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I am missing a step with this linear algebra problem, please assist. 15-6g+4g= -8 please solve for g thanks?

well I have 2 problems i need help with i seem to be missing something.

Problem #1 15-6g+4g= -8 I have to solve for g and show my work

Problem #2 -6+3/5x=24/5 I have to solve for x and show work.

please assist I have been trying to solve these for over an hour i keep missing a key step in both of them.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    15 - 6g + 4g = -8

    -6g + 4g = -8 - 15

    -2g = -23

    g = -23/-2

    g = 23/2 (11.5)


    -6 + 3/5(x) = 24/5

    3x/5 = 6 + 24/5

    3x = 5(6 + 24/5)

    3x = 30 + 24

    x = 54/3

    x = 18

  • 1 decade ago

    Problem 1


    -2g=-8-15 (subtract 15)

    -2g = -23

    2g= 23 (multiply by -1)

    g = 11.5

    Problem 2

    -6 + 3/5x = 24/5

    3/5x= 24/5 + 6 (take 6 over)

    3/5x= 54/5 (6 = 30/5 and then you add)

    x = 18 (divide by [3/5])

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Things get tricky going into the negative like this one. Just be careful with negatives. :o)

    Combine like variables.

    15 - 6g + 4g = -8 --->> 15 - 2g = -8

    Subtract 15 from both sides.

    15 - 15 - 2g = -8 - 15 --->> -2g = -23

    Divide both sides by -2

    (-2g) / 2 = (-23) / 2 --->> g = 11.5 (positive, not negative)

    2) -6 + 3/5x = 24/5 First thing I would do is get rid of those fractions by multiplying both entire sides of the equation by 5.

    5* (-6 + 3/5x) = (24/5) * 5 ----->> -30 + 15x = 120

    Add 30 to both sides to get x by itself.

    -30 + 30 + 15x = 120 + 30 --->> 15x = 150

    Divide both sides by 15.

    (15x) / 15 = (150) / 15 --->> x = 10

  • 1 decade ago

    Question 1:





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