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4 year old not potty trained yet?

My friend's 4-year-old son is not potty trained yet. Is it possible that she is somehow contributing to his not being potty trained? She talks about him like he is a baby and calls him a baby all the time. Could she be unconsciously holding him back because she doesn't want him to grow up?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I read that 92% of kids were potty-trained by 18 months in 1951. I absolutely think it falls on the parents. Disposable diapers make it easier to postpone potty training and there is this idea that if you start too early you'll scar your child for life. It's the way the parent goes about it. You can teach potty training earlier than some people think.

  • 5 years ago

    There could be a physical problem but probably not. Contrary to popular belief, he is just now hitting the late development for this. For typical boys, most potty training occurs between 2.5-4 yrs old. Does he wake up from naps dry? How about in the morning? Maybe he just isn't developmentally ready for pottytraining. If he is just being stubborn a behavior modification specialist can help you. Try taking him every 2 hours while awake to the potty, have him sit for 30 seconds, sing a jingle, praise him for trying. When he goes have him earn something, stickers work well. When he has an accident, ignore it. If he is ready and there is no problem he will get this within 1wk. Stay calm and do not show any sign of frustration, no OH my god now we are going to be late, just look at you, well I guess I have to do more wash you are running out of clothes. I know how frustrating kids are and I am guilty of these things as most moms are but you really don't want him being anxious about the potty. Skip the pull up, it prolongs the pottytraining. go right to training pants.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No offense but you need to let her raise her child the way she wants and not worry about it. If the kid is 6 and still in diapers its none of our business. Not to say that I want a 6 yr old in diapers full-time but its her decision how to raise her child. For some of these comments, wearing diapers as a child does not affect a child's development. I was a bed wetter past the age of 15 and was in a disposable diaper every night until I was dry. It had no affect on me what so ever. Yea it sounds bad but its really not and I can say that because I was the one diapered. The kid will be just fine.

  • Angie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    at 4 you can usually expect a child to go through most nights dry without a nappy so being in fuill time nappies is a bit late! this child will be starting school at 4 and a half and will not be allowed in if still in nappies/diapers and then will start to feel the need himself no doubt.

    Still everyone has the right to rear their children as they wish as long as no harm is being done and im sure she knows she will NEED to have him dry for starting school. If you say something you could ruin a friendship as mothers dont tend to take too well to advice that has not been asked for so just bite your lip and know that he cant stay in nappies/diapers forever!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    parents have to be happy and bouncy and patient when comes to potty training. my son is 4 years old and wipes his own bum now. so yes 4 yrs old is wayyyy to old for day time nappies.

    a child wont learn unles they are taught by the parents its not something they do on their own.

    on the second idea he might have bowel/urine problems and if he has maybe a visit to the dr to address the issues

  • 1 decade ago

    it is ok just keep doing what you are doing my son was potty trained at 5 years old just put him in pul-ups the ones that feel cold when wet.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    My son 5 in august still not totally trained ts weard, he's a genius, his school wants him inc ollege at 8 or 9, when he's ready he's ready, fear anhold him/her back, my son tells e when me makes pee aand poopoo and ic hange him, he used to pee n my carpet whenhe wanted at 3 and 4

  • 1 decade ago

    She needs to treat him like a preschooler. She needs to teach him now

  • Mrs.C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    could be the lack of training... everything needs practice to be perfected.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She might be. Show her this information,

    Source(s): Early childhood Educator
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