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Laith asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Overcoming severe jealousy?

There is a girl that I like a lot, but she has already said that she only wants to be friends. I am trying to accept it, but when I see her talking to other guys and she is getting along with them better than she does with me. I start to feel really jealous, so much so that I often have to leave and calm down. I want to get rid of the jealousy because there is no reason for me to get annoyed by her talking to other guys and it has caused me to say some things that I really regret saying.

How can I overcome this feeling?


A couple people seem to be misunderstanding.

First of all I am not blaming her for anything. I know this is all on me.

Second of all we were friends long before I told her that I liked her. She told me that my friendship is important to her and we still talk every day. I am not trying to force a friendship.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Realizing your feelings is the first step to being able to change or control them.

    YOU NEED A PLAN thought out ahead of time to help you with these feelings. Now that you know you are feeling jealous, think of the things that triggers the jealousy, and tell yourself or write out how you WANT to be able to handle these situations whenever a trigger arises.

    Prepare yourself for the triggers of jealousy, think things through ahead of time, make a plan and practice how you will control your feelings or what your PLAN is to get through it BEFORE an incident happens.

    Your plan should be something that you say to yourself or remind yourself in the moment, WHY you shouldn't overreact. Such as, knowing that there is another girl out there 1,000 times better that you will love 100,000 times more so there's no reason to fret over this one. Or something positive that distracts you from what she is doing, like reminding yourself that you're better than getting upset, you're a good person and you will not let someone make you out to seem like the bad guy.

    Don't allow someone to have so much control over you, and remember that no one can hurt you without your consent, so stop letting her hurt you by not allowing yourself to be hurt. You're in control, and you deserve someone who will make you feel like your the greatest guy in the world.

    My best advice is talk to yourself during these times. NOT NEGATIVELY, but positively. Get in the habit of talking to yourself (silently of course) more, because maybe your lack of control is stemming more from the fact that you aren't in touch with yourself. Get to know yourself again, and talk yourself through it. You are the best friend you will ever have, so take care of yourself.

    Hope this helps just a little, or at the very least, gives you a little bit of insight.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's a hard one. Jealousy is caused by insecurty in a lot of instances; it's not really about the person you are getting jealous over. Maybe you feel jealous because seeing her talk to other guys reminds you that (in your mind) she did not feel you were good enough for her and that those guys are better than you. And that hurts you. That's why you are saying the things you are, because you're hurt. But you are not being fair to her, because she is not responsible for what YOU THINK.

    You're going to have to remind yourself that she just doesn't like you in that way and it isn't a personal thing. It just happens sometimes. Sometimes you just don't feel the chemistry with someone and it's got nothing to do with them or you. You are going to have to remind yourself that she is NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND. You have no claim to her and she can speak to date, kiss and sleep with anybody she wants. It is not an insult or any disrespect to you and you need to stop taking it as one because YOU ARE NOT HER MAN. If you don't be careful, she isn't even going to want to be your friend. And you will have f_cked it all up for nothing, because you couldn't get over your hurt feelings.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jealousy will destoy any realationship!

    My best advise is that if a womanlikes someone more than me or I feel threatened by a freindship I have understood that she has choices just like you and I do... I can not control-her nor the way she acts or doesnt act. Be accepting of the fact she is happy and as long as you allow your self to control this way of thinking. your freindships with the oppisite sex will always be good and then if she does like me for more than just a freind then Great. It was meant to be! Keep in mind only you can control your behavior and lern acceptance because its not ever worth loosing a freindover...

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, no one ask you to be his/her friend, friendship just happen as me and my friends always hang around and do stuff...if a girl wants you just to be friends, she is in a process to completely dump you. Move on and find other great friends or girlfriends!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Try going out with another girl.

  • 1 decade ago

    you like her..alot as you said and your feelin hurt becuz she didn't want a relationship so becuz you still have feelins for her it bothers you that shes talkin to others..youll get over it in time.. just compose yourself though.

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