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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 decade ago

How can i ever get my mom to stop making me wear diapers?

for the last week my mom has made me wear Huggies Goodnites Diapers

cause she's noticed that ive been wetting myself in bed. im 16 but only 4'8"/71lbs. at first i refused to my mom and said that they wouldnt even fit me, but then she ordered me to put them on or else she would make me wear real diapers. so i put them on and felt embarrassed cause they look like diapers. my mom wants me to wear a new pair every night for the next two months and if i dont wet myself in bed then i dont have to wear them anymore. so for the first 4 nights i successfully slept without wetting myself. but then on the 5th night was when everything went wrong. i have younger sisters who are all way taller than me. ones 13 and 5'7", and twin sisters are 10 and 5'5". they didnt know about me wearing these dumb diapers cause then they would really pick on me and make me feel even more like a baby. i was in my room and i just changed into the diapers when out of nowhere my 13 year old sister and one of her friends walked in our home. i heard them come up the stairs so i freaked out. i was in my room with my door unlocked so i ran as fast as possible to the door to lock it. as my hand was about to touch the knob, my sister opened the door. i tried hiding behind it but she still saw me. when she saw me in just the underwear/diapers she broke out laughing really hard. she even said "wow ive always known you were my baby brother but not literally!" so i just looked down humiliated and asked her to not tell anyone but she of course did. she being like a foot taller than me was easily able to pick me up holding me like a baby. she made me wrap my legs around her with one of her hands under my tush and the other around my waist. she then carried me into our twins room. they both laughed at me and started saying “awe our little baby brother needs a diaper changing.” then they tickled my stomach and the bottom of my feet. with my younger sister being like a foot taller than me i couldnt get down cause she was too strong and high above the ground. so i begged her to put me down but she refused and carried me into her room where her friend was waiting. my sister knows ive always had a little crush on this girl so it was really embarrassing when she saw me. she busted out laughing. shes like 5’6” so when she asked my sister if she could hold the baby too meaning me, my sister put me down in front of her and she picked me up only she held me with my legs wrapped around her back while both of her arms were under my tush. so my body was facing her face. i was really nervous cause i think shes hot so i just froze a little and she still acted like i was a baby by bouncing me up and down. then the most embarrassing thing happened, i wetted myself and she felt it. she jumped and dropped me hurting my back. it was bad cause she was just wearing a tanktop so you could see like a dark shaded circle on her chest area. my sister screamed at me and yelled for our mom to help her friend. my mom then screamed at me and yelled at me to get out while she changed my sisters friend tank. i went into my room crying. my mom came in and yelled at me and is now punishing me by making me wear actual baby diapers for the next 5 months. since i cant control going pee in situations. but i tried explaining to her but she didn’t even bother listening and when i told her that its my sisters fault she told me that they didn’t think i would wet myself. and when i said i only did cause shes a cheerleader and cute and i just froze my mom went crazy and told me that i should still be able to hold it. so now im wearing diapers for the first night. my mom doesn’t change me of course but she does help me with the back. how can i ever get my mom to stop making me wear these? i keep trying to tell her that it wasn’t my fault but she doesn’t care. and my sisters don’t care they just laugh even more at me now and call me their baby brother. so please help me, sorry for the long story but i wanted you to hear my side and these diapers are really uncomfortable and now i don’t bother even wearing my pjs with them cause they bulge out and make my tush look big.


wow i didnt realize how smart yahoo answers is. sorry but this is the first time ive used this and i didnt think i had to mention that my mom already took me to the doctors about a month ago. my doctor didnt have an exact reason of why i keep wetting in bed besides maybe i might possibly be going thru a big growth spurt and my body is just trying to function differently. but dont worry he knows for sure that theres nothing serious wrong with me (tests were good) but yeah thank you all who were really concerned about me seeing my doctor. i should have mentioned it now that i think about it. i sound like i have a disease or something. and as for my mom im starting to think she is just making me wear these as a punishment. oh and according to my doctor im only really short cause of my genes but no im not a dwarf. my mom is 6'1" and my dad is 6'4". but my moms older brother is 5'2" and her sister is 5'3". my dads brother is 5'3" and his mom was 5' so i most likey got the short genes.unfair

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    wow, I'm sorry.


    a) talk to your mom in a serious manner. say, "Mom, I'm 16 for god's sake, not a baby. You can't force me to wear diapers.

    b) make a doctors appt. And check if you have bladder problems.

    c) if your mom continues doing said embarrasment then talk to a relative to talk to her. And stay at a relative's house that won't do something like that.

    And for the baby thing, you should have used your time to put pants on, then when your sister entered the room, b*tch-slapped your sister and told her to get the f*ck out of your room and to mind her own f*cking business, even if she older than you. She doesn't have the right to treat you like that.

    Hope this helps...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Made To Wear Diapers

  • Mrs.X
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Has your mother taken you to the doctor about this?

    If I may ask, why are you so small? Were you born premature?

    Have you always wet the bed, or is this something recent?

    Do you take any medication?

    How many hours before bed do you stop drinking liquids?

    Are you certain it is urine in your bed and not semen?

    When was your last check-up?

    Do you have health insurance? If you do, call your pediatrician and ask to make an appointment. There are disorders out there that can be corrected in other ways than diapers. I think there is something out there called Juvenile Bladder Syndrome. I think it may be correctable with medication.

    If you don't have health insurance, go to the welfare office (in your state it might be called something like Dept. of Human Services or Social Services) and tell them you want to apply for health insurance without your parents.

    Your mother is something else. She needs to give you a little more dignity than that. I can't believe she is treating you this way.

    Just buy a plastic mattress pad for your bed and start washing your own sheets.

    ETA: I saw you also posted this in another section. One of the posters suggested you have your mom take you to the doctor or to call the police. I agree. If your mom has never taken you to the doctor for this, and she refuses. Then call the police. Failing to provide medical care for a possibly sick child is illegal.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ummm... okay so if your for serious and not dinking around then i would say that you definitely need to go to the doctor. No 16 year old should be wetting the bed. I also cannot imagine a mother being able to "make" her 16 year old son wear diapers if he didn't want to... So either you are making it up or you are into some really freaky stuff.

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  • Vicky
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I didn't read all of your story, but I read enough to understand your problem.

    You're 16, how come you still wet yourself? Is it often? If it is, perhaps you should see a doctor. That isn't really common.

    And as for the embarrassment with your sister and what not, I'm sorry to hear it. We all have embarrassing moments in our lifetimes, later on when you look back on this event, you would be able to get a laugh at it. Of course not now, because that was embarrassing, but don't worry about it. Your sister and her friend can't tease you forever, the joke gets old eventually. If you want them to stop immediately, then tell them how you feel. Let them know you're already embarrassed and they don't need to make you feel worse.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    How can i ever get my mom to stop making me wear diapers?

    for the last week my mom has made me wear Huggies Goodnites Diapers

    cause she's noticed that ive been wetting myself in bed. im 16 but only 4'8"/71lbs. at first i refused to my mom and said that they wouldnt even fit...

    Source(s): mom stop making wear diapers:
  • 1 decade ago

    Lol, sorry, but you did go on and on. Is this story for real? my son ped his bed until he was 14 and we found out that he had a sleep disorder. He would fall into such a deep REM sleep, that his brain was not sending the signal to the body to WAKE UP and go to the bathroom.My daughter, the same thing. You need to set your alarm to go off in the middle of the night to wake you up to go. Your 16 for Gods sake, if you don't want to wear diapers tell your mom to shove them where the sun don't shine!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell your mom to take you to a doctor about this and don't worry if your sisters think otherwise. also, try going to the bathroom before you go to bed. that may help stop your bed-wetting. even if you don't feel you have to go, try.

  • 1 decade ago

    stop wetting and then you will get out of those good diapers

  • 1 decade ago

    your sisters a total skank! i woulda slapped her if i were you

    just dont wear the dumb things! what your sister did was really inconciderate and if you cant explain that to your mom then dont wear them

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