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Want to attach handles to truck inner tube for snow tubing?

Looking for ideas from someone who has done something similar to this, rather than just a "this might work" answer. Snow tube manufactures appear to stich the handles to the rubber and then seal, but am thinking without their industrial knowledge I would just ruin the tube.


I may glue a piece of shot bicycle tubing with patch kit cement as handle, would be afraid epoxy would be too stiff and/or damage rubber.

Of course nylon rope would make nice handles but not turning it into brakes that are always on is the struggle... might be great on a wicked steep hill though. Thanks, more ideas would be great:-)

Update 2:

maybe some trial and error with some old tubing and different glues I have on hand combined with pull tests will work

Update 3:

Great ideas, I'm thinking additional securing of the "like a bagle cut" rope with some glued on old inner tube could make it very sturdy and not fall off when deflated for storage, I have to give # 3 the points but all contributed... of course satisfaction of good answer is goal so you all win.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Use nylon rope. Tie the rope around the tube and then tie loops for handles. You don't want your fingers between the rope and tube. The rope will tighten as it's used and pinch fingers.

    Tie the rope around the tube tight enough to let it deform the tube and the rope will not drag and cause a braking effect.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Snow Inner Tubes

  • KTB
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Simple. Use a two part epoxy binder. It is available in tube form at any real hardware store. Carefully apply (i.e wear gloves) and you are on your way.

    These two part tubes look just like a caulking tube. With the 2 parter, the epoxy mixes in the nose of the application tube, and can be used with any tube gun. The joint/seal that they make is permanent. It will be stronger than the actual resilience of the rubber itself. Smaller versions are also available, for about half the price, but I have found them less effective. Spend the extra 1.50 and get the permanent solution.

    Source(s): 35 yrs experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I would just tie some nylon rope around the inner tube and create a couple of handles.

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