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"Where were you when . . . "?

MSNBC is running a promo about the upcoming inauguration of BO. The t.v. spot claims, "Years from now, Americans will ask, 'Where were you when Barack Obama was inaugurated?'"

I find this fascinating, to compare the inauguration of this con man to a world-shattering event that will go down in infamy.

People remember where they were when Pearl Harbor was bombed or when Roosevelt died or when Kennedy was killed or when the Challenger exploded or when Princess Diana died and or when the Twin Towers came down.

But no one remembers, save for the immediate family of the president himself, where they were during any one inauguration, unless of course they were actually at the inauguration.

While I find the notion that the details of BO's inauguration are something that the world will sear into its collective brain, I do love the fact that it is being credited with the potential to have the same impact as an enormous world tragedy, which of course it is.

In ten or twenty years, do you think you will remember where you were and what you were doing on the day BO is crowned?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If I remember it at all, it will be for exactly the reasons you state: because we are being forced to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know I'll remember where I was, in DC at the Lincoln Memorial, standing next to Dave Chappelle staring at the Washington Monument. Even if I wasn't at the inauguration, I'd remember wherever I was because it really is a grand moment in history, whether you support him or not. For years, African Americans have struggled to gain any power in our country, and only a few years ago when my parents were growing up, black children could not attend regular schools, drink from regular fountains, or talk to regular people outside their own race without the fear of being followed and lynched. Having an African American president is a huge deal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I highly doubt I'll remember. Just the same way I remember where I was when Bush Sr, Clinton, and Bush Jr were inaugurated (oh wait, I don't...)

  • 1 decade ago

    i suppose i will remember since the media is already asking us if we will. to disagree with you though, i do not believe BO being elected is a tragedy. I just disagree with the media's fascination of him. the coins, the plates, it's all too much. he is not president yet, but yet there is so much memorabilia already for him to live up to. i'm sure he will kick ***, but what if he doesn't? will everyone throw away thier coins and break their BO plates?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I will be bored to death and taking out the trash.

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