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  • Website that tracks all NHL training camp roster cuts?

    I like to keep up with players from the WHL as they try to make it into the NHL and it is a pain to surf all the different NHL sites trying to find out who has been cut, especially when I don't know which teams all of the players are trying out for. Does anyone know of a site that keeps track of roster cuts across all the NHL teams. All the big sites don't really cover the cuts unless it is a well known name but I want to see all of them.

    1 AnswerHockey10 years ago
  • How strict are the camera rules at WWE events?

    I'm going to my first ever WWE event in August, a Smackdown house show. Since it's my first time seeing a live WWE show in my 14 or so years of being a fan, I would love to take some pictures to remember the moment.

    On the ticket it says no video cameras. I have a relatively small digital camera that does take video. Do they check you for cameras before letting you in and will you get in trouble for using flash photography?

    5 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Why doesn't the image fit on my HDTV.?

    We recently purchased a 47" Phillips 1080p LCD tv and we are noticing on the HD channels. The picture is wider than the tv. So the left and right side of the picture are cut off. I have fiddled around with all the settings on the tv, and on the HD box. Tried all the different formats. but the sides still get cut off.

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • WWE policy on taking pictures during shows.?

    I may be going to a WWE houseshow in a couple months and I am curious on what the WWEs policy is on taking photo's of wrestlers during the shows. Are you allowed to take photos?

    I know at hockey games you aren't allowed to take photos because they don't want anyone making money off of player photos and that seems like something the WWE would be concerned about too.

    I'm looking for people who know from experience. I've seen fan photos of events, but I don't know if they just got away with taking the pictures or what.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Google Analytics interfering with browsing?

    Lately out of nowhere I have been having an issue where many sites (I'm assuming ones that use google analytics) redirect me when I try to visit them, and all I get is a blank page that just loads forever and says "waiting for And no matter how many times I refresh or click back, it just takes me to the same blank page that won't load.

    It seems to be an issue with firefox because chrome and IE seem to be unaffected, but nothing changed in my firefox the day the issue started appearing, I didn't download and new add-ons and none of my current ones updated.

    It's not malware or spy-ware, none of my programs found and issue and even after reformatting my hard drive the issue persisted.

    This only started a couple days ago out of nowhere, and I can't seem to find any causes for it on my end.

    1 AnswerGoogle1 decade ago
  • I have internet but can't connect?

    I can connect to the internet just fine when using firefox, I can browse pages with no issues. But for some reason when I open up Internet Explorer. It says it can't connect.

    On top of that, anything I try to download always gets connection errors when I try to install it. Things like Google Earth say it can't connect to the server even though I have internet. Also when I try to upload images on most uploading sites. I get more connection errors.

    I adjusted all my firewalls, including the one in my router. It still won't connect on certain things. The odd part is. It was all working fine before I left on vacation and my computer was off and no one had access to it or my router, but when I got back. It all stopped working.

    I have ran anti-viruses, anti-spyware, and anti-malware programs and they found nothing. I have tried downloading other programs to help, but I can never get them installed because of connection errors.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Issues when texting between different phone providers.?

    I am on a Virgin phone and for the most part I have no issues texting people, however, when I text my friend in the US she rarely ever gets my messages. She is on AT&T.

    Is there any known issues that might be causing this?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Can't meowing non-stop since yesterday night.?

    Starting last night my cat has been meowing pretty much non-stop. It started when I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep. She kept jumping on the bed meowing and purring. Then running under the bed and meowing some more. Whenever I called her she would jump onto the bed for a couple seconds then run back off.

    When I woke up today she went right back at it. Well I sat at the computer she sat at my feet looking up at me meowing. The only time she stopped was when she was sleeping.

    She has food and water. I know she isn't in heat because she is meowing differently and she doesn't stick her butt in the air when you scratch her back end like she usually does.

    The meows just sound like her regular meows when she wants attention, but just constant pretty much. She doesn't seem unhappy or anything.

    Anyone have an explanation?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Was it right to tell my friend that I think her boyfriend is a bad person?

    I am a guy, and my friend has a boyfriend. I knew this guy before she met him and although I didn't know him all that well from what I saw with his last girlfriend and the way he talks about girls. It's pretty obvious too me that the guy is shallow and doesn't really care much about women.

    I warned her about him when she first started talking to him and she thanked me but said they were just friends. A few months later it was starting to get pretty obvious that they were together but I didn't know for sure. I tried to stay out of it because I really didn't want to know the truth.

    But recently I just got tired of knowing she was with this asshole. So I decided to bring it up. I sent her a message explaining my thoughts and told that she could ignore it, listen too it, or talk to me about it.

    She decided to talk to me about it and asked me about some of the things he had done. I explained and she tried to defend him, but I kept coming back with something she couldn't find an answer for.

    I don't know what affect this will have on her, but I will find out over the next little while. I am hoping she will realize the truth.

    I am just wondering, was I in the right place telling her that her boyfriend was a horrible person?

    13 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How did you overcome your severe anxiety?

    I've had severe anxiety issues for years now. I didn't always have them but when I got into my teens they started to show. It's pretty much killed my social life and even though I want to go out and do stuff and live my life. I am to worried about what might go wrong. I over think things and am afraid to try them.

    How did you guys get over your anxiety problems. I've tried googling peoples stories, but they always seem to be trying to sell a book.

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Will lack of work experience make a difference?

    I am 19 years old and applying for my first job. (I know that a little old to just be starting my first job) I am applying at a grocery store and I am wondering if my lack of any work experience will have any major affect on whether or not they will hire me.

    2 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • What should I say, should I even say it?

    My friend hasn't spoken to me in over a month because I acted stupid. It seems like she intends to talk to me again at some point, but this last month was really hard to take and these last couple days have been even harder. I've been feeling pretty depressed and I miss her.

    I want to tell her this, but the thing is. I don't want to guilt her into talking to me again. I don't want to make her feel like she is in the wrong because I know I am the one who screwed up and brought this on myself. Anyone have any idea how I should say it without making her feel bad? Or should I just keep my mouth shut?

    14 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How do I make this feeling go away?

    There is a girl that I like, but I always had this feeling that she didn't like me back, not even as a friend. I really wanted her to like me, but I ended pushing too hard and made her uncomfortable. Now she won't talk to me.

    Today my buddy surprised me by calling me out of the blue and asking me what was going on between me and the girl. He is her friend too. I thought no one knew what was going on, but I guess he clued in. He started telling me how she would talk about me and say I was a sweet guy and a cool guy and all sorts of stuff. Now since I talked to him, I've had this horrible feeling in my stomach. I also have an overwhelming urge to punch the wall.

    I can't relax or anything. I don't know if it's guilt for what I did or if it's fear that she won't ever talk to me again. I have apologized to her many times, but she still won't talk to me.

    How can I make this feeling go away?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • What do I do about my friend not talking to me.?

    This Valentine's Day will mark exactly one month since my friend stopped talking to me.

    Basically I have strong feelings for this girl and I let my feelings cloud my judgment and I started acting weird towards her. I ended up making her uncomfortable. Basically she said I was being a creep. I realized what I had been doing before she even said anything and apologized, but it was too late. The last thing she said to me was "Give me some time, maybe we can start over"

    Well it's been almost a month now and I am starting to get worried that this may be permanent. I have apologized to her many times and I really do feel horrible for what I did, but I can't get anything out of her. She won't even say hi to me. I really miss her and want her to like me again, but I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried everything I could think of (except for threatening or lying to her. I am not trying to force her to do anything) but I just can't get her to budge. This really has me down. I can't stop thinking about her. Everything reminds me of her. I so badly want things to be good again so I can try to handle things the right way. I really want to change.

    There are some positive signs. She hasn't blocked/removed me on any of the things that I have contact with her. (Myspace, Twitter, Cellphone, Xbox live, skype)

    I just don't know what to do.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • How old do I look in this picture?

    I just want to know how old you think I am. Not asking for your opinion on how I look, but I guess you can give an opinion if you want.

    I'll tell you my age after I get enough answers.

    62 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Severe depression when trying to sleep.?

    During the day I usually feel pretty good. I am hoping to go back to school next year and I am really looking forward to it.

    However, when I am trying to fall asleep. I start to feel really pessimistic about the future. I just get this feeling that there is no point. I start thinking "What if I go to school and I fail?" or "Am I just going to finish school, get a job and that's it?"

    I also starting feeling like there is no point in having friends. You are just going to lose them at one point. I ask myself why I even try to make friends.

    The thing is during the day I feel the complete opposite. I feel good about everything. Lately I have been afraid to sleep. It only lasts a few minutes, but the feeling is so horrible.

    What's wrong with me?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is she avoiding me or am I insecure?

    There is this girl I know online. I've known her for roughly seven months. I didn't talk to her much when I first met her, but after a couple months I started to talk to her more and more.

    Since I've started talking to her more though. I've noticed something. Sometimes she is really hard to get a hold of. I only know her online, but I have various ways of contacting her.

    Sometimes when I try to talk to her on skype, she won't answer. She only replies to a few of my text messages and often when I am talking to her. She will stop talking for no reason.

    I was starting to think she was trying to avoid me, but when I asked her about it. She said "I love you too much to avoid you", and not only that. Whenever I ask her why she wasn't answering me at some point. She always has a reason. Like it was her brother using her computer or something along those lines.

    I want to believe her, but there are times where I am almost 100% certain she is there. She still won't answer though. I've given her chances to come clean and admit it, but she always denies it. No matter how unlikely her excuse is.

    She has no reason to go through this much effort to avoid me, but still pretend to be my friend. She doesn't have anything to gain by pretending to be my friend, but some of this is just too weird and I am very confused.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • girls, Are my legs too hairy? ?

    I've been motivated lately to improve my body image. I've been working out, and resisting those urges to eat fast food.

    I am just wondering if my legs are too hairy, and if so. Any tips on how to reduce the abundance of hair. (besides plucking, that would take way too long.)

    9 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Overcoming severe jealousy?

    There is a girl that I like a lot, but she has already said that she only wants to be friends. I am trying to accept it, but when I see her talking to other guys and she is getting along with them better than she does with me. I start to feel really jealous, so much so that I often have to leave and calm down. I want to get rid of the jealousy because there is no reason for me to get annoyed by her talking to other guys and it has caused me to say some things that I really regret saying.

    How can I overcome this feeling?

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How do I get her to open up to me?

    There is a girl that I want to talk to more and get to know better. At the moment I talk to her everyday, but I am always the one to start the conversation and it's really hard to get her to say anything to keep the conversation going.

    If I ask her something like how her day went, she will just say something like "It went alright" and that's all. Most of the time all I get from her are "lol"s and what not.

    I would think that she just doesn't want to talk to me, but she almost always replies. She has told me that she wants to be there for me, and on a number of occasions she has said "I love you" (I know she only means it as a friend). These aren't things someone would say if they didn't want to talk to you.

    The only times I can ever get her to ask me a question, or state an opinion is if I am having problems with something in my life and she is trying to help me.

    How do I get her to start actually talking to me?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago