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Do you think the Media was biased against Bush?

Nice to have the media at your beck and call!


Headlines On This Date 4 Years Ago:

"Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops Die in unarmored Humvees"

"Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times"

"Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, Ordinary Americans get the shaft"

Headlines Today:

"Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $120 million"

"Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party"

"Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate"

"Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama Inauguration"

...wait a minute, didn't Citibank just receive a $45 BILLION DOLLAR bailout

from the federal government? Oh, that's right, this contribution is for

Obama, the 'anointed one!'

Nothing like fair & unbiased coverage of the news !!!


11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thanks for pointing this out. So many Americans live with blinders on unaware of the bias. Educate yourself people !

  • 1 decade ago

    Corporate media will not spend money if those headlines do not make money for THEM. ((Forget "liberal" and "conservative" labels.)) The media don't give a hoot whose side is winning or losing as long as they make MONEY. The neoCon's (the Chicago/Friedman adherents) argument launched around Reagan's time was, "Balanced reporting is giving equal time to both sides," without asking the media to regard which side is/was RIGHT." They took that, and helped them win the election for them - and still occurs. Look for it, the so-called "balanced coverage".

    The neoCon's have been winning far more than the so-called Liberals because they're far better liars and allied far more with the media. But corporate media will do whatever it takes to stay in business, even support a "Liberal" - and a liberal, Democratic Congress is still willing to send your neighbor's son and daughter into an illegally occupied country and fight for, really, cheap oil.

    (Citibank has a friend in the Repub Party. He's the Treasury Secretary.)

    Source(s): Just my opinion after reading so much, it's been bad for my health.
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, of course they were biased against Bush. They are largely responsible for his low ratings. Most of the press is liberal and Democratic, and they have an agenda to put down conservatives and Republicans. They are so stupid they could kick a gift horse in the a _ _ and not even know what they did.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely, it's been going on like this for years. The media is no longer an independent subjective voice for reporting, they have become a left wing propaganda machine. Just as they call Fox News a right wing group.

    So I guess we can no longer depend on any media group to give us the truth any more.

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  • 1 decade ago

    the way our government spends money on stuff makes me sick we are AMERICANS and we have supported everyone that gets into office and we still get shafted. i am a little bit upset that president bush was to blame for everything maybe a lot of this economy was his fault but did anyone ever blame bil clinton? bill clinton was responsible for the home economy problems when he signed a bill stating no one has to put any money down how come our fellow americans are forgetting this?

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course the media hated Bush. If he had shown on national television the head of Osama Bin Laden on a silver platter people would have criticized him anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes because the media tends to follow what the people think so that they will continue to be watched on tv/read in the paper/listened to on the radio. Everyone except FOX news, they will fight to the death to defend the GOP

  • 1 decade ago

    If they said anything against Oreobama, they would be considered racist. So they went totally the other way. And those who voted for him fit the same bill.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure looks that don't it.Most of the country needed a change.

  • Smokey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Uhhhh, YES.

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