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jamesf24 asked in SportsMartial Arts · 1 decade ago

Martial Artist's New Years Resolutions?

January is almost over.

I'm curious as to what kinds of New Resolutions have been made by our martial arts community?

We all have our personal life related goals and resolutions, but I am curious about resolutions specifically related to your martial arts training.

My training resolution for 2009 is to be able to do the full side splits, Van Damme style. I have about 9" to go.


15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My martial arts resolutions are: Doing full splits on right and center, train harder, and receive my 1st Dan Black Belt.

  • 1 decade ago

    attendance and devotion.

    These two things have always lacked in my life but this year I have really made up my mind to commit to my Martial Arts training. I have a new spot at the gym now. I teach the basics to the new members and even though I have poor verbal skills I really do want to help out with this.

    So to some it up to be there more and be there fully when I am and to be the best instructor of the basics I can be.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi James, setting goals is a major priority in the martial arts community as one always seeks to improve oneself in the art. Statistically speaking one who sets not just goals but proper guidelines to attain those goals are more successful in achieving them and have a far greater chance at financial wealth as well.

    In our school we follow the outline of "smart" goals.






    Throughout the years I have made similar goals. They included doing more push-ups, better form in jumps, kicking higher, etc., I also had one about becoming more involved in my dojo by assisting the teacher, all of which I have achieved however, I gotta tell ya, the only goal I have right now is to do all the required "formalities", one of which being to make up my own weapon Kata, in order to qualify for my Black Belt test in the end of March. To earn my Black Belt has been my major goal all along and every other goal that I have set and achieved has lead me to this point.

    It's hard for me to even think about what I will be doing after that. At this time what I want to do and what I may do are two different things it seems. So for now, I will focus on what I must and we shall see what my new goals are when the chips have fallen and my options are clearer.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Happy New Year Wing Chun. Haven't really thought about my resolution.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Good question!

    For me it would be:

    1) Build a 24' by 32' building in my back yard as my private dojo.

    2) Teach more martial arts seminars.

    3) Seek out more senior martial artists to share knowledge with.

    4) Open a new Commercial dojo, here in Cumming, GA.

    5) Train harder in general.

    6)))) Spend more time training and less time on Y/A !!!! I've got to get away from the "My daddy can beat your daddy" mentality, before I get "Dain Bramage"..... Opps too late!

    Source(s): Martial arts training since 1967.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My new year's resolution is focused on my students.

    Last year I spent a lot of time traveling, training and competing. This year I am shifting my focus more to helping my students achieve in their martial arts careers and training. We have completely modified our way of thinking to be more supportive of their goals, harder training in classes and are working at getting the ones who want to compete to the events by raising money to help them out. We have also retooled our dojo to be more open about prices and helping those who can not afford our regular price offset the cost so that those who truly want to train can afford it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I also want to be able to do full side splits(I can do front ones).

    Another goal of mine is to practice all Four forms that I'm doing for a tournament every day. I also want to work on my upper body strength(which I have very little of) by lifting weights . My most important resolution is to work on my stances every day.

    Source(s): I'm a student of Kung Fu which is a Northern style Chinese martial art.
  • Lycann
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    good luck on the full side splits (Van Damme style!)

    My goal is a single leg squat with the other fully extended and held parallel to the floor (or near enough to).

    Single leg squat right now is a little shaky but the second leg is no where near extended... lots of work ahead for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am currently working on achieving a split(all variations) and perfecting my side kick along with my round kick. I am also working on increasing my speed in punching and kicking. Good luck with your splits and everything you do in martial arts(and life)

  • Beast
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My resolution is to regain the skill I lost recovering from shoulder and back injury. And to increase my endurance.

    I will also be looking at teaching others instead of just being the student.

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