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? asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

question about smoking pot?

soo, ive been smokin pot for about a year now and its gotten to the point where i tend to smoke it twice during the week and everyday, all day long, during the weekends. but heres the thing: when i dont smoke. i feel high. and when i do smoke, i feel sober.. if that makes any sense to you guys? i like the feeling i get when i smoke weed, and its a normal feeling for me. but when i dont smoke, like now, being completely sober.. i hate it. i feel like i shuld feel if i had smoked. but i didnt. i bug out, like i used to when i first started smoking weed. but im sober.. i constantly feel like sumthin bad is going to happen to me, i have shortness of breath, anxiety, i feel like im loosing my mind in a sense. its starting to get really scary... whats going on? lol i wish i could smoke and have the feelings go away but i dont have any bud, nor any money):

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    are ya' smokin' it now, b/c that question was all over the place, dude...maybe pot is not for you...

  • 1 decade ago

    You know how people say "pot isn't addicting"?

    Well you're living proof that it is.

    However, it's a different kind of addiction. Basically you could say you've self-medicated yourself. Let's see if I can make more sense out of this...

    OK, a kid gets diagnosed with ADHD. The doc prescribes Adderall, a derivant of speed, to calm him down. Now that the kid is regularly taking Adderall to feel normal, if he misses a dose, he feels really really messed up.

    Now re-read that paragragh and put "weed" where Adderall is, and pretend it's you. Haha.

    You're not sick or anything. Your brain has just gotten accustomed to being high, so now high is normal and normal is messed up.

    I've gone through this alot. It sucks, eh?

    You have two options.

    Stick out the retarded "blahhh I can't do anything" feeling for another week or so, and you'll be back to normal. I swear.

    OR! Get some bud and continue to live your life that way.

    Up to you. But, you should quit freakin' out. You're gonna be fine.

    It's all normal.

    Edit: After reading all the replies ahead of mine, I repeat, DON'T FREAK OUT.

    You don't need mental help. You don't need a treatment center. You didn't screw up your brain. You are going to be fine. They're treating it like you've been doing meth for a year, it's far from that. Pot is a natural plant and doesn't contain the chemicals that other drugs do, therefore, you are not harmed hardly at all. (compared to hard drugs, that is). Just stick it out. I've done this process at least 5 times. It's lame and you feel like you won't ever think straight again, but you'll be dandy in no time.

    Source(s): been there, done that.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds pretty bad, for a while I used to smoke 3 times a week but still not as much as you. I suggest you cut back before you do some serious damage as too much weed can cause you to have a stroke and if that happens good luck even pulling a cone. Im no expert on addictions but it sounds to me like your having some serious withdrawal symptoms. My advice is to slowly cut back maybe by increasing the ratio of spinner to weed. that way you can smoke as often but less. Next time you feel like some try having just a smoke instead or smoking tobacco mixed with wormwood which isnt hard to come by depending on where you are. Consider seeing a doctor or someone who can help out with this...oh and if you have access to it, salvia divinorum is supposed to have a chemical that blocks receptors in the brain responsible for addiction, try that maybe. good luck

    Edit: there were only 3 answers when i started on mine, katherines is pretty good. I havnt been where you are but if she has she probably knows what shes talking about. Also salvia divinorum is a natural plant drug too but is getting a raw deal lately, all medical proffesionals and researchers havnt found a single negative effect from its use so if you must do a drug i suggest that one.

    Source(s): Ex-stoner
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your not stupid nor a druggie. you just mess with your head too much. Iv smoked for 4 years now, and im regular user. I dont feel incomplete when i dont smoke. sure sometimes im like damn i wish i was stoned right now...but nothing to the point when i have anxiety...that means you might have an addiction. which is crazy cause marijuana is not an addictive drug i HIGHLY recommend you dont expierement with other drugs, or you will be heading in a bad direction not to mention being broke. Just chill out and get other hobbies besides being a pothead. Dont get in you head that you NEED to high RIGHT NOW or yea you will get worked up and that will bother you...dont psych yourself out. be a motivated stoner....; ) prove the world wrong.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You feel like you're losing your mind because... you are. You're screwed unless you get professional help. If you stop smoking, you'll probably get some money and can afford it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Smoking that stuff will make you insanely sick.And you can go to jail.You need to go to rehab or something.This is literally a life or death situation.I don't know you but please get help before something bad happens to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh boy. I was in your position not more than a year ago. I went through sheer hell coming off pot because it fried my brain like KFC. Look man, its going to be absolute ****, but if you can pull through you'll be fine.

    Source(s): Been there, came back.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To me, it sounds like you need the marijuana just to be regular.

    It happens with hardcore drug addicts where it's not about getting high anymore, its about being regular and keeping from getting withdrawls which would make people really sick.

  • 1 decade ago

    u just screwed your life.

    2 things u can do

    1. get some help...frends parents...a rehab.

    treatment center. addiction help...teen hotlines.

    2. juss keep smokin . go to jail. and end up livin in the streets.

    the choice is yours.

    btw--so stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe you had some that had an additive and you don't know it, or maybe someone laced it with something to make you feel the way you're feeling.

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