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Christians, do you believe that atheists are delusional?

A delusion is something that is falsely believed or propagated.

Since atheists do not believe there is any god, doesn't it follow that you think that their opinion is false, and they are therefore delusional? For that matter, wouldn't anyone who believes in a god other than the Christian God (or Abrahamic God, for you nit-pickers) also be delusional?

Bonus question: If everyone who believes something different than you is delusional, why then would you be surprised or offended when those people also think that you are delusional?

Special note: I don't mean to single out Christians. Anyone can answer this question. Just replace the word "Christians" with whatever religion or non-belief you happen to identify with. It just appears to me as though Christians are most often the ones on R&S complaining about atheists accusing them of all being delusional.

39 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Merriam-Webster's first definition (which you used) is bad:

    a: something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated

    They used "delusively" to talk about delusion, so the definition references the term--poor form.

    Further, it does seem that there's a world of difference between, say, remembering a birthday incorrectly (false believe that you may propogate to others) and having a hallucination. The former is an innocent mistake, and hardly seems worthy of calling it a delusion.

    The secobd definition is much better:

    b: a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary ; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs

    It is difficult to say that somebody has a break with reality (which is what "psychotic" means in a psychological context) due to their religion or lack thereof. After all, they're still getting food and shelter, holding down a job, etc. Even if you think somebody's wrong, it's hard to say that they aren't dealing with reality.

    I don't think people who think differently from me are delusional. I think others are incorrect when they think differently than me, but I don't go so far as to think that he or she must have some sort of psychological problem by that fact alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am christian. i do not believe atheists or any other religion is delusional (though i believe cults are- like the ones who live in communes with 50 wives and 3000 kids). i believe everyone is entitled to their opinion. if someone believes i am delusional for believing in God, it doesn't matter to me really. In the end we will all know who was right and who was wrong. However it would matter to the person who thinks i am delusional. Because if i am right, it means they are wrong and they'll have to suffer the consequences. Some people base their religion on fact, some on faith and some on both. All sides have partial truths available to them. There is a good chance that a part of what everyone believes is true, just not necessarily to the extent they believe it. For example: Isn't it possible that God created the world through a giant explosion, creating something from nothing. or Isn't is possible that the water in Egypt really turned into blood but that many of the other plagues were a result of that. Most of the time I don't think people look at all of the fact to really know the truth. I think being delusional is falsely believing something even when you know it's true cause you have the facts in front of you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with your logic to a certain degree, just find the lack of consideration and humility undesireable, however I think a few distinctions should be pointed out. Assuming Christianity is false (or any other religion) then by definition a christian would be delusional because they are believing in something that does not exist. This is why atheist throw around the words imaginary friend, accuse believers of pretending in a sense, and compare God to the tooth fairy or other myths we generally accept as false. So I think the delusional comment is fair but maybe not tactful.

    Now lets assume that atheism is false instead. Since you can not see God, and everybody can't hear God, or feel, or touch, or taste God I think it may be unfair to call an atheist delusional on those grounds alone.

    However, when we go back to those words like imaginary and pretend, there are some holes in the atheist lifestyle that whether true or false we could call many atheist delusional or hypocritical. When an atheist centers his life around love he or she is in a sense being delusional. Since another word for atheist is materialist, because an atheist believes that only the material world exists. Love is not matter, it is not scientific, and if there is no God Love in the end is simply something we humans pretend has value to make life meaninful. Purpose in life would be another area where atheist would be delusional, if they are pretending there is a purpose behind their lives. Morality is simply a relative term decided by the populace or those in power, so an atheist should never cry out about injustice as if they were appealing to an absolute moral. Hope in the face of illness would be another imaginary part of an atheistic world. In the end I think an atheist no matter if there is a God or isn't is doomed to be delusional or else they would be going mad like Nietsche did because they would recognize the complete emptiness of life, love, and morality as he did. Don't get me wrong he was a very rational, genius atheist, but at least he was not delusional about the ends of atheism. If you don't believe me check out some of his quotes. Yes he hated christianity, but he was also very brutally honest about where atheistic thinking should follow and lead to. He actually urged atheist to pay the full ticket for their philosophy. So as long as atheist pretend life has meaning to get through the day, or pretend that their love for their wife or kid is of great value than yes they can not avoid being delusional according to their own philosophy, now if the chose to open their hearts and minds to the possibility of God........then purpose, love, and morality could all have intrinsic value and meaning.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is a party of twelve hikers walking threw the desert and one says, Hey, look at that pretty Oak tree" The other eleven do not see the tree, because it is not there, This is a delusion. The same delusion applys to a god that is not there. I am 75 today and have had a great life. Of course it has had many trials and tribulations, but I survived At the end of the day and this life is over I can see no purpose or reason for it ever being to start with.Of course I have had may joys and hurts but those were just a fleeting moment in time never to be again. I saved a young girl from drownding and it was told that it was a great thing I did and two weeks later the same young girl was killed in an auto wreck. Was there a purpose in my saveing her life. I see none. Was there a purpose in my killing people in a war. I see none. Everything I did in this life matters not if I had never been born.

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  • 1 decade ago

    By stating that anyone who doesn't believe the same way I do is delusional, I would be making a judgment. Since I am a Christ follower, it is not up to me to judge the belief system of others. That right has always been with Christ.

    To follow your logic however, if the definition of delusional is someone who believes differently than I do, then by definition, everyone on the planet is delusional because no two people are identical in their beliefs.

    Okay, call me delusional. I'm happy in my insanity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't. I think they have good reasons for their feelings. It's their choice. It's not like they haven't heard anything about Christianity. They made a choice. And be good or bad, that choice should be respected - as I want to be respected for MY choice.

    I personally do not like the word "delusional". It's too subjective to be used correctly. Most people don't use it correctly.

    To call someone delusional would imply that what you believe (which would be what they do not) is true and factual. Neither a Christian or an Atheist can use this term with correctness, as we are all still guessing on the truth. We have opinions and beliefs, but that in no way constitutes fact.

  • Ashley
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No I don't think atheists (or anyone else who's religious beliefs differ form mine) are delusional. I believe a small fraction may have been hurt by a church or religious people because of the animosity they have towards religion. But they don't speak for everyone.

    I don't particularly care if someone thinks I am delusional, but I appreciate the same courtesy I try to give everyone else, respect.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. I have many atheist friends, and many of them are atheists because they feel that there is no logical proof for the existence of deities. I can understand that. On that point, they are likely correct. I do not have proof for the existence of supernatural entities any more than they do.

    As for your bonus question, I don't feel that people who believe differently than I do are delusional. But if they think that I am delusional, they have a right to their opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. I don't think they are delusional. Note that delusion is a BELIEF and since Atheists by definition do not believe, then that would not be an accurate description of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Laughing Man - Great!

    Anyone that is closed minded to the truth is delusional. Yes this definition could include atheist. Usually it describes fundies though. Most intelligent people are open to the fact that what they are taught could be wrong if proven so.

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