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Are all the denialists here paid off by fossil fuel funded think-tanks?

And if you are a regular denialist here and aren't getting paid for it like many others are, do you feel like you're being cheated?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. I am not getting paid for expressing my opinions.

    2. I am not unemployed or a republican nor am I looking for a job with Exxon or any oil company or any chemical company or any evil tobacco, or pharmaceutical company or even Haliburton.

    I do have a background in science and graduated from the University of Common Sense. When I read something about this global warming fraud, that makes no sense I get annoyed. Global warming, if it did exist would not be caused by CO2 emissions but rather the sun! CO2 would not cause global warming but global warming can cause an increase in CO2 . If the sun were warming the earth, than more CO2 would be given off by large bodies of water and there would be an increase in plant life which gives off CO2. But there is no long term scientific evidence of a current warming trend in our cyclical climate change so all of this is irrelevant.

  • vrrJT3
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hey I just found this place. So where do I sign up to get my pay-off check? Is there a sign-up sheet at the corner Chevron?

    I totally disproved the CO2 global warming theory several years ago by studying the science. Ever notice that the global warmers all have an agenda? The "global warming deniers" are trying to spread freedom and truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    roflmao, omg that's a really good one!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you should join us.

    It's all cavier, champagne, truffles and gold laced napkins, served to us by monkeys dressed as clowns, wearing make-up. And its all done on an oil rig in the North Sea, where we leave all the lights on and the TV on stand by and we all drive around in 4x4's, signing songs about fossil fuel deep into the night, whilst being paid 'twenty two thousand, million, hundred and ten' zlotties a day..

    come join know you want to.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You're thinking the Springer denialists here, as far as I can tell. This is the global warming section. Denialists would most likely be found over in a history/social/religion section. Why a think tank of any kind would fund hate speech is beyond me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry but if you look deep enough at where the money goes you will find it is the proponents receiving $100 for every dollar that goes to a skeptic. And you must realize that the major spokesman for AGW and in fact the man that really invented it James Hansen is an indirect employee of Exxon/Mobil.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think there's any way they are, simply because anyone funding denialists would expect better arguments than they're capable of making.

    When you ask the denialists if humans aren't causing global warming what is, the best they can come up with is

    1) It's the Sun

    2) It's a natural cycle

    3) The planet has stopped warming

    When you ask them how #1 can be true when solar activity has not increased in 60 years, they don't seem to have anything to say.

    When you ask them what natural cycle has caused the recent warming, they don't seem to have anything to say (except some blame the PDO, which is obviously wrong).

    When you ask them for evidence that the planet stopped warming, they either cite some winter weather event (omg it snowed during winter?!?!) or they claim the planet hasn't warmed in the past 7 years. A claim which could have been made once every decade over the past 150 years.

    Basically they're rank amateurs. Every argument they make can be disproven with scientific data in a matter of minutes. If I were going to fund denialists, I would expect a much better performance for my money. If I had hired any of the denialists on YA, I would have fired them long ago for incompetence.

  • eric c
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    About as much money as the people on this board receive from industries that have money invested in alternative fuels, or see themselves as brokers in the trading of carbon credits, that stand to lose if co2 reduction legislation is not enacted.

    As for who is misleading who, I want you to google co2 lagging temperatures or Vostock ice core samples and see for yourself what the correlation is between co2 and temperatures, and ask yourself why is the link provided by weatherman not corrected.

  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm surprised you have to ask this question. To answer your question, yes we are all getting fabulously wealthy and we all own fleets of yachts now. Even Dana has gotten a few cheques in the mail because his rants occasionally get mistaken for sarcasm.

    I expect you already knew that as there would be no other explanation of how anyone could possibly disagree with your opinion as you jump on the latest bandwagon even though every other environmental disaster campaign in the history has turned out to be somewhat over dramatised.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think a lot of the "official" deniers are undoubtedly being paid off by the fossil fuel lobbys, and are picking and choosing the minority of studies that go against GW to back them up.

    The majority of studies prove GW is happening, and that it is linked to CO2, but the deniers simply label these FACTS as myth because it doesn't fit their agenda.

    And for those that say thre is no correlation between CO2 and global temperature, I suggest you look at

    This not only shows the link between the two, but also the dramatic increase in CO2 levels since the start of the Industrial Revolution.

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