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anyone else believe in acts 2:38 and baptize in Jesus name? and filled with Holy Ghost speaking in tongues?

also if you believe in being filled with the Holy Ghost when do you think you are filled? when you asked Jesus into your heart and believed in him, or after you got baptized? or do you feel it is seperate from either of those and you have to ask for it and it can come before you are baptized and after you asked God into your heart or later after you have asked God into your heat and then got baptized. or even later.


or do you believe in the old way baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, which are the titles not a name?

or do you believe you dont need to be baptized or dont baptize at all? there is a differance. some dont baptize at all, while others dont feel you need to but do it anyways. like an outward expression.

Update 2:

nice answeres and for why it might be important and strict would be simply to follow what God tells us to do. if it does not matter then why when we heal or cast out demons we do it in Jesus name? but baptism we dont. Jesus died for us. the Bible tells us we are baptized and buried with christ. and that we are baptized in his name. i believe it matters for myself.

and by the way in acts it shows that being filled with the Holy Ghost is a seperate thing. it shows that some were filled with the Holy Ghost after they believe in Jesus but were no batized yet. even asked since they were filled with the Holy Ghost do they need to be baptized and they were commanded to be baptized in Jesus name still. also other versus shows us that they believed in Jesus but had not be baptized yet. and were told to get baptized in Jesus name and then they were filled with the Holy Ghost all of which they spoke in tongues,

Update 3:

also even had a verse that they believed in Jesus and were baptized but still did not receive the Holy Ghost. how were they baptized, there were baptized under john. so if it dont matter how we are baptized then why were they commanded to get rebaptized in Jesus name? read all of acts and you will find it all. only one time they were filled with the Holy Ghost and it does not say they talked in tongues. does not say they did not either. however there was a individual who wanted to by the gift and told it is not for sell. why would someone want to by a simple thing. however hey it would be cool to beable to make people talk in another language though. now that someone would want to by.

Update 4:

good point with the theif i was waiting for that. he was still considered under the old law. Jesus had not risen to his power yet. it was not tell he came back to life and rose again and the day of pentecost that it was changed. Jesus showed us how we are to live. also a verse that says unless we are born of water and Spirit we can not enter the kingdom of God. also a verse says like noah and his family how 8 souls were saved by water so are we now saved by water as well. i feel asking God to forgive is like getting a cut. we put peroxide on a cut to clean the inside and bring the bacteria and dirt to the outside. tha is what asking God to forgive us does with out sins. then we clean and wash our cut. that is baptized to wash the sins away then we put a bandaid on to keep the dirt from entering again. that is the Holy Ghost to help us get thru life without sinning again. the Bible says we must ask for the Holy Ghost seperate.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Two baptisms

    Fleshly man baptizes you with water. The HOLY SPIRIT will baptist as in Act 2 with Fire/TRUTH at the appointed time.

    Mat 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and [with] fire:

    JESUS set the example so we also just have water baptism.

  • 1 decade ago

    As someone who believes in the practice of infant baptism, you receive the Holy Spirit after you have been baptized.

    And baptism is a sacrament, just like Holy Communion- all Christians should practice it.

  • Trey J
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    yes i believe in that scripture. it is known as the day of pentecost and it illustrated the prophecy that JESUS said would happen once he died and rose again. He said I will pour out my spirit upon man!!..

    All saved ppl recieve the gift of the holy spirit when they believe and become a child of GOd, however the spirit can become empowered and this is only done by GOD HIMSELF! that is what was happenig in this particualr verse..

    You only have to ask for it to become empowered.. all believers have the spirit in them!

    I beleive that water baptism is just as it says, it is an outward symbolism of obedience to GOD and signifies cleansing away of sin, however i do not think that it is needed for salvation! consider the theif on the cross who JESUS said was goling to heaven.. he was never baptised, but he went to heaven based on the fact that He believed! The bible states that salvation comes from confessing with your mouth and believing in your heart that GOD is real!!! This is scripture...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe in being baptised by water, in the name of God. (whatever variation).

    I don't believe we have to be baptised in the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues.

    When we became christians, and confessed and believed, we HAVE the Holy Spirit.

    If we have the Spirit, God wills for those who will speak in tongues to speak.

    If not, you won't have it no matter how many million times you get "baptised" in the Holy Spirit.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Yes, I believe. I have been slain in the spirit but I never have spoken in tongues & I was filled with the laying of hands.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Been there, done that, spoke in tongues. No longer believe. Come on in, the water's fine!!!!

    Truly, why would the omnipotent creator of this vast universe be so petty as to care what magic words are said as we are dunked in water or even if we are dunked at all? Can it really matter to Him? Why? Does he need something from us? Can an omnipotent, perfect being "need"?

    ~Atheist, ex-fundie-Xian (United Pentecostal), former New Ager

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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