlier attack on Jerusalem’s Jaffa Road on July 2, 2008. T

    July 2, 2008: An Arab resident of Jerusalem deliberately drove a bulldozer into pedestrians and vehicles in central Jerusalem, overturning and flattening a number of buses and cars. Three people were killed and 66 injured in the attack.

    April 9, 2008: Two Israeli civilians were killed and two wounded when Palestinian terrorists attacked an Israeli-controlled border crossing where fuel is piped into Gaza. The attack at the Nahal Oz depot was carried out by members of various terrorist movements, including the Popular Resistance Committees.

    March 6, 2008: Eight men, seven of them teenagers, were killed when a Palestinian gunman entered the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem and opened fire. The terrorist also wounded nine in the attack before he was killed at the scene.

    February 4, 2008: A 73-year-old woman was killed and 40 people were wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up in a shopping center in the southern city of Dimona. A second bomber was shot by a police officer who noticed him reaching for his explosive belt. Both HAMAS and Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack.

    January 24, 2008: Two terrorists entered the Mekor Hayim High School Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion, south of Jerusalem, and stabbed two students. The terrorists were killed by two of the counselors in the room. HAMAS claimed responsibility for the attack.

    January 24, 2008: Rami Zoari, 20, from Beersheba, a border police officer, was killed and another female officer was seriously wounded after terrorists approached the entrance to Shuafat refugee camp in northern Jerusalem and opened fire on a group of Israelis. The Battalions of Struggle and Return, a previously anonymous offshoot of Fatah's Al Aksa Martyrs' Brigades, claimed responsibility for the attack.

    December 28, 2007: Two Israelis were killed by Palestinian terrorists while hiking outside of Hebron. A third hiker managed to escape.

    January 29, 2007: Three people were killed in a suicide bombing in a bakery in Eilat, the first suicide bombing in the city. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

    June 25, 2006: Eliahu Asheri, 18, of Itamar, was kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists from the Popular Resistance Committees while hitchhiking from Betar Illit, southwest of Bethlehem, to Neveh Tzuf, where he was studying. His body was found on June 29 in Ramallah. Israeli Authorities believe Asheri was murdered by his captors shortly after his kidnapping.

    April 17, 2006: Nine people were killed and at least 40 wounded in a suicide bombing near the old central bus station in Tel Aviv. The blast ripped through Falafel Rosh Ha'ir, the same restaurant that was hit by an attack on January 19. The Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades both claimed responsibility for the attack.

    The HAMAS led PA government defended the suicide bombing, calling it an act of "self-defense." Hamas official spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called the attack "a natural result of the continued Israeli crimes against our people".

    March 30, 2006: Four people were killed in a suicide bombing outside Kedumim in the northern West Bank. The Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades took responsibility for the attack.

    January 19, 2006: At least 30 people were injured in a suicide bombing near the old central bus station in southern Tel Aviv. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • 5 years ago

    no longer possibly. Hamas did no longer "proceed" the truce. They nevertheless shot rockets into Israeli cities. to enhance the embargo might mean that Hamas might only have extra time to usher in weapons to apply against the Israelis. the rather Hamas information avert peace in any form. The Hamas shape: "Israel will exist and could stay to tell the tale until eventually Islam will obliterate it, only because it obliterated others formerly it." "The Islamic Resistance stream believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for destiny Moslem generations until eventually Judgement Day. It, or any area of it, should not be squandered: it, or any area of it, shouldn't settle for up. " "there is not any answer for the Palestinian question different than by way of Jihad. initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and ineffective endeavors."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why did they refuse?

    America searched for one man, not a gang or anything one man, throughout the whole of Iraq - we knew that wasn't the reason but people turned a blind eye until it was too late. The petrol is gone and they got what they wanted. Now they are invading everywhere as if Terror is there.

    No, I take it back. It is harsh to blame, America, for the wrongs of Bush! Bush searched for one man...

    Israel is a puppet of America and the people behind the government curtain. The people cannot see it nor can a lot of people because it is so sinister. But doesn't it explain, how Israel has the courage to do such a thing?

    And how about the Senate approving that Israel is right in what it is doing?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Israel's emissary to Cairo, Amos Gilead of the defense ministry, returned home Friday, Jan. 9, reporting he had found nothing in Egypt's ceasefire proposals worth his government's consideration.

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  • 1 decade ago

    IT's really sad what this israeli person answered... Um why don't you show him about what YOU did to palestinains... Why don't you tell him about the 61 years of occupation and about the over 200,000 killed Palestinians...This is what israel is.. an occupying, terrorist country. It's history and EXISTENCE is based on massacres... I do not belive they are humans.

    Source(s): My knowledge
  • 1 decade ago

    Because anyone with any sense can see that Israel are NOT defending themselves here.It's laughable when people say they are.

    Do you round people up into a building and then bomb it to defend yourself?I think not.

    It seems Israel are interested in some ethnic cleansing of their own these days.What a damn shame.

    Israeli's are under threat of attack while the Palestinians actually ARE under attack

  • Hahahahaha!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If your neighborhood was the constant target of suicide bombers as Israel is, would you unlock your fence for them?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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