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Why would God create 128 different species of finches?

Isn't one enough? What's the point of creating two birds that are exactly alike, but one has a tuft of blue feathers instead of white? If God created every animal with a specific purpose in mind, why couldn't God create one species of finch to do the same job? And why 128 specifically? Why not 7 or 700?

And why would God feel the need to create over 30,000 species of beetles? Seems like designing each one by hand would be a tedious and unnecessary job. Did God just need to fill some overtime hours or what?

Evolution provides an answer to these issues, but Creationism lacks some critical explanations which would need to be resolved before if could be considered a viable "alternative". Why should Creationism or "Intelligent Design" be taught in schools if there's nothing more to it besides "God created everything, but we don't know why because He's mysterious."?


Oh, yeah. Here's a list of finch species, for your personal amusement:

Update 2:

Sixburgh - So you don't see a connection between dozens of distinctive and unique finches which evolved from a common ancestor and all life evolving from a common ancestor? Seems like a reasonable inference to me. Maybe you're just not looking.

Update 3:

John - Wrong. Please see Al Gorythm's answer for evolution's explanation of diversity.

Update 4:

RCCola - Don't be so defensive. Just answer the question, and if you can't, say "I don't know."

16 Answers

  • Acorn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Variety is the spice of life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution does not have an answer to why there are so many species of animals. In fact, quite the opposite is true. When you consider all of the uniqueness in the world and do the math necessary for evolution to have come up with so many variations by natural selection it enters the realm of impossible. Evolutionists like to explain this by making the playing field bigger. For example. if there is a 1 in quintillion chance of a single species of beetle forming by natural selectio, an evolutionist will say "Well there must be at least a quintillion different universes" and on and on.

    I believe in creationism but I also believe that we should not necessarily teach that point of view in schools. We should however stop teaching the false "science" of evolution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh you mean like Darwin's Finches?????

    In 1831 Charles Darwin set sail on the Beagle, and on this voyage, he took note of various species of plants, insects, and wildlife that were distinct yet closely related. Among the most famous of Darwin’s observed species were “Darwin’s finches.” He noted that there were fourteen species of this bird in the Galapagos Islands, all of which appeared to have come from a common ancestor. The varieties that exist there today differ mainly in minor characteristics like the size and shape of the bill. The important thing to realize, however, is that all the new finches are still finches. They did not become owls, eagles, or turkey vultures. Nor did they become a whole new species, evolving into monkeys, kangaroos or prairie dogs. In other words, despite all the weight given to Darwin’s observations of these finches, there is nothing there that adds any credibility at all to Darwin’s theory that all life evolved from a common ancestor. Today, Darwin’s theory has been chalked up as a rebuttal to the creation account found in the Bible, but in reality it is no such thing. First of all, the doctrine of fixity of species was a man-made doctrine and has absolutely nothing to do with the Biblical account. The Bible does not say that God only created one type of finch in the first place, nor does it say that different types of finches which may have migrated from different geographical areas cannot breed together. The important thing to understand is this: For the most part Darwin’s observations are not in question, BUT HIS CONCLUSIONS ARE!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    A loving God is giving us a variety of creation. I think there are about 800 kinds of humming birds. Just think about what you can learn about with all the varieties of different species. Living forever will never be boring.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, there are over 400 000 species of 'named'* beetles, plus many in storage waiting to be classified and named, plus some yet to be 'discovered'*.

    *I use the ' ' marks here, because of course, local populations have usually both discovered and named these animals. In these counts, however, the words are shortened forms of 'discovered, classified and named by the scientific community, for study, etc. purposes'.

  • 1 decade ago

    If all Finches are exactly alike then why are you saying there are 128 different species? Is there one or is there more than one?

    It seems to me as if you need to clarify your own thoughts before asking a question like this.

  • 1 decade ago

    i'm going to come right out and say that i'm a bit of a Deist, and naturally, have a certain fondness for intelligent design even though i'm fully aware that it is completely preposterous. i believe that evolution happened, and that it is really the only educationally viable theory. but if you're going to dream an entire universe... i mean why NOT go all out and create millions of species (or rather, help them create themselves).

    i just don't see why specificity is inherently an argument for evolution. you have better ones. use them next time. and your argument would be stronger if you weren't quite so unnecessarily flippant. :-)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    technological know-how has desperate that "cro magnon" isn't a various species, yet purely yet another race (like white, blacks, orientals). and that they are leaning in the direction of such as Neanderthals as human beings. that there have been adjustments in the human inhabitants over the years and over geographic region is glaring. you decide on for in ordinary terms go searching on the instant to ascertain that. yet they are all nevertheless "human". enable us to think that canines sometime substitute into extinct, and all innovations approximately them lost. think you have been to dig up the remains of a Chihuahua and a Saint Bernard. that's probably that the discoverers might examine out them and bypass, "glaring those are members of a similar species". No. there is form in the human species almost as extreme as that. till modern-day genetics got here alongside, and that they have got been waiting to evaluate DNA from a "cro magnon" to a favorite human, those actual distinction had scientist fooled (sure, technological know-how does make blunders - what share centuries did technological know-how instruct the earth grew to become into flat?) into thinks that they have got been a various specie. We now comprehend they are not. extra recent sciences have one via one been removing what have been as quickly as however to be "lacking hyperlink" in the evolutionary chain. The information for human evolution from a hassle-free ancestor with apes is starting to be to be much less, not extra, the extra technological know-how learns approximately genetics and different sciences no longer prevalent in ordinary terms a decade or 2 in the past. loads of the "human genealogy" has already exceeded via adjustments in purely the final 5-10 years. i'm no longer asserting that "evolution is fake" (or real). particularly that it remains modern-day technique a great form of adjustments and revisions, as technological know-how learns extra, that to toss out the theory that God created for a technological know-how nevertheless in infantry and in consistent fleux isn't logical.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because...HE CAN.

    I mean why shouldn't He? It's not like he's got to stay under budget or anything!

    You think the guy who created the entire UNIVERSE out of nothing has to economize or something?

    What a silly question!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Natural selection.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He was confused and thought that he would start each day for 128 days by making the finch on day 129 he saw that he had made way too many but by then it was too late, so he started working on cock roaches!

    That make as much sense as the other crap, right?

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