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I am an unusual individual with no purpose in like other to seek my purpose in life. I am extremely loyal to those I love, I believe in love, and someday will be loved like I want too. I trust people too much, but, I am very perceptive to the workings of the inner mind. I have a facination for the strange and unusual, and that includes people. I love to listen. To help if I am able. So if you have something on your mind, nothing shocks me, My 46 yrs on this earth have been very educational on the ways of people. So, here i am, now what?

  • Need help with HP Laptop Please?

    My HP Laptop has a blue screen. I cannot get it to start. It's on, but the screen first says, "Preparing Automatic Repair". But that's as far as it gets. It won't go any further. Please help?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • My HP Laptop has a blue screen?

    My HP Laptop has a blue screen. It says the HP logo, but keeps flashing: "Preparing to diagnose your computer" then: "Preparing Automatic Repair". But that's as far as it gets. It just keeps flashing the same things over and over, but doesn't fix it. Any clue's as to what I can do? Please help, I just got this laptop for my daughter and she's devastated.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Article writing tips?

    I recently decided to try my hand at writing articles. Writing is something I really love doing, but the technical aspect of it all is eluding me. When creating an article for a first sample requested by a website, where on my computer should the article be written to make me look like I know what I'm doing? Do I create the article in Microsoft Office? Or is there an easier way to create writing samples and blogs? Please help, as I promised I would get this article to them in 3 days.

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Why is my Pom ripping out her own fur?

    My Pomeranian, Fia, whips her head from side to side, grabbing hunks of her own fur and rips it out. She also scratches inccesantly,, but I cannot find one flea or any eggs. I feed her grain free dog food. Why does she do this?

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Computer Dummy, help please?

    Yes, I admit...I spend most of my fee time online, but certain aspects that I NEED to learn are just evading for instance: How do you imbed a code onto a website? Or utilize a splash page onto a website? I tried adding the code after the website url, but that didn't work...I feel really stupid, but I MUST learn this!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • What should I name my online store?

    I'm looking for a catchy, but not silly, name for my online store with SFI. Not a specialty store, a little bit of everything.(and no, I don't want that as a name, lol). Can you guys help me out?

    1 AnswerSmall Business8 years ago
  • Big problem, little dog?

    I have 4 dogs. The dogs include my daughters dog, a 6 yr. old Wiemarnaner, and my dogs, 2 Pomeranians, male and female and female Pekenese. Timber, the male Pom is the problem. All the dogs are trained to potty outside. But whenever my daughter leaves her room, he will sneak in and mark her bed. It's infuriating, frustrating, and we've had to replace her mattress numerous times. My daughter is ready to strangle him. We have no clue why he does it, except that her Wiemaraner sleeps with her and I'm thinking that he's marking where her dog sleeps. Please, if any experienced dog owners have a solution, I would be so grateful. (Timber is the only dog that is not fixed, by the way). Will neutering him solve this problem? If so, what can I do in the meantime? She tries keeping her door shut, but the minute she forgets, it happens.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Slow computer- any NEW reasons why?

    When I say new it's because I have done just about everything most of you kind people have suggested. Such as: Defrag, system restore, deleted old files, cache, and unused files...I have 92% free space, My browser is Google Chrome. I cannot afford to buy anything online that speeds up computers. Is there anything Im NOT doing that will help? Is there any help that I can download for free that will speed this thing up? I am literally sitting there waiting, bored out of my mind, for whatever I'm doing to download!!! Will the new Windows 8 take care of this lagging?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Computer help, please?

    My Adobe shockwave player keeps crashing again and again. I have no clue as to why. I have deleted browsing history, cookies and cache, and uninstalled and reinstalled over and over. I can't even play my Facebook games that I really enjoy and I'm getting really frustrated! I've also tried different browsers, but it still happens...Can anyone give me an answer?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Can anyone give advice about a marking Pomeranian?

    I have 2 Pomeranians, a male and a female, both fixed. My daughter has a female Weimaraner. My male Pom, Timber, will NOT stop marking my daughters bed where her dog sleeps. He sneaks in when no one is looking and urinates right where Addy, my daughters dog, sleeps. Any advice? All my dogs are fixed, all get walked twice a day.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What are my sons rights?

    Last night, my sons house was broken into for the 3rd time in a month. He called the state police who not only insisted he was lying, but confiscated over $1550 dollars, an ancient Roman coin (that I gave him), and $5.00 in half dollars. They told him that it was 'suspicious' that he would have this much money. My son, last year, was arrested for burglary. He did his time, and has stayed out of trouble since. Now when he needs their help, they pull this on him. He was not charged with any crime, so why do they get to take his money? Is that even legal?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • What kind of lender do I need when the bank turned me down?

    Ok, here's the problem. The house I want I to buy is a short sale. $25,000 for a 2 unit house in a not so good area. I have $3,000 for down payment. My finances are ok, been at the same job for 25 yrs and I get social security income as well. When I went to my bank to speak with the lending person, and told her how much the house was, she said that she couldn't approve a mortgage for so little. So I'm wondering, where DO I get a loan for a short sale house? Who can I go to? It is my first house. I live in the house and have been here for 7 yrs. I love it, I want it, and need to know how to get it.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Cannot display images-Please help?

    For some reason my computer has stopped displaying downloaded images. I get a blank box or with a red x in the left corner. It is happening on all my sites...I can't even change my profile backgrounds on different websites..Any advice?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Being harassed by neighbors, what do i do?

    I am 48 yr.s old, mind my own business, and I am not unfriendly or stuck up. I live in a kind of bad neighborhood, grew up on this street (when it WASN'T a bad neighborhood), and I am being harassed and talked about by my trashy neighbors. It all started when a couple of cops came to my door inquiring about about a call about a baby. I informed them that there was no baby here, try across the street or next door. The next day, i heard the neighbor next talking VERY loudly, on purpose so I could hear, telling whoever it was that "yeah, and this cop calling ***** next door, i'm about to go OFF on her.) I was shocked! Next thing I know, every time I came out my door, she was calling me a cop caller, or a ***** or other nasty names I'd rather not repeat, or talking loudly with the OTHER neighbors about me. Then it escalated. I was being accused of vandalizing a different neighbors truck! ( I sure get around, don't I?) It seems like every time I walk out my door, i've done something different! I want to move, but dammit, I've been here 7 years, have a beautiful flower garden that has taken years to establish, and besides that, I'm stubborn as hell and do NOT want to give them the satisfaction! What can I do? Ignore the nonsense? I'm just so sick of it all...

    7 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Please help me with my computer?

    I cannot view my pictures anymore for some reason. I used to be able to just click on pictures and there they were. Now they are in a list form, and when I click on preview to look at or try to find the one I want, which takes forever now, this come up: Windows Live Gallery encountered an error loading wlxphotoviewer.dll error codeox800736b1 So frustrating!!! If anyone one knows what I can do to be able to view my pics again I'd be SOOO grateful...

    3 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Video game help, pleeeeease.?

    What do I do when the fire girl comes on F.E.A.R the video game?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Question about nursing?

    I graduated as an LPN in 2004. Because of extenuating circumstances, I was unable to take my state boards. Is it to late to be a practicing nurse? Are there still LPNs out there? How can I study for the boards and pass? I still have a strong desire to be a nurse, is it too late for me?

    1 AnswerHealth Care1 decade ago
  • Am i crazy or just flipping out?

    Ok. Im 48 and i feel like my life is over. I have no life. I used to be reckless and outgoing and do anything i wanted to do. Now, i just sit in my house on the computer and think about the past. I cant find a job, or have a relationship or even get up the motivation to walk my dogs. Whats wrong with me? I just want to cry all the time and wish that i were someone else, anyone else, but me.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Need help with math please?

    A patient is receiving a D5RL at a rate of 200 mL/hr. How many 1 L bags of D5RL should the technician have on hand for the next 24 hours?

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • I am interested in breeding Pomeranians, can I get help?

    I have been reading my brains out about everything it entails to breed Poms. Including vets, shots, bloodlines, health and whatever I can get my hands on. My Poms are healthy with no problems that some Poms have, like a fluxating patella. My male is no bigger then 3 lbs over the female, and they are the right ages. I am prepared in case my female needs a c-section, and they both come from good bloodlines. What else do I need to know?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago