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darkAI asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

For how many of these is Israel really responsible?

I'd prefer if only those who are informed of this story answer.

Probably many of you heard about the doctor's daughters being killed in Gaza. However a recent CT scan conducted on his niece who didn't die, found a marble-like ball in her head which isn't used in Israeli weaponry but is quite common in Hamas weapons(For those who don't know how it works - Many explosives contain small "balls" which fly at high speed upon explosion and penetrate the body to cause further damage), which indicates there's a good possibility the ones who shot the house were Hamas, whether on purpose or by mistake.

Hamas has quite inaccurate weapons and there have been many occurances of Hamas shooting their own people in the past by accident( ) and on purpose ( )

Which makes me wonder.. just how many of those civilian casualties are really the result of Israeli fire? What do you think?

And do avoid hate-speech.


* Habseligkeiten - Israel hurts her own people?! Seriously, get a clue. The only way Israel hurt its people is by not doing this operation 8 years ago.

Update 2:

Michael w- DIME weapons don't have ball bearings, which is what was found in her head. So that's quite unrelated.

Update 3:

* Habseligkeiten - Are you insane? Those are people who have come waving Lebanese and Palestinian flags and they push and try to hit the police soldiers. It was edited out in the video, but it still shows a bit if you pay close attention. Not only are the soldiers greatly outnumbered, but these kind of protests in the past often grew to be violent. You're showing me military police using rubber bullets, which is a common way to disperse violent protests all around the world. Where do you live?

Update 4:

And how can you possibly compare military police dispersing a violent protest with rubber bullets to Hamas roaming hospitals executing injured Israeli collaborators and killing Palestinian children with rocket fire?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    These are called Dime bombs a weapon that only Israel could get from the US and as America are hardly going to give Hamas a few its just a little unlikely that Hamas have any.

    Source(s): And don't just take my word for it here is the view of an ex captain in the Israeli Air Force.
  • 1 decade ago

    Hi. Israel isn't responsible for any of it as Israel didn't start the war. Casualties are unfortunate but there is a much larger population to consider, 1 million residents of Southern Israel and 1.4 million in Gaza Strip puts things in perspective.

    The weaponry that Hamas used in this campaign was more weaponry than they've ever used at Israel previously. They did plan the event directly after the tahdiah expired so I think they also had stockpiles of weaponry just waiting for this event. Not only pertaining to materials, but they also had personnel who were trained in Iran and Hezbollah training camps, who were smuggled out for training then smuggled back in through the tunnels. IDF defeated them heroically.

    The new weapons Hamas used were longer range missiles hitting towns much farther into Israel, and the first time they used phosphorous themselves, and anti-aircraft cannons. Everyone thinks phosphorous weapons and wounds therefore it was Israel, but in actuality it is a common weapon also available to all Western and Arab armies. They really were obviously supplied to be using weaponry to not have previously used before.

    Some of the destruction and casualties they have previously done before outside of wartime. They have a tendency to "make bombs" and with that comes some risk of which they've suffered the consequence of their own casualties and blown up buildings. Since they have a preference for making their own bombs and some missiles, there is no reason to not think they did not make any weapon themselves.

    One reason the civilian casualty count was high is that the civilian casualty count was inflated by Hamas policemen purposely taking off their uniforms days after the operation started and then not putting them back on until the conflict was over. Everyone was running around in civilian attire and then hiding amongst the civilians. And yes, Hamas has a tendency of murdering its own Arabs in the Gaza strip as witnessed by the bloody coup of Fatah and the wedding party video. When some of the Fatah that remained in Gaza (who begged for liberation from Hamas) was liberated from the prison rubble I had hope that they would help but also concern that they would be murdered.

    People just do not understand the mindset of Islamic extremism. They will do anything to themselves or to anyone else if it will further their "cause." They suicide themselves and do honor killings to avenge whatever they want. There is no doubt in my mind that yes they did kill many of their own including innocents. They started the operation themselves and wanted to inflame the entire Muslim world and show bloody pictures on the airwaves so the whole world would turn against Israel. Achmedinijad even purchased webspace, they've previously attempted influence at American elections, and faked "Pallywood" videos so western reporters would report negatively towards Israel.

    Regarding the doctor's daughters, it is a horrible thing that happened and I hope he is able to overcome his grief.

  • 1 decade ago

    This reminds me Al of the time it was reported that the Israelis had killed a young boy and the media showed lots of Palestinians around weeping for this young man. It was even reported that one of the relatives had something to say and how awful it was.

    But, then we found out from the real uncle of the young boy, that it was a jewish boy who was being lifted to safety by Israeli soldiers.

    I wrote out what I had found to be true on a similar site to this one, and the only response from an Arab reporter was "oh well, we all make mistakes sometimes"

    It wouldn't surprise me then that what you say is true.

    People keep on believing the wrong things. We lived in the M.E. for some years and now how they talk and think.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Considering the fact that Hamas NEEDS a high body count in order to proclaim "VICTORY", it would indeed seem likely that they would, in their fanaticism, inflict casualties on the Gaza people.

    Hamas was counting on world outrage to stop the Israelis.

    The body count was needed to cause the outrage.

    Hamas "took a gamble", using the words of a Hamas captive.

    A gamble with the lives of the Gaza people.

    Was this the family of the doctor who reported that he didn't know what was caused the burns which Hamas claimed was caused by white phosphorus? Hamas is known to "pay back' Gazans who don't "cooperate', I think.

    Gotta add.. "assuming does no good" ... If that's true, why make an assumption? "Most, if not all..."

    Source(s): Sorta in the ballpark for ya?
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  • 1 decade ago

    The Palestinians know a high body count works in their favor.

    They have had fake funerals with live "dead" people.

    They have taken car accident and heart attack victims and added those bodies to places where Israel hit to make the body count higher.

    Hamas is also killing and maiming their political opponents in the Gaza so when Israel pulls out Hamas will still be in control.

    I would not put it past them to kill their own people for political gain.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that Hamas is using Palestinians as human shields. I dont intend to hate-speech here, but I believe that Hamas really only wants to extinct Jews, starting with Israel. Israel avoids wars, and lose many people every day - why would they purposefully target houses and areas where mere casualties are? They usually target Hamas members. No, they always do. They misfire sometimes, sure, but Hamas "misfires" too - in their own crowds. I believe a lot of Palestinians deaths are at fault of Hamas, directly & indirectly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sadly, if true it would not be the first time that Palestinian leaders have hurt and even killed their own people and then blamed Israel. Thanks for pointing this out.

    Also, check out, if you haven't already:

  • 1 decade ago

    hmm that mwakes me wonder how many rockets did hamas fire into palestine and still only killed 25?

  • 1 decade ago

    just like the israelis that shot a woman waving a white flag right?

    Look, I was in the israeli army, I know how it works.. and if a soldier shot the woman then israel comes forward and says a soldier shot a woman by mistake.. and it happened before.

    but so many times throughout this operation israel said they didnt even have forces around at the time. or that israel did not shoot at them. or that the school that was shot was probably boobytrapped... because even if you cluster 40 people all together and fire a rocket at them.. not all of them will die, there were secondary explosions that killed people.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are all idiots! We all just keep killing each other for eternity, that's God's curse on us (if you believe in the bible that is).

    God must be laughing his head off just about now.

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