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15 1/2 Weeks Pregnant... Cramping and...?

I am 15 an a half weeks pregnant... And just last night I started cramping... I haven't had any cramping really throughout the whole pregnancy but all of a sudden I am... It hurts pretty bad... Not like I can't handle it but it's worse then MY cramps from my time of the month... I never cramped much then... Anyways I went to the restroom (May be T.M.I) and when I wiped there was a little bit of blood... Not spots or anything but I have been having a lot of extra discharge lately and there was like a little trace of pinkish blood here and there... I am just worried... Should I go to the hospital? Is there even anything they can do or am I ok!? I'm pretty far along in my pregancy for a miscarriage but I know it's possible so I am just scared and want some advice on if I should just wait it out and go to my doctor sometime this week when they can get me in or should I go to the ER tonight?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With Cramping and bleeding, always better safe then sorry!

    You should be able to call your Doctors Office and reach the answering service who can connect you with the Doctor on Call! Call the Doctor on call and explain to Him what is going on.

    If you cannot get a hold of the Doctor on Call, then yes....Absolutly go to the ER to be checked out and ensure that you and baby are alright! Dont hesitate.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would go the the hospital to be on the safe side.It may not be anything.I don't want to scare you but I had been having alot of discharge for about a week the had slight spotting one day i called the hospital and the doc said as long as i was not cramping or it didn't get any worse it was prolly nothing two days later that evening i started cramping and bleeding a lil more so i called back and my doc said to come on in i had an ultrasound and it dhowed that i had a leak in my cervix my water broke soon after that and i had a stillbirth.My doc thinks it was either that i had gotten an infection some how and it caused my cervixs to open or that i have a weak cervix and it caused me to have a slight infection after they opened.I'm really not tryin to scare you only let you know what happened to me if you have had sex it could be that you have just irritated the cervix but you should go an dget checked out just to be safe.

    I'll be prayin for you and please let me know if you find out anything is my email

  • 5 years ago

    When i was pregnant with my son (my first child, 3rd pregnancy) i had bled in the beginning of my pregnancy. I'm going to give it a good guess and say it started out when i was 5 weeks up until 14-16 weeks. I had even passed a good sized blood clot, went to the emergency room and everything. i was so worried the whole time i was going through it. well, my son was born and is perfectly healthy and other than the bleeding my pregnancy was perfectly fine and normal. You could be bleeding for the same reason i was. We dont know why i bled but i did. It could be nothing, or it could be something. I'm sorry to say, it could be a miscarriage. I'm sure you know that though. Try not to worry so much, keep busy thinking of positive things like names, baby registry.... something to keep your mind off till you get the results. All i did was research the subject when i was pregnant but honestly that did me no good it made me stress more. I wish you luck, i hope everything is fine and hope you get good results on the blood work that you got done.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would go to the ER right away, but that's just me. Call your doctor, there should be a nurse or somebody on duty right now that can help you answer this question better than us.

    Don't wait, stay calm but just call them and good luck.

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  • J h
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You need to call your OB and have them page the doctor who is on call. They will most likely want you to go to the hospital because they will want to verify that your cervix is closed and that the placenta is okay. You might need to be put on bedrest. If your OB does not call you back, go to the ER. The same thing happened to me and everything was fine, but you need to get checked.

  • 1 decade ago

    call your ob and go to the er. it may be nothing but it could be a miscarriage. the only ways to know are to either have a blood test to confirm your hcg levels, have an ultrasound or just wait and see.

  • 1 decade ago

    call your doctor and then go to the emergency room, if your spotting they are going to want you to go and get checked out, get an ultrasound make sure the babies ok. I would go asap. good luck, hope everythings ok

    Source(s): spotting during pregnancy, caused my potentially harmful infection.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go to the ER ... better safe than sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    just go to the er if you keep cramping...its better to be safe right?

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