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Ok so should I feel like this is an issue?

Ok so I have been going out with this girl for a while... it is a long story but more or less she ended her relationship with her ex about 3 - 3 1/2 months ago (we live in the dorms...) and we have pretty much been going out since then. But the issue is she still has pictures of her ex all over her dorm room. Like 8x10 on the desk and multiple pictures around her room, the issue is that I feel like that is odd that she keeps all the pictures up. It is kind of odd because like i feel like that is really off, but I dont know if I am being jealous for no reason.

she did go out with him for a long time, but i think that it would be fine if there were still like one or two up but to keep all of them up is kind of shitty...

am i wrong to feel this way, should I mention it, or should I just let it be, since I know that he was really important in her past?


well the thing is that she broke up with him to be with me... so i dont know if the attraction thing is true because she was outright telling me before anything happened that she wasnt into him anymore and that she needed to get out.

so unless she was lying to me when i was just a friend with the foresight that i could be her rebound then i dont think that is possible.

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    whoa de ja vu. so my story is that my gf was with her ex for 3 years and we started dating 2 months after she broke it off. yes i still found pictures. even in the family albums. she was showing me one day when i happened to see them. i was in the same predicament you were. in all honesty i just talked to her and told her how i felt. i explained that if she was in my situation how would she feel and deal with it and our answers were the same. it isnt jealousy its more reassurance that she wont go off running back to him and leaving you like a used tissue. if shes ready to move on without him then the pictures should come down. if shes not however, give her some time and let her take them down on her own in her own time. if that day doesnt come in, lets say 3 months, then maybe its time to bring it up again or just consider being a friend then a boyfriend. its just not worth getting hurt if its a one sided relationship.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well if you started dating her right after they broke up, more than likely you are in a "rebound relationship". Now many people think that being in a "rebound relationship" or being a "rebound guy" is a bad thing, but on the contrary most rebound relationships eventual blossom into some of the strongest relationships.

    The best plan of action for a guy in your position is to not only stand out in the generic boyfriend responsiblilites, but also to outshine in areas that her ex-boyfriend failed to satisfy. Upon doing so, she will come to realize what an improvement you are from her past relationships, and in time forget all about the other guys who quickly faded from her life. QUICK TIP: If you make a conscious effort to try and take more pictures together with her, she will have no choice but to remove some of those pictures to make room for yours.

    As far as your feelings of mild jealousy, it is perfectly normal in this situation. Although, if this issue is something that doesn't really bother you that much and you could stand to live with, you could always wait it out. But if it does bother you, which is perfectly ok, then it is alright to HONESTLY, KINDLY and POLITLEY express your feeling on the subject to her. After all honesty is the best policy, right?

    QUICK TIP: When talking to her about said topic, try not to turn it into a full out confrintation, instead steer more towards a confession of your feelings. Stay away from phrases like "you do this" or "its your fault", and focus more on "I feel like..." or "I would apprecitate..."

    Well I hope this advice will be of some help. If not, I'm sorry and I hope you find what you were looking for. Peace.

  • Simi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, you're right to feel this way. Having these pictures all over may mean that she hasn't moved on yet. Most girls, when they start a new relationship will keep all the mementos from the previous one, but they will keep them in a shoebox underneath the bed or some such place. It's not normal for her to still have them out in the open while dating you. It's actually really rude. She's basically rubbing him in you're face every time you visit. I would talk to her about it. Tell her you're concerned and feel like she still has feelings for him. Explain how uncomfortable you feel with his pictures all over the place. Also, where are the pictures of you two? This relationship can't go anywhere until she let's her last relationship go; which she isn't doing. Important or not, she's demeaning your relationship by clinging to her last one.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would talk to her but be careful about the words you do. Just be open with her and say that it kind of bothers you because you dont know if she is still stuck on him. Sure there are probably feelings there. Most guys would be jealous and I think you would be stupid to not have stuff cross your mind. Communication is key to a good relationship. Just make sure you dont seem like your attacking her ect. or its game over just ask her about it and like I said tell her how you feel. You have to either accept that shes hung up on him and might get over it with a little time or have it bother you right? Id rather know and get the weight off your chest and not wonder any more.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe just mention that you could do without looking at all of her ex's pics. Having a ex is a part of life but after a few weeks you have to move on and start to take down the photos. Maybe take a nice pic of you and give it to her and say now I can be on your desk! and do it lightly more with a laugh not rude or mean!

  • 1 decade ago

    Elementary mistake: She did NOT break up with him to be with you, since she is NOT "with you" and is still emotionally "with him." As a test, run your situation backwards--SHE WENT WITH YOU TO MAKE HIM JEALOUS, AND SHE IS USING YOU. To her your are nothing more than a means to an end, NOT a person to whom she feels any attachment. Those pictures aren't fond memories--they're a freaking SHRINE to someone who isn't a person--he's a MYTH!!

    Don't be jealous--be mad as hell. She is subjecting you to gross indignities to pump up her ego that's ten times the size of her brain. She's dumb as a bagful of hammers to think that sooner or later you won't catch on, AND SHE THINKS YOU'RE DUMBER THAN SHE IS!!!! "Off"?? KIND of "shitty"? If I were in your situation and had the power, I'd turn her into a pillar of salt. A woman like this will lie to you about being alive.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i think she still have some feeling for him and can't accept that he's no longers her's. maybe she's still keeping her fingers crossed and hoping that he'll have a change of heart and go back to her. cos otherwise his foto's wud have come down long ago. wat u can do is talk to her. tell her how you're feeling bout the pictures and tell her that if u were in her situation, u wud have destroyed those foto's to easy the healing process. but u have to be careful. if she's wise and mature, she'll understand your point of view and take them down without a fuss, otheriwise u'll end up being accused of not being supportive or jealous or that u're immature.

  • 1 decade ago

    so i went out with this guy for a year and a half. we broke up and we didnt end on the best terms. i still kept pictures up and had little things around my room that he got me. even when i started going out with someone else i still had some stuff on my wall. it was really hard for me to take it down. my boyfriend was really understanding and i eventually took it down when i was ready. he was a major part of my life. give her just a little time. after that maybe just mention it to her and see what she says.

  • 1 decade ago

    tell her to take them down if she doesnt do it dont even bother with her because she might just be using you as a rebound to see if she could get over him with you since you guys did start going out right after the breakup. You do not want to come out of this relationship being the losser take charge!

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait a sure you are not rebound, first of all! DUR> Of course you should be pist. There shouldn't be any other man taking up your space..if I were you...I would change all the pictures to pictures of her and you...then see what she says...oh, don't throw away the pics...put them in a drawer of something...if she reacts like a nut....think about it..if she's like "whatever" that's a good sign

    Source(s): personal experience...I put up pics of myself in my b/fs room
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