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Will Obama's strategy work for me?

I have a problem with rattle snakes on my ranch. They strike without warning killing dogs, goats, and cattle, especially young ones. I've been trying to hunt them down, destroy their nests, and get rid of them.

Should I try Obama's strategy for dealing with terrorists? Should I just tell them my 'war against rattle-snakes' is officially over, and that I would like to talk to them so that we can find some diplomatic solution? Also, should the ones that I have confined to a certain area be 're-located' closer to the animals and house to prove to them that I want to live in peace and harmony with them?

It seems to me that Obama might be on to something here. I never thought about talking to them before. What do you think?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think they'll listen! I tried that once when I had a problem with timber rattlers. I tried fighting them but every time I killed one, two more showed up, so I called a conference to talk peace. They did a lot of hissing and tail rattling but wouldn't talk.

    Talks broke off with no defined results, the truce was over and they resumed their attacks. I retaliated with defensive action to no avail. One day I decided to make an offensive stance and captured one of the big boys and imprisoned him. I didn't water board him but I threatened him. Still no change. I tried rehabilitating him, but he kept wanting to strike. I think rattlers are union, possibly AFL-CIO or auto makers.

    Any way, they aligned themselves with the copperheads and then it got rough. I finally broke their resistance by capturing a rattler and a copperhead and placing them in the same cell. They killed each other. I caught another rattler, cut his rattles off and sent him back to his people. I haven't had any snakes since.


    Don't laugh, this story is mostly true, including the part about cutting the rattle off.

  • 5 years ago

    He has been very clear about his goals. Balance the budget, eliminate the debt, reduce taxes, end the wars, reverse Obamacare, reduce unemployment, create 15 million jobs, reduce the size of government,.... The problem is his plans to accomplish these goals is missing a few details. A direct quote of his is trust me. I'll figure out how to do it after I'm elected.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Obama ever came up against a terrorist snake I am sure he could talk it out of striking with his honey tongue. To listen to his followers he could talk the moon out of the sky. The man doesn't have a clue what to do but he is going around signing executive orders to appease his followers. I don't even think he understands what he is signing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you seen the new Taurus Judge? LOL! Yeah, it doesn't work. That's why one of the terrorists that already got released under Bush is now the commander of Al Quaida al Yemeni. Shockaroo, the terrorist vipers don't want to sit around a campfire, puff puff, and contemplate the meaning of the universe with us. Go figure, they're soldiers and they believe in their fight as an entire culture, just like we don't. Yes, the muslims in the middle east are a little more heated than American muslims. I know it's hard for the liberal folks to believe in something they can't see firsthand, but take my word for it, they don't like us, and they never have or will.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe we should place Obama, his ilk and terrorists on some far off desert island with no possibility of escape to see if his strategy works. That way, if it doesn't the rest of us whom know better will be safe.

  • wuz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They only respect strength, the more you are fair to them the less they respect you and think you are weak, the only way they listen is if you show strength and force, so no Obama's way will not work, not in the long run anyway

  • 1 decade ago

    Cat- Just call up Murtha in Pennsylvania- he will be glad to have the snakes in his district!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are listening to the big O , do the opposite of what he say's. Maybe the census will tell of results! He could still be lying to US & them : He is just going to kill them all? And let Allah sort them out?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No - Al Queda and their ilk will not stop striking out against innocent Christian families just from a proclamation from thy Highness!

    They will not stop unless Allah wills that they do


  • 1 decade ago

    Tell them to go over to the Bush ranch in Crawford.

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