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Have you ever ACCIDENTALLY given someone a thumbs down?

I meant to give a thumbs up, and I accidentally clicked on the thumbs down (sorry, Sushibug, if you're reading this). Anyone else ever get "click-happy" and click on the wrong thing?

Speaking of clicking on the wrong things, I was looking for something at Dick's Sporting Goods online, and I can assure you that their website is NOT *****.com. Whoops. Lesson learned.


Ha! They edited my question...

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I also have done that. I always get "click-happy" wish they can let you undo that but no option for it :( oh well. Yeah they have crazy things when looking up something completely Honest. I remember my grandma was looking up information on enemas (wanted more info on it) anyways and this whole porn site came up with men doing it to other men and women doing to other women and her face was PRICELESS!!!!!! Poor thing was just wondering how it all works and if it actually works, she got a whole different thing on how to use it, haha.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL! That is WAY too funny! I'll never forget back when I was working in Marketing I emailed my boss a web site to check out. ONE slip of the key and I emailed him a porno site. LOL! I was mortified!!!! LOL!

    and to answer your question yes I have gotten click happy before and I even starred something I didn't mean to. If you click again on the "star" though you can take it away. Not sure about thumbs down though...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I have accidentally given a thumbs down before :/

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it's happened! I felt a bit guilty.

    I also got a cute email from somebody a few months ago saying she gave me thumbs down on a question in Women's Health by mistake, and she was emailing me to apologise and tell me she thought my answer was right! LOL


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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I have. Several times. And I know it is silly but I feel so bad about it.

    Thanks for the comment about the sporting goods store. That made me chuckle. And sadly I can see myself doing something like that.

  • 5 years ago

    specific! that kills me whilst that occurs! like on each and every occasion there's a supper sturdy answer it by no ability fails to pass over and hit the thumbs down and on each and every occasion there's a terrible impolite answer i by danger hit thumbs up!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes i hate when that happens

  • lol YES! I always get so upset when I do that; you should be able to change it if you want.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    dammit...i even did it JUST right now!!!!

    sorry zion!!!

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