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God or Satan : if they exist which would you prefer ?

God, if she exists, has had a book ghostwritten by people in which it;'s mentioned that he kills people, demands worship and other bad stuff - and has also waged a verbal attack on Satan's character. God claims his place is wonderous and Satan's is bad.

Satan hasn't responded by calling god names, and just seems to be keeping a low profile.

How can we make a decision based on only one side of the argument ?

Personally I'd choose to not worship any imaginary being, but I think I'd give Satan a chance ahead of the child killer.


Rene O : Thanks for the advice, do you think I should base my education on a 2,000 year old inconsistent book or should I base it on scientific double-blind tested evidence ?

Update 2:

Andy F : The idea that Lucifer was thrown out by god is only corroborated by one book - a book written with a bias to make Satan look bad.

Update 3:

Shelly : Killing your son (yourself, depending on your view on the trinity) does not forgive her evil deeds in the OT, in fact it just adds to them.

Update 4:

sorry should say sending your son to be killed - I know you'll pick up on the semantics

Update 5:

Shelley, your god might love you until he has another mood swing and kills you and your family. Fortunately that won't happen, due to his/her non-existence.

Update 6:

Choose Me : cut and pasting large tracts of lies doesn't make it true.

Update 7:

Interior Castle : I admit it's not my finest work, and there things I'd rather to be remembered for - but do I regret it ? No. I don't mind what your imaginary being is going to base their non-existent judgement on.

Update 8:

Rupin : I find it difficult to read the NT (or any other book) without bias, although I do like to read books that challenge my bias. To read a book without any preconceptions, is to ignore the knowledge you've gained through years of experience. There is also the oft included bias of having the OT next to it.

The Book of Revelation is one of the funniest acid trips I've ever read btw.

Update 9:

cam : "i think you know the bible is the true word of God." - I neither know nor think the bible is the word (true or otherwise) of god.

Obviously I don't really mean your god could be female - it's obvious your god and holy book were created by men, for men.

Has he/she let me down - no I don't actually attribute any blame to any fictional character. I have no want for a god, but if I did need/want a god - it certainly wouldn't be the Abrahamic god you seem to blindly worship

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God is a He, and both God 'n Satan do exist. Ever since Jan. 14, 1993 I've chosen God (the creator of heaven & earth). I can hardly wait until heaven because it's going to be awesome worshipping & praising Jesus Christ for all eternity. God's music is hymn music. For those that want to follow Satan, here's what your future will look like, and it has an audio at the end of it so you can hear what it sounds like. How did this sound come about? Some scientists went to Siberia, Russia to drill a hole into the earth. They heard some noises when they were done so they dropped down a microphone and heard the cries of pain and anguish of the lost souls that died in their sins. While your in the lake of fire, you're going to wish that you've chosen God, but it'd be too late for you because you've chosen Satan and sealed your fate. On earth is where you chose to spend your eternity. Please change your mind and choose God before it's too late, because we never know when we'll die.

    Source(s): Born-Again Christian saved by Grace. I love God with all of my heart, mind, soul & strength. God is so good 'n awesome!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are confused about spirituality. Here is some logic to help.

    Mother Earth, Father Sun, Grandmother Moon. Are our direct Gods, without anyone one of those, all life would cease to exist on Mother Earth.

    The Creator in my culture literally seeded, ejaculated into the fertile empty womb of the void. The big bang. :P But that is all he did.

    Now we apply common sence. Too much light will blind you just the same as too much dark.... which is worse. There is a duality to everything. As above so below. Black - white, Good - bad, up - down etc, are opposing ends of the same things, ie the possitive and neggative, the pros and cons of the same thing.

    That being true, then every perspective is correct, it's simply a question of a different angle or aspect of it, than your own. This knowledge will free us from judging others. Think of the collosal amount of time we waste judging others.

    Hope you are following so far coz here comes the science part. lol

    E=mc sq. Energy and matter are interchangeable, they are the same.

    Albert Einstien. For every action there is an equal AND opposite reaction. This means for example. that for every good deed, there is an equal good reaction AND an opposing bad reaction. The same is true the other way arround. What goes up must come down, Sir Isac Newton. There is a duality to everything. It there fore does not matter what you believe one way or the other.

    But if you want to walk a straight path you need a balanced perspective. The knife edge ballance between being blinded by light or by dark.

    Practicing Shaman.... quantum physics rocks.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you live a good life (and I try to) and God exists then you are being good to please a deity that constantly watches you and will punish or reward you depending on how good you have been.

    If you live a good life and only Satan exists then you have been good IN SPITE of what will happen to you after you die and also going against all the temptations that Satan has placed here for you to be bad.

    It is better to be good for no reward than to be good for fear of punishment.

    I try to live a good life based on my own morality which does not coincide with the god of the old testament, Satan or some of what Jesus preached. If I die and think I have been mainly good then I will take it up with whichever deity happens to be in charge when I leave this mortal shell.

  • 1 decade ago

    Satan, The Devil, Demons, and the serpent of old; Is Man. There is no Devil, it is Us and always was right from the beginning. It's man who thought him to be different then Us. We made the devil up so we would not have to take the Blame for our Sin ourselves. You have never seen a Ghost, a demon, or anything evil your mind makes up, But you have seen some bad people doing bad things. That is Proof in itself, that the only evil you ever saw was from Man. That is the Truth and you know it...because if there was really a devil we would kill him, that's how bad we humans are.

    Source(s): Lucifer is a Latin word in an English Bible and it means 'morning star'. Look up the meaning yourselves? Lucifer is not even a Name.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, and that's why I'm a Satanist. I've tried the other side, and all it results in is confusion, plus that fact that most people who follow god are just as bad as those who don't. Just look at the ones on here forever slagging anyone off who has the temerity to have a different view.

    In my experience, Satan DOES exist - ritual actually works, and if I invoke Him, He does make Himself felt, which god never did. Christians go on about fellowship - the connection I have felt with other Satanists has been just amazing. As one said to me when we met the other week, "and this is supposed to be evil and disgusting?" Satan just wants us to be who we are without trying to force us into a mould surrounded by impossible rules the way god does. To anticipate other objections, true Satanists do not break the law - simply because it doesn't benefit us or anyone else to do so.

    My commitment to him in blood and flame was the best moment of my life.

  • 1 decade ago

    All those things you said took place in the OLD Testament. That was BEFORE God sent Jesus to die on the cross to clense us of our sins. And God loves us more than a demonic figure who tries to ruin anyone's life when they establish a close relationship with God.

  • 1 decade ago

    If god truly exists and the christian bible held true facts - there's no way that I could side with god. I can't support that kind of being. I have better morals than the christian god.

    You can't cover up all of the evil in the Old Testament with all of the pretty things in the New Testament.

    Source(s): Logic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can't have one without the other. If God doesn't exist, He (or She) would not have been around to cast Lucifer out of heaven in the first place. And no I'm not a bible basher!

    Source(s): You are guilty of circular reasoning which, no doubt, you already know due to your pseudo classical education.
  • 1 decade ago

    Where did you learn of this being called Satan....

    is it not from the bible....

    i think you know the bible is the true word of God.

    i dont know your angle calling God a she, what is that, is that spite, or dispiteful.

    You seem to be doing your best to snub God right in front of him. Has he let you down, is he not all you wanted him to be.....????

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've never been enamored with the concept of heaven and hell.It seems that the only choice you have is between a place that is full of bible thumpers and Cliff Richard clones or a place that is full of murderers rapists and paedophiles.I would prefer a place that is full of souls like Kieth Richard rather than Cliff Richard and sinners like porn stars and strippers.I would feel more at peace there.

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