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bigkc317 asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

whats so wrong about marijuana?

why is it illegal when alcohol is not and neither is cigarettes


and if its my body why does the gov. not hurting anyone else...and smoking on j is like smoking 3 cigs...but you most likely dont smoke enough j's to have a pack a day which is where most people smoking cigs get cancer for...its just stupid why others care about my body

Update 2:

not as addictive as either...and if its my body why does the gov. not hurting anyone else...and smoking on j is like smoking 3 cigs...but you most likely dont smoke enough j's to have a pack a day which is where most people smoking cigs get cancer for...its just stupid why others care about my body

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What's wrong? Its a drug of course. It's a drug for guilty pleasure, if you what to try some be my guest. But it can have terrible consequences for your long-term heath, especially for your lungs and heart, and whatever body organ. But if you don't have any problems with that then be my guest. Just giving you a friendly warning.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok well some other people are going to say it's not that bad. And I am going to have to disagree. It is worse for your lungs and brain than cigarettes, and it impairs your judgement, and cigarettes just don't. I suppose you could also argue that alcohol impairs your judgment and it is bad for your brain and liver, and I would have to agree. I know why it's illegal versus cigarettes, but not really alcohol. But smoking weed, if you have a history of schizophrenia anywhere in your family, even just one relative, can increase your chances a LOT of becoming a schizo. This is why I only smoke at most once a month because I have 2 schizos in my family. Every couple of bowls or blunts or whatever that you smoke, your likeliness of becoming schizophrenic when youre older increases, and increases even more if you have any family history.

    Oh and whatever you hear it is SO not addicitive physically. If you stopped "cold turkey" one day after smoking twenty years of your life, you'd be fine, it'd just seem a little weird.

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I think they are trying to ban the sale of cigarettes and lower the number of people who start smoking by baning people from smoking in public places, so the government do understand the health issues with smoking. And, they always try and put the price up of booze to discourage people from drinking too much alcohol.

    These two substances are well understood to cause terrible damage to humans.

    Marijuana is a well know drug, (same as alcohol and ciggies), but not enough research has been done to fully understand the long term effects of this drug.

    I offer my body NOW, to let scientists do this research on the effects of smoking marijuana. I think it is an important area that needs lots and lots of study.

    Please let me be a case study. Please.

    Seriously, ...PLEASE!!!!!



  • David
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's just the reality we're in now. Anybody with half a brain knows marijuana is not very harmful compared to cigarettes and alcohol, in terms of physical and mental health and also public/social health. But, alcohol and tobacco companies are huge, make lots of money and have their permanent place in Washington DC (including politicians' pockets). The good thing is that the taxes from cigarettes and booze create a lot of money that equalizes the harm they cause. Obama's 4 million children insured? Look to cigarette taxes for that. It's strangely ironic - sure we're insuring a ton of kids, but what about all these boozers and smokers who'll be in the hospital when they're old and broke? What are you gonna do, clearly most of the decisions our government makes are not the most logical.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it can bring on mental health disorders like paranoia and schizophrenia , it is advised if there is any history of these conditions in your family dont smoke it.. It may seem harmless now but wait till you cant leave your house or think all your mates are laughing at you or talking about you behind your back...This is not something that happens over nite but happens over a period of time..

    You do make a good point though about alcohol and cigs, they are pure posion to be putting into your body and they are perfectly legal...They generate so much revenue for the government, they could not afford to ban them...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Marihuana makes people concious, concious people are a possible treath that could undermine governments (often corrupt) powers and strategies. Many govs withould the normal people even from lot of essential information, or provide false information. They want to keep the people dumb, like sheep that are easy to manage.

    That is why most govs not allow (read: are affraid of) marihuana.

    Actually (natural grown, without additives e.g. like in heavily cultivated the Dutch skunk) marihuana is good to use, it helps the mind develop well.

    Alcohol is much more bad for people but no treath to the gov.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing is wrong with marijuana. Its use may stave of dementia and it has other medicinal uses.

    Marijuana was popular with black musicians, in the 20s and 30s so it never attained respectability.

    The lady is also right, Big Brother hasn't managed to tax it so non-violent drug offenders are locked up while terrorists are released.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a hard question because they are all not good for you.

    BTW the people saying it's ok for you, you are still inhaling smoke. Last time i checked, smoke damages lungs. Thats why people in burning buildings die or need to be treated for smoke inhalation. Once you are addicted, you can't get enough. People will do anything to get the drugs even if it involves breakin the law. Simple as that

  • 1 decade ago

    As always, the government is stupid. Weed is a plant. it's not like chemically made like ecstasy, asid, or meth, etc.

    go green!

    smoke herb, sniff coke, do some shrooms.

    but i mean ecstasy is coo too. =]

    Source(s): my experiece.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the government hasn't found a way to tax it yet.. Theres nothing wrong with marijuana,,, i don't see why people make such a big deal out of it..

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