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R&P: Calling all regs and TCs, what is your favorite song from the Red Hot Chili Peppers (plus BQs of course)?

No one EVER talks about my favorite band on R&P! I'm not sure if they're hated, loved, or simply liked, or if R&P is indifferent about them.

So what's your opinion on RHCP? (You are being unfair if you're just judging them on songs like 'Scar Tissue' and 'Dani California'). And what's your favorite song from them? (It would be nice if you posted a link to it)

btw, this is the first question I ever asked on R&P (but no regs answered because I was a newbie back then! lol!).

I am aiming this question at the regs/TCs and my contacts. So please answer!

BQ: What is your opinion on Bruce Springsteen? His new album came out yesterday. No one ever talks about him, so I'm not sure if he's loved/hated on R&P.......(and don't just say 'meh'. Be specific and/or thorough)

BQ2: How's your day going?

BQ3: What's your opinion about this New-Wave 80s song? It's so cheesy but I like it! lol:

'You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)- Dead or Alive

BQ4: And what do you guys think of this version of Under the Bridge (my favorite song of all time; plus it changed my taste in music dramatically btw)?

I asked so many questions in one question! lol. This should keep R&P from suffering from boredom! lmao

Please star if you don't want to answer anything! (but you better! lol)


hahaha yeah I asked a WHOLE bunch of long BQs too......

Update 2:

Eh, 'Can't Stop' is very overrated IMO....

Update 3:

I think that RHCP is a band that everyone listens to but don't consider one of their favorites, unfortunately, especially on R&P.

Update 4:

Brad: Congrats! You earned it! :D

Update 5:

My day has been good so far, lol. Thanks for asking! :)

Update 6:

So, considering these opinions, R&P just thinks RHCP is simply ok. Nothing great or special. Fine, be that way! lol

But you have to admit that they are way better than 99.9% of modern, chart-topping rock bands, right?

Update 7:

Elvis: I totally disagree with you about BSSM, it was a masterpiece! But it's your opinion, so it's cool. :D

36 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I love them very much, they're definitely one of my favorite bands. My favorite song is probably Under The Bridge, others are On Mercury, By The Way, Cabron, Throw Away Your Television, Charlie, Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Especially In Michigan, Strip My Mind, Soul To Squeeze, Aeroplane, Dani California, etc. Their cover of Search & Destroy is great too. Amazing band!

    Flea's also a huge inspiration to me as a bassist, his basslines are my favorite to learn, and I've been told before my style sounds like his... Dani California was the first bassline I learned that doesn't consist of the same note for measures on end...

    BQ: I've only heard his album Born To Run, which I love. I've heard some Springsteen which I really dislike, too though.

    BQ2: Ugh. I've been doing chemistry homework literally all day. I got my learners permit yesterday, though, so I've been learning to drive, which is fun...

    BQ3: I can't listen to it at the moment, but I love 80s new-wave in general.

    BQ4: I actually found that yesterday... It's great, but I ;ike the original better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've always just been kind of indifferent on RHCP. I don't dislike them at all and they are a good band, i just never really got into them. Blood Sugar Sex Magik is my favorite

    bq: I actually like Springsteen alot. My mum listened to him when i was a kid, so i was always aware of him and liked him but i listened to The River album a couple years ago and just fell in love with it. However Jungleland is probably my favorite song of his.

    bq2:my day is not bad, i had to drag out to work during freezing rain and snow this morning but i'm home now :) Hope your day was good!

    bq3:You Spin Me is a song that i only hear once or twice a year. If i heard it more than that i would probably Really hate it lol.

    bq4: Thats a really good version of Under The Bridge. It sounds so good stripped down like that. Thank you for posting it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not really a RHCP guy. Mother's Milk and BSSM are very good records, but all in all their early stuff doesn't move me and I don't think their stuff after those records minus a song or two really... I don't know. I think they just lost it somewhere along the line.

    Favorite tune: at this moment, Naked In The Rain

    BQ: First couple records were really good. From there he's kind of hit and miss for me. It feels like the miss ratio gets greater as time goes on. Asbury Park is amazing though. Darkness at the Edge of Town too.

    BQ2: It's good, thank you. Hopefully going to do some work in the studio if everything lines up right. Try to get our record done in the next couple months here (fingers crossed).

    BQ3: Brings me back. I like that one.

    BQ4: I'll have a look...

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a regular here and I love the RHCP!

    Tell Me Baby

    Breaking the Girl

    Snow (hey oh)

    Hump de Bump

    By The Way

    Zephyr Song

    Around the World


    Dani California


    Favorite Albums - Stadium Arcadium and Blood Sugar Sex Magik

    BQ: When Bruce first arrived on the scene, I loved him a lot. Fave songs: Born to Run, The River. Fave album: The River. Still love that album. He is an awesome songwriter. Some of his later work was too commercial for me.

    BQ2: Better than yesterday, thanks.

    BQ3: I loved it!! Wiggling all over the place here now... Thanx!

    BQ4: Like the original and other live versions I have heard better....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love Under The Bridge, Soul to Squeeze, Breaking the Girl and Otherside.

    1. I love Bruce Springsteen, particularly his older stuff (Born to Run, etc.) It'd be an interesting listen, this new album of his

    2. My day is going well so far, its 10.45am here and the first of my days off, listening to some great tunes andtalking aout my favourite subject in the world, what could be better? lol :)

    3. I don't mind the 80s version of You Spin Me Round, I quite like it actually as I am quite into the 80s genre of music (be that to my detriment or not..) I didn't like the late 90s release of the same song as much hough, mind.

    4. I'll have a listen and get back to you.. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like them, they're one of my favorite modern bands! :)

    Anyway, I have several favorites, can I share only one? I'll try to narrow it down:


    "Snow (Hey Oh)"

    "Can't Stop"


    Just a few. I happen to really like RHCP, they're just really fun to relax to, and I don't say that about a lot of modern rock bands.

    BQ: I saw a "Am I the only person who thinks Bruce Springsteen sucks?" question a couple of days ago, and I must say that I kind of avoided the question. I'll try not to do that here. I like Bruce Springsteen, but at the same time I'm a little indifferent. He's just one of those musicians that I can listen to, but hardly do. But I definately don't hate him.

    BQ2: It's been okay. I have a bunch of essays that need writing before tonight, but that's school, right?

    BQ3: Lol! I happen to love that song! I don't know why, it's so horrible and 80s but I can't help it, it's catchy as hell. There are very few 80s tunes I can tolerate, this being one of them. I have some bad taste just like everybody else.

    BQ4: It's okay.


  • 1 decade ago

    To be honest, the only RHCP album that I've ever listened to in full is Blood Sugar Sex Magik, and I really didn't like it. "Under the Bridge" is a great song, but other than that it seemed very repetitive and indulgent. Flea's a great bassist, but every bass line of his seems to follow the same format. Not to mention some of those lyrics; "Sir Psycho Sexy" was a little off-putting. I'd have liked the album if it was about a third as long; its faults would seem charming instead of unbearably irritating.

    But to each his own. I know a lot of people like them, so I'm not gonna assume that I'm the only one who knows what I'm talking about.

    BQ: Pretty good, but I'm not a huge fan.

    BQ2: It's been worse.

    BQ3: I love camp, in small doses.

    BQ4: I like it. It's a little more heartfelt.

    Yeah, I know I'm really in the minority here.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love RHCP. I was trying to get my parents to let me buy a $200 portrait of Anthony painted by one of his former girlfriends. (It was on RHCP's site for charity). They wouldn't let me :(

    They're one of my favorites! They're fantastic! They have so many different sounds and they're great with everything they try! I've read Scar Tissue so many times I can't even count. I'm currently making a collage kind of thing on my wall dedicated to them. My calendar last year was an RHCP calendar. John Frusciante's work is what made me want to learn the guitar.

    As for my favorite song, there are toooooo many to choose! I'll put one from each album :)

    The Red Hot Chili Peppers-True Men Don't Kill Coyotes

    Freaky Styley-American Ghost Dance

    The Uplift Mofo Party Plan-Fight Like a Brave

    Mother's Milk-Higher Ground

    Blood Sugar Sex Magik-The Righteous & the Wicked

    One Hot Minute-Aeroplane (I don't like Dave Navarro much)

    Californication-Californication, Otherside, or Get On Top

    By The Way-This Is The Place

    Stadium Arcadium (Jupiter)-Charlie

    Stadium Arcadium (Mars)-Desecration Smile

    Source(s): Amazing band.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi Lily, I'm A TC Now!!!!!!! (hooray)

    my favorite rhcp song is dani calfornia (suprise)

    bq: i actually like his new song "working on a dream" quite a bit, and i like born in the usa but that's all

    bq2: I had school off today due to the snow, so it's awesome. You?

    bq3: My mom loves that song, it's also in the wedding singer and i always laugh when that guy sings it.

    bq4: i like the regular version more

    *Edit* my favorite RHCP song is "Can't Stop" boy is this a tough choice though.

  • 1 decade ago

    My favorite RHCP song is Higher Ground. It's really the only one of theirs I like. Flea is a good bassist, but he's given too much credit. Anthony Kiedis is just a terrible singer in my opinion. I'm not even sure who their guitarist is right now, but if it's not Dave Navarro, chances are I'm not a fan of him.

    BQ: I like Springsteen, I'm not a huge fan but I do plan on buying his new album once I get a chance. His last album wasn't the best in my opinion, though there were a few good songs on there.

    BQ2: It was going pretty well but it got worse just a few minutes ago...

    BQ3: The video is hilarious, as for the

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