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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Who believes in the power of prayer?

My family has endured so much the past 6 months. My dad's mom past away, my dad's brother past away, my great grandmother past away Tuesday, had her funeral today, my brother had a seizure after the funeral, my mom's mom is so sick she couldn't come to her mothers funeral, my mom is sick from stress. My great granny that just past, she suffered for 7 days before she past. What more can we take? If you believe in the power of prayer, please pray that God will give us comfort and peace through such a hard time and that he will heal my family that is sick, and he will fill our hearts with joy and strength.


Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers. For the ones who doesn't believe in prayer b/c it doesn't seem to work, God answers prayers, but not always the way we want them to, but for what he sees is best.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I will offer you a prayer here and now with some words in Comfort

    One night a man had a dream. He dreamed

    he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

    Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

    For each scene he noticed two sets of

    footprints in the sand: one belonging

    to him, and the other to the LORD.

    When the last scene of his life flashed before him,

    he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

    He noticed that many times along the path of

    his life there was only one set of footprints.

    He also noticed that it happened at the very

    lowest and saddest times in his life.

    This really bothered him and he

    questioned the LORD about it:

    "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow

    you, you'd walk with me all the way.

    But I have noticed that during the most

    troublesome times in my life,

    there is only one set of footprints.

    I don't understand why when

    I needed you most you would leave me."

    The LORD replied:

    "My son, my precious child,

    I love you and I would never leave you.

    During your times of trial and suffering,

    when you see only one set of footprints,

    it was then that I carried you."

    I did pray for your losses as well

  • mark s
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    From a Buddhist perspective , very much so , yes.

    we often pray for the sick, injured and mourning, over time ,it has been such that many of those people have regained full use of their bodies and have overcame much adversity.

    Never underestimate the power of directing " good thoughts " ( prayers ) to someone in need.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are kind of lost,If you want to ask something to anyone,you got to do it by yourself.

    Miracles doesn't come like magic,you have to carry the cross,all the sacrifice.

    For the time being no discipline brings joy, but seems grievous and painful;

    but afterwards it yields a peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

    So we do not become instantly righteous when we say we have faith in Jesus.

    We have to seek (strive after), be disciplined, obey God, work, and wait for the hope of righteousness.

    He who earnestly seeks after and craves righteousness, mercy, and loving-kindness will find life in addition to righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God) and honor. Pro 21:21

    Source(s): documentation of the word of God
  • 1 decade ago

    I pray every night before i go to sleep, for everyone, family or not, dead or alive with a few prayers, ill think of your family tonight and i'm so sorry for all you have endured, but time will heal your wounds eventually.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The power you seek is not in prayer, but in God and His sovereignty. Let me refer you to the Westminster Shorter Catechism:

    Q. 11. What are God's works of providence?

    A. God's works of providence are his most holy, wise and powerful, preserving and governing all his creatures and all their actions.

    The catechism faithfully builds on the first point, Q. 1, which asks, "What is the chief end of man?" and answers, "Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever."

    All God's works serve to bring glory to himself. Knowing this, that it is all about God, and not about us, demonstrates that he has provided all the comfort and peace needed. He has not promised physical or emotional healing in this life, but only that he will be ultimately glorified through us, his creation.

    That said, he affords us the dignity of causality by sharing a measure of his glory with those who are faithful, and does respond to our prayers according to his perfect will.

    You have many people praying for you as a result of your question, myself included.

    Hope to see you one fine day on the other side.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will pray for you before I go to bed tonight. I do believe in the power of prayer. I pray for the well being of your family.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I prayed to St. Francis, the Patron of animals when my little dog got cancer. she died anyway but a week later a little dog at an animal rescue broke out of its pin and made its way to my house. It has filled the empty space in my heart. The Saints intercede for us with God.

  • 1 decade ago

    "double-blind studies have shown that prayer works 50% of the time...the same percent of the time that it works when you pray to a rubber boot."

    Ahh, but you forgot! God is everywhere and everything! Including rubber boots!

    Source(s): Go prayer! lol!
  • 1 decade ago

    I am so sorry for you losses. I believe in the power of prayer. That God is controling our lives. We just have to believe.

  • 5 years ago

    No. You have the same amount of prayers answered by "God" as compared to a can of 7 Up,

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