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How well do you know your favorite character?

1) First the introductions: What's his/her name and what story is (s)he from?

2) Does your favorite character come from your favorite book?

3) Does (s)he have any siblings?

4) And what of love interests? Any of those?

5) How would you describe this character?

6) What clique would (s)he be in in high school?

7) What is in his/her refrigerator?

8) Uh oh. Looks like your character is in a support group. :( Why would that be?

9) The whole support group thing didn't work out, and the character contemplating suicide. How do you talk him/her out of it?

10) If your favorite character were a superhero (or villain), who would (s)he be? Does (s)he have an arch nemesis?

11) (S)he's walking to the check-out lane in the grocery store when someone with a cart full of groceries races him/her to the line, cutting in front of her. All your character wanted to do was buy some chips. How does he handle the jerk in front?

12) While walking to work, (s)he notices that the "Hot Now" light is on at the nearby Krispy Kreme! Joy! Though there is the very high probability of being late for work, no one can resist the 'Hot Now' light (or can they?). What does the character order when inside.

13) (S)he's stranded on an island with one person and two items. Who/what are they?

14) After going through quite an ordeal, your favorite character is saved and encouraged to go to therapy in the event of trauma. Does (s)he agree to go? If so, what is (s)he willing to tell the therapist? A bad childhood? A bad relationship?

15) All that money you spent on therapy was a waste. You wake up one morning to find that you look like a certain fictional vampire. Thousands upon thousands of screaming fangirls threaten to swarm upon you with declarations of love and questions as frightening as "will you bite me??" How does the character react? (I don't know if therapy will be enough this time).

16) Minutes or years later, (s)he dies. :( Everyone has to at some point. What is written on the tombstone (assuming there is one)?


And let's try to be diverse, please? I don't mind if I get multiple answers featuring the same character--after all, your favorite is your favorite. But if I get a vast majority of 'Edward's, I will do something drastic.

Update 2:

This is more fun than I thought it would be! :D

I'm getting some fantastic answers

Update 3:

Idiot kid is female: 'certain fictional vampire' = Edward Cullen from Twilight, who many girls -obsess- over. A young girl even asked Rob Pattinson (who plays him in the movie) to bite her neck. ...No lie.

Update 4:

By the way, if you want to do more than one character, I'm totally okay with that. I know this is late, but I'll leave the question up for another day or so.

18 Answers

  • reader
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ) First the introductions: What's his/her name and what story is (s)he from?

    Let's go with one of my favorites, and oldest best friends,OK? Hank Stamper, from Sometimes A Great Notion, by Ken Kesey.

    2) Does your favorite character come from your favorite book?

    For the sake of argument, yeah, it's pretty much my favorite. I've certainly read it the most, which is saying a lot!

    3) Does (s)he have any siblings?

    One half brother.

    4) And what of love interests? Any of those?

    His wife, Viv.

    5) How would you describe this character?

    Strong, brave and true. Also stubborn as hell.

    6) What clique would (s)he be in in high school?

    Outsider/Jock (really)

    7) What is in his/her refrigerator?

    Venison and beer.

    8) Uh oh. Looks like your character is in a support group. :( Why would that be?

    Oh, I really don't think so. Sorry.

    9) The whole support group thing didn't work out, and the character contemplating suicide. How do you talk him/her out of it?

    Again, not gonna happen. Not a snowball's chance.

    10) If your favorite character were a superhero (or villain), who would (s)he be? Does (s)he have an arch nemesis?

    Well, in the eyes of his personal Billly Batson (which is his little brother, Leland Stanford Stamper), Hank really is Captain Marvel. Poor little Billy spends much of the book trying to either be the Captain himself or turn him into another Billy.

    11) (S)he's walking to the check-out lane in the grocery store when someone with a cart full of groceries races him/her to the line, cutting in front of her. All your character wanted to do was buy some chips. How does he handle the jerk in front?

    Well, it's a small town so he'd know the person. He'd smile into his hand and probably pluck a snack from their cart to eat while he waited. All the while he'd be flirting with the cashier, whom he probably "dated" in high school.

    12) While walking to work, (s)he notices that the "Hot Now" light is on at the nearby Krispy Kreme! Joy! Though there is the very high probability of being late for work, no one can resist the 'Hot Now' light (or can they?). What does the character order when inside.

    He'd ignore it. Viv would have already have served him pancakes and eggs and bacon. He's a logger. Doughnuts aren't going to cut it!

    13) (S)he's stranded on an island with one person and two items. Who/what are they?

    His cousin, Joe Ben, a rifle, and a pack of cigarettes. Or maybe one of Viv's bag lunches.

    14) After going through quite an ordeal, your favorite character is saved and encouraged to go to therapy in the event of trauma. Does (s)he agree to go? If so, what is (s)he willing to tell the therapist? A bad childhood? A bad relationship?

    He'd never go. He'd just go out and shore up the bank some more, in order to prevent his house from floating away. Or, really, he'd go hang a certain signal flag. Then he'd get back to work.

    15) All that money you spent on therapy was a waste. You wake up one morning to find that you look like a certain fictional vampire. Thousands upon thousands of screaming fangirls threaten to swarm upon you with declarations of love and questions as frightening as "will you bite me??" How does the character react? (I don't know if therapy will be enough this time).

    He'd laugh, get in his boat and make his way out to the show to top some timber. He knows all about false stardom.

    16) Minutes or years later, (s)he dies. :( Everyone has to at some point. What is written on the tombstone (assuming there is one)?

    Never Give A Inch.

    Cool question, T.S.R.! I had fun with it.

    ***Edit) By permission...

    1) Patrick Bateman from American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis

    2) A recent favorite, much on my mind of late.

    3) Oh, yeah! Nasty little Sean.

    4) Um, not exactly how I'd put it, no. He does date though.

    5) Let's just say troubled. And, well, shallow, yet motivated. Yeah, motivated, I like that.

    6) Whichever one has the most money and the nicest cars.

    7) You do not EVEN want to know! But besides all that he has some very wholesome muffins, and a bottle of vodka in the freezer.

    8) Feelings of inadequacy, I'd guess.

    9) I'd tell him I bought him his very own copy of Body Double and that we could watch it together later. Then I'd bring a LOT of friends with me.

    10) Hmm, Does Mr. Jigsaw qualify? For a nemesis, I'd say the huddled masses. Or the ATM machines.

    11) Follows her to her car and does unspeakable things, right in the harsh glare of the parking lot lights.

    12) Krispy Kremes are beneath our man. He has his pastries flown in from France.

    13) A call girl, an axe and a spare Armani suit.

    14) Pretty much anything. No one in their right mind would believe him anyway.

    15) I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

    16) This Is Not An Exit.

    ***Edit) And again... (with apologies to Kelsey)

    1) Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

    2) Pretty darn high on my list, yeah.

    3) Yes, two thoroughly irritating sisters.

    4) Several, to varying degrees and depending on how loosely you're willing to use the term.

    5) Brave and conniving and self interested to a fault.

    6) The Mean Girls.

    7) Well, not radishes, I can tell you that for sure!

    8) Trust issues. She wonders why no one trusts her.

    9) I'd send Ashley round. She always perks right up when she sees him.

    10) Catwoman, for sure. Nemesis? Mother Teresa, maybe?

    11) Cat fight!!!

    12) She'd buy a dozen and eat them all herself, telling Mammy to hush up.

    13) Ashley, her purse (filled with gold), and a hog.

    14) She'll go and say none of it was her fault. Ever.

    15) She'd most certainly say fiddle dee dee and accept the homage.

    16) I'll think about that tomorrow!

    Source(s): Okay, I'll stop now. This is the most fun I've had on a question in forever, I'm serious.
  • 1 decade ago

    1) First the introductions: What's his/her name and what story is (s)he from?

    Elphaba, from Wicked; by Gregory Maguire. I don't think I'll do a very good job on this, to be honest.

    2) Does your favorite character come from your favorite book?

    No. Wicked is definitely near the top of the list, but no.

    3) Does (s)he have any siblings?

    Yes, NessaRose. EDIT; CRAP, I forgot Shell. I've listened to the songs a million times but I've only read the book once, cause I'm in the middle of reading "Son of a Witch", which is the sequel xD;;;

    4) And what of love interests? Any of those?

    Oh, Fiyero. He had been in a marriage since age seven, so it was kind of an affair. And she got him killed, so it wasn't very happy for very long.

    5) How would you describe this character?

    How to describe Elphaba....cynical woul be obvious and yet not enough. Elphaba actually thinks about things. For example, would the devil really be the devil if he tried to be good? Is it our intentions or our actions that matter most?

    6) What clique would (s)he be in in high school?

    Loner. The girl who preferred being left alone. Except in the book, she made an unlikely friendship with Galinda. But how often does that happen?

    7) What is in his/her refrigerator?

    Nothing with water. XD

    8) Uh oh. Looks like your character is in a support group. :( Why would that be?

    To topple the Wizard from the rule of Oz and give Animals equality rights.

    9) The whole support group thing didn't work out, and the character contemplating suicide. How do you talk him/her out of it?

    Nobody could talk Elphaba out of anything. x) I think she'd stick around anyway, for Sarima and Fiyero and Nor. Maybe Liam.

    10) If your favorite character were a superhero (or villain), who would (s)he be? Does (s)he have an arch nemesis?

    She'd be neither. She'd be the person preferring to work backstage but shoved in the spotlight. She would what would give to what she thought would be the greater good. If it were right or wrong, if it hurt people or be it. I'd say her arch nemesis is the Wizard.

    11) (S)he's walking to the check-out lane in the grocery store when someone with a cart full of groceries races him/her to the line, cutting in front of her. All your character wanted to do was buy some chips. How does he handle the jerk in front?

    If it really bothered Elphaba, she'd probably scare them off. It wouldn't be that hard for her. She's quite clever....

    12) While walking to work, (s)he notices that the "Hot Now" light is on at the nearby Krispy Kreme! Joy! Though there is the very high probability of being late for work, no one can resist the 'Hot Now' light (or can they?). What does the character order when inside.

    Well, for one, if Elphaba ever went inside a Krispy Kreme, it would be because Galinda dragged her inside. XD I think she'd get the glaze custard filling. If there is one.

    13) (S)he's stranded on an island with one person and two items. Who/what are they?

    Fiyero, oil, and food.

    14) After going through quite an ordeal, your favorite character is saved and encouraged to go to therapy in the event of trauma. Does (s)he agree to go? If so, what is (s)he willing to tell the therapist? A bad childhood? A bad relationship?

    She would not go. Even if she was dragged in, she wouldn't talk. Unless the therapist was Sarima. In which case Sarima would be required to listen to her and Elphaba could gain forgiveness at last :D

    15) All that money you spent on therapy was a waste. You wake up one morning to find that you look like a certain fictional vampire. Thousands upon thousands of screaming fangirls threaten to swarm upon you with declarations of love and questions as frightening as "will you bite me??" How does the character react? (I don't know if therapy will be enough this time).

    If she looked like a certain vampire? She'd give all the fangirls a heart attack by telling Bella she didn't care about her and actually meaning it (because bella wouldn't leave Edward alone. Assuming she's real xP But if Elphaba is, why not?) But she wouldn't take too kindly to the fangirls. x)

    16) Minutes or years later, (s)he dies. :( Everyone has to at some point. What is written on the tombstone (assuming there is one)?

    I don't think there'd be a tombstone - and if there was, I could not begin to imagine what's written on it!

  • 1 decade ago

    1) First the introductions: What's his/her name and what story is (s)he from?

    Rhett Butler, Gone with the Wind.

    2) Does your favorite character come from your favorite book?


    3) Does (s)he have any siblings?

    A sister.

    4) And what of love interests? Any of those?

    Not a first, but he soon falls for Scarlett.

    5) How would you describe this character?

    In a word: Scoundrel.

    6) What clique would (s)he be in in high school?

    Party boy, but the "designated driver" who is a little tipsy himself.

    7) What is in his/her refrigerator?

    Brandy (Do you refrigerate brandy?), and Rhett Butler doesn't need anything else. He pays someone to shop for him and someone else to cook.

    8) Uh oh. Looks like your character is in a support group. :( Why would that be?

    Because Scarlett ripped his heart out, not to mention the loss of Bonnie.

    9) The whole support group thing didn't work out, and the character contemplating suicide. How do you talk him/her out of it?

    Rhett doesn't care enough to kill himself anymore. Sure, there's nothing to live for, but why die?

    10) If your favorite character were a superhero (or villain), who would (s)he be? Does (s)he have an arch nemesis?

    Captain Rhett, the Batman of Georgia. His arch nemisis is The Yankee.

    11) (S)he's walking to the check-out lane in the grocery store when someone with a cart full of groceries races him/her to the line, cutting in front of her. All your character wanted to do was buy some chips. How does he handle the jerk in front?

    "Pardon me, ma'am, but I do believe I was in front of you. Kindly finish your business and move along, or I might do something drastic."

    12) While walking to work, (s)he notices that the "Hot Now" light is on at the nearby Krispy Kreme! Joy! Though there is the very high probability of being late for work, no one can resist the 'Hot Now' light (or can they?). What does the character order when inside.

    He could resist for sure, but why should he? He can be late for work -and- have donuts, you know.

    13) (S)he's stranded on an island with one person and two items. Who/what are they?

    Belle Watling, a gun, and a lifetime supply of brandy.

    14) After going through quite an ordeal, your favorite character is saved and encouraged to go to therapy in the event of trauma. Does (s)he agree to go? If so, what is (s)he willing to tell the therapist? A bad childhood? A bad relationship?

    Of course he doesn't go. He can deal with his own problems.

    15) All that money you spent on therapy was a waste. You wake up one morning to find that you look like a certain fictional vampire. Thousands upon thousands of screaming fangirls threaten to swarm upon you with declarations of love and questions as frightening as "will you bite me??" How does the character react? (I don't know if therapy will be enough this time).

    He tells them that if they weren't women, he'd rightly fight them. Then the fangirls leave immediately.

    16) Minutes or years later, (s)he dies. :( Everyone has to at some point. What is written on the tombstone (assuming there is one)?

    "I don't give a damn." Perfect, huh?

    Source(s): All these answers are post-GwtW, by the way. They would be quite different if we were talking about the middle of the novel or something.
  • 1 decade ago

    This will probably be done, more than once, but the character I know most about is from a very popular book. I am going to do Hermione Granger. She is not necessarily my favourite character from Harry Potter as Luna, Ron, Ginny, Dumbledore etc are all up there too. But I can only choose one, and she is one I know most about.

    1) First the introductions: What's his/her name and what story is (s)he from?

    Hermione Jean Granger - Harry Potter series

    2) Does your favorite character come from your favorite book?

    Yes, but I have a lot of other favourite books too (like The Notebook and Waiting for Christopher)

    3) Does (s)he have any siblings?

    She's an only child.

    4) And what of love interests? Any of those?

    She goes out with Viktor Krum, but very obviously fancies Ron. In the end, Ron and Hermione marry and have children.

    5) How would you describe this character?

    Loyal, intelligent, brave, smart, a good friend, kind and strong

    6) What clique would (s)he be in in high school?

    She would be the one who fits into many groups, yet somehow none at all. She is very pretty, but not fake pretty like the populars. She clever but not a total nerd. Anyway, Hogwarts doesn't have cliques - it has houses. So I'd say Gryffindor.

    7) What is in his/her refrigerator?

    Muggle foods, as she comes from a muggle family. Most likely healthy, sugar-free foods as her parents are dentists.

    8) Uh oh. Looks like your character is in a support group. :( Why would that be?

    She would be in a support group for those who have lost loved ones in the fight against evil.

    9) The whole support group thing didn't work out, and the character contemplating suicide. How do you talk him/her out of it?

    Tell her she has so much to live for, like Ron, Rose and Hugo. I'd let her know that she was one of the bravest people I knew and to die like this would not be fitting. Lastly, I would remind her of what a difference she'd made to the wizarding world and she is important.

    10) If your favorite character were a superhero (or villain), who would (s)he be? Does (s)he have an arch nemesis?

    She posseses the qualities of a superhero. However she does not have an arch nemesis. Her vendetta is merely against evil itself.

    11) (S)he's walking to the check-out lane in the grocery store when someone with a cart full of groceries races him/her to the line, cutting in front of her. All your character wanted to do was buy some chips. How does he handle the jerk in front?

    She politely tells him off. When he doesn't move she transfers to the next line along, it was moving faster anyway.

    12) While walking to work, (s)he notices that the "Hot Now" light is on at the nearby Krispy Kreme! Joy! Though there is the very high probability of being late for work, no one can resist the 'Hot Now' light (or can they?). What does the character order when inside.

    The character does not go inside. As she works in the wizarding world, she would not in fact have passed that Krispy Kreme at all.

    13) (S)he's stranded on an island with one person and two items. Who/what are they?

    She would take Ron, her wand and a book.

    14) After going through quite an ordeal, your favorite character is saved and encouraged to go to therapy in the event of trauma. Does (s)he agree to go? If so, what is (s)he willing to tell the therapist? A bad childhood? A bad relationship?

    Hermione is very strong, if she did indeed agree to go, she would only tell the therapist what she wanted to.

    15) All that money you spent on therapy was a waste. You wake up one morning to find that you look like a certain fictional vampire. Thousands upon thousands of screaming fangirls threaten to swarm upon you with declarations of love and questions as frightening as "will you bite me??" How does the character react? (I don't know if therapy will be enough this time).

    She simply transfiguires herself back to her original state and appearance.

    16) Minutes or years later, (s)he dies. :( Everyone has to at some point. What is written on the tombstone (assuming there is one)?

    Here lies Hermione Jean Granger 1979 - 2079.

    Loving wife, mother and a friend to all.

    Her goodness shall never be forgotten.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Perry Smith, In Cold Blood

    2. Yes

    3. 3, Fern and jimmy, both deceased, & Barbara

    4. Nope

    5. Sociopath at times but still able to care about someone. A person who dreams of travel, and a bit of a pack rat. Physically, very short, with torn up legs from a motorcycle accident, brown hair, and darker skin

    6. I think he would be one of those people who really didn't belong anywhere, he's just to intense and introverted of a person

    7. He's on the run from the law, he doesn't have a refrigerator

    8. He killed four people, who never did a thing to him

    9. I'd probably try to convince him that he didn't want to kill those people he was forced to by Dick

    10. Dick sort of acts as a friend in the story, but you can see that they're only together for convenience, the both hate each other. However, it wouldn't truly be good versus evil, because Perry is every bit as guilty as Dick if not more so because he felt compassion and then killed the Clutters anyway

    11. Just steps back and tries not to think of ways to kill him

    12. Plain, glazed, although I doubt that the hot now sign would lure him in, in the first place

    13. Dick, damn it, his guitar, and lots of maps

    14. A Lot of things, a neglecting mother, an abusive father. The suicides of a beloved brother and sister. The guilt of a quadrupole homicide. The therapist would run out of the room screaming

    15. I'm pretty sure a pistol to his own head would be involved

    16. Simple, Perry Smith, born 1931 died 1965

  • Olive
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1) First the introductions: What's his/her name and what story is (s)he from?

    Robert Jordan from For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemingway.

    2) Does your favorite character come from your favorite book?

    One of my favorites :)

    3) Does (s)he have any siblings?

    I don't think so.

    4) And what of love interests? Any of those?

    Yes, Maria, who he meets on his journey.

    5) How would you describe this character?

    Calm, resolute, and quiet with apparent internal conflicts. While he is almost disillusioned with the organization he is working for, he is committed to his task with a tenacious willpower.

    6) What clique would (s)he be in in high school?

    Probably slightly nerdy as he turns out to be a professor as well as a guerrilla fighter.

    7) What is in his/her refrigerator?

    Some Spanish food as he spends the whole novel in Spain.

    8) Uh oh. Looks like your character is in a support group. :( Why would that be?

    LOL. Perhaps he needs help getting over things he saw in the war.

    9) The whole support group thing didn't work out, and the character contemplating suicide. How do you talk him/her out of it?

    Well, actually, he commits suicide in the book. If I could have prevented it by bringing a horse for him and telling him he could indeed escape, I would do so.

    10) If your favorite character were a superhero (or villain), who would (s)he be? Does (s)he have an arch nemesis?

    Jordan would be Batman maybe, lol. Pablo is the closes to arch nemesis I can think of.

    11) (S)he's walking to the check-out lane in the grocery store when someone with a cart full of groceries races him/her to the line, cutting in front of her. All your character wanted to do was buy some chips. How does he handle the jerk in front?

    Probably get annoyed like anyone else, but would appear calm and collected.

    12) While walking to work, (s)he notices that the "Hot Now" light is on at the nearby Krispy Kreme! Joy! Though there is the very high probability of being late for work, no one can resist the 'Hot Now' light (or can they?). What does the character order when inside.

    A plain doughnut, just glazed.

    13) (S)he's stranded on an island with one person and two items. Who/what are they?

    Maria. His gun and a tent.

    14) After going through quite an ordeal, your favorite character is saved and encouraged to go to therapy in the event of trauma. Does (s)he agree to go? If so, what is (s)he willing to tell the therapist? A bad childhood? A bad relationship?

    I would say yes, he needs to go and agrees to do so. He would probably tell the therapist about his fears and confusions about the cause, Maria and his worries of the future and his mission.

    15) All that money you spent on therapy was a waste. You wake up one morning to find that you look like a certain fictional vampire. Thousands upon thousands of screaming fangirls threaten to swarm upon you with declarations of love and questions as frightening as "will you bite me??" How does the character react? (I don't know if therapy will be enough this time).

    Jordan goes back into hidden caves in Spain, lol.

    16) Minutes or years later, (s)he dies. :( Everyone has to at some point. What is written on the tombstone (assuming there is one)?

    I would write a bit of John Donne's remarkable "Devotions upon Emergent Occasions" from which the book gets its title:

    "If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

    And then maybe something like "Friend, Husband, Soldier".

    Cool question, T.S.R.!!


  • 1 decade ago

    1. Alex Rider. From the Alex Rider series

    2. Hmm...that's tough, as i don't know my favorite book. I'd say...possibly...sorry, i just can't choose

    3. No

    4. He seems to have an interest in Sabina Pleasure to me, but the author doesn't really hit that very much.

    5. Excellent shape, brave, but stressed out, which causes him to not have such a fun-loving, humorous outlook

    6. Fairly Popular

    7. Probably apples, carrots, chicken etc. normal stuff

    8. It could be because he sustained a gunshot to the chest, just inches above his heart.

    9. ...It would be hard. In the past year, he's been manipulated by the British military intelligence agency, MI6 at least 5 or 6 times. I would probably remind him of how much his friends Jack Starbright (his american housekeeper), Sabina, and Tom care about him, and how devastated they would be if he left.

    10. He would be Reluctant Man! He never wanted to work for MI6, anyway. His Nemesis may very well be MI6!!

    11. Probably lets it pass and heads to the express line

    12. He's only 14, so no work, but he'd probably just get something quick he could eat on the way to school

    13. Yassen Gregorovich. Let's say Yassen Hasn't died yet. he's got a Semi automatic machine gun, and extra bullets.

    14. I don't think he'd go.

    15. he flees the scene, not liking all the attention

    16. RIP Alex Rider A true patriot.

  • Dave
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1). Stephanie Plum - the Plum series by Janet Evanovich.

    2). No. But she comes from my favorite series.

    3). Yes. A younger sister - who was Miss. Perfect up until her husband made love with the babysitter in the closet - then Stephanie's sister became an emotional wreck.

    4). Oh yes. Joe Morelli and Ranger. Both love her back. She's been close to marrying Morelli - but hasn't.

    5). Quirky. Stubborn.

    6). She wouldn't be in a clique.

    7). Beer. Olives. And birthday cake. She loves to eat birthday cake on any occasion. And she loves olives with peanut butter.

    8). Emotional support because of her two lovers Morelli and Ranger and because of her job where people fire-bomb her car. Or her hamster died.

    9). Promise her a life-time supply of birthday cake.

    10). She wouldn't do well as a super-hero so that's out of the question. Her arch nemesis is Jill who was screwed by Stephanie's husband on the dining room table.

    11). She plays dirty and makes sure she is either a). first or b). finds his car and keys it.

    12). A dozen of donuts and will eat most on the way to work. Who cares about being late.

    13). Her hamster - heels and hairspray.

    14). She would not agree to go. She's stubborn.

    15). She'd go back to sleep, thinking it's a bad dream. If she's still in that state - she'd freak out and seek help.

    16). Stephanie Plum the Infamous Bounty Hunter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) Zaphod Beeblebrox from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

    2) Yes.

    3) I don't know, but he has an extra head.

    4) Trillian.

    5) He's off the wall.

    6) He didn't go to high school.

    7) Ingredients to make a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.

    8) Because he's crazy.

    9) Why talk him out of it? He'll probably change his mind soon enough.

    10) Slartibartfast. Vogons.

    11) He might delegate this task to the temporamental robot, Marvin, who certainly wouldn't like doing it.

    12) A beer.

    13) Trillian, a towel, and possibly, but not probably, a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.

    14) No.

    15) He might seek the sanctuary of the state hospital.

    16) So long, and thanks for all the votes. (He was the president of the galaxy.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Damn, Kristie took my other choice (Sirius) lol.

    1) Harry Potter, (wow) from the Harry Potter series.

    2) Yes, it is one of my favorite series.

    3) No, he does not.

    4) He did like Cho Chang, now he is with Ginny.

    5) Very unique, he has jet black hair, glasses, and a lightning shaped scar across his forehead. He is very skinny because his Aunt and Uncle hardly ever fed him, they gave all the food in the house to their son, Dudley.

    6) He would be the normal kid, yet the popular one, but most people don't like him, (Slytherins) He would also be the lonely one at school.

    7) Technically, it isn't "his" refrigerator, because he doesn't own a house; and his house (that he lived in for 10 years of his life and summer vacations) was his Aunt and Uncle's.

    8) His favorite Quidditch team, of course!

    9) I'd tell him, "Harry, you're the only one who can defeat You-Know-Who, you can't kill yourself over a silly little thing like this, he'll laugh at you and take over the wizarding world!"

    10) He already kinda is a hero, he defeated the Dark Lord, he still goes by his name Harry Potter.

    11) He will give that jerk an odd look, that is all. But, if he is having one of his "bad" and "pissed off" days, he just may start yelling.

    12) He orders exactly 1 dozen Krispy Creme doughnuts, to share when with his two best friends. (They all get 4 each)

    13) Ginny Weasley; the two items would be his brookstick, and his wand. That way, he and Ginny could hop on the broomstick and fly home.

    14) A bad childhood, yes. But no, he does not need therapy.

    15) His facial expression would be, O_O and *grabs wand*

    16) "I like a quiet life, you know me." (Quoted by himself in the books)

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