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Should an invitro law be passed?

The woman who already had six children all by invitro now had octuplets by invitro. Since doctors have not ethics or good judgement, should a law be passed outlawing the practice of invitro fertilization for women who already have children?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think if a woman wants more children then it should be her decision and not the governments. However, Ive heard that this woman really didnt need invitro and hadnt had any problems conceiving. My concern lies solely on whether this person can afford to take care of these children properly. The government has no business telling women how many children we can have.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Leave the poor women alone! for crying out loud she is taking care of them! If you want to pass a invitro law...then maybe we should pass a law that you have to take a test before you can become a parent! It's people like you that are jealous and go out and do stupid stuff to children!

    GEEZ people!! Leave her ALONE ! My grandma has 12 kids...WHO CARES!! The bigger the family the more to love !

    and to answer your question... NO

    Aimee C-

    Then why did the grandfather say on national TV that they have another home somewhere that no one will ever find out about. And this is the home the mother and babies will be going to when they are all released! Which is big enough to house everyone. And sorry to tell you...but 2 grandparents can't support 14 kids, and 3 adults on their income. SO obviously she is getting money somewhere. Why can't you just be happy that everyone is ok, and doing well? Are you jealous because she had 8 children and is happy. And you are miserable? come on now!


    My husband and I have our own home, own our cars, etc. We are on NO Gov. assistance. husband just lost his job, and I can't find work. So now your saying we can't get gov. assistance? How is that fair?!?! We have been paying our own bills since we've been together. And just because we chose to have a child almost 2 years ago, doesn't mean we don't deserve some help.

    What you all need to focus on is the people that are getting foodstamps, and cash money from the Gov. and selling it to buy drugs/beer/sex etc. Those are the people that you need to be complaining too! I can't help what is going on in our Country. It's not my fault Mr. Bush decided to put us here!


    Why isn't anyone complaining about the McCauley Suptuplets? They have 8 children total, or what about JOn and Kate plus 8?!? They too are getting all kinds of assistance!! Not to mention they are putting their children all over the TV! Or what about the woman over seas who had 8!?!?

    Source(s): Mommy to 22 month old and TTC#2
  • 1 decade ago

    No but anyone who has invitro to have a child should not be allowed to receive any govt. Aid what so ever. You should not intentionally have babies that you no you can't afford, and taxpayers should not have to pay for babies that you knew you couldn't afford but had anyway. If you know you will depend on someone else to take care of your kids then why have them?

    EDIT: she's almost 2- you need to get some kind of reading comprehension before you start biting my head off. If your husband was laid off and you have been actively trying to find work, you have exhausted all your other resources of taking care of yourself and you still need help, then i don't have a problem with you getting govt. aid. But if you KNOW that having 8 children is going to force you to get on welfare, then why would you CHOOSE to have them. Why would you choose to have kids that you know you cant support? You don't intentionally have 8 babies that you cant support and then expect everyone else to support them! and as for you Mr. bush comment, PRESIDENT Bush did not put us into a recession! You act like he just flipped a switch or something! If you want to thank someone for this mess, you can thank greedy, corrupt Americans. It has nothing to do with a president making a decision. And well see how much money you have left in you pocket after your new Muslim president gets started:)

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe, that and my fertility clinic, believe in only putting back one to two eggs back, then freezing the rest for when you what to go back and try again. Not all clinics are like that and I believe greed comes in to play when you find out there are many. Some people think they will get rich. look at Jon and Kate plus 8 or they will get their kids in the movies. They may think they will get a show and or some how get free help. In Canada we get a child bonus and $100 taxable something.

    If she were in Canada she most like raking in about rough $3200.00 a month

    I am not sure if she is working so what ever maybe welfare? added?

    Though I know she don't live in Canada. Imagine if she 3200.00 a month, that is more that what i make a month..

    I think that if a law was too pass, it should be the number of egges getting placed back in.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I actually think this will come down to money. That family did not appear to be loaded, and those hospital bills will be huge. The only player I think that can regulate this is insurance. While only a few even pay for fertility treatments (I worry that will cases like this, even less will) but they seem to be the most well positioned to put a cap on this, as they wont want to pay the bills for 8 preemies.

    Granted I wonder if this family even had insurance, and how they had the money for IVF. and why

  • 1 decade ago

    In vitro can still be very successful if less embryos are implanted. if a doctor knows what they are doing, they only need to implant a minimal amount of embryos. i don't see any need to implant 8, that is absolutely ridiculous! as far a law that in vitro shouldnt be allowed for people who already have children that is totally absurd!

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe, I think you would have to have a certain amount of children for that to be able to be passed, and what about the people who want a lot of children and can financially support all of the children. I think both would have to be taken into consideration.

  • 1 decade ago

    no i don't there may be women who have one child and wish to have another but for whatever reason can't. I do think however that ppl who do have that many should know when to stop; as long as they can afford to have that many children on there own and can give them lots of love and time

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    no- but how many are implanted. Eight is way too many for any woman to safely carry. It was unhealthy for the babies and unhealthy for the mother. Thankfully in this case everyone one lived, but it will not always be like that if doctors continue to put so many embryos in at one time.

  • Leslie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    this is not china you can put a number on children . so i think you should be able to do it how ever many times if you can afford it . but i think people should know a point to stop

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