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Lv 624,244 points

Larry R

Favorite Answers16%

Larry Thomas Rasczak. Retired. Live in Duncan, Idaho. Over the years I've been a soldier, spent a little time in law school, worked in the oil and gas industry a bit, met an astronaut or two. Read the occasional book. Spend a lot of time in Houston.

  • Two spaceships are moving at relativistic speeds. Due to time dilation the "current time" on one ship is several decades behind the?

    I've got two spaceships. Both are moving at relativistic speeds. One has been in space a lot longer than the other. Because of time dilation the dates on the two ships are different by several years. The two ships dock.

    Now when two bodies that have different electrostatic states, lightning occurs and it equalizes the two states.

    Would anything similar occur when the two frames of reference with different dates come into contact?

    3 AnswersPhysics6 years ago
  • Getting a new cat to replace an old one.?

    About six years ago we adopted two stray kittens. They were litter mates, so they had always been together. Sadly last May one of them got hit by a bus. It wasn't pretty.

    In any case we are going to get a new cat when my daughter gets home in August. What should I do to make sure the two cats get along?

    The old cat was always "Top Cat", bigger and more dominant. I think she will want to continue that. However she has also been lonely what with both my daughter and her sister cat gone. She doesn't get a lot of attention now.


    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people will be saved, how does the 144,001st one feel?

    Aren't there more than 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses? Doesn't this cause some problems?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Should I Kill Direct TV and go to Hulu?

    Over the past couple of weeks, I've been home a lot more than usual and I wanted to watch TV. Now I don't watch sports, don't like reality TV, have no interest in forensics, or remodeling, or cooking shows; I don't believe in conspiracy theories, I get my news from the web, and I've SEEN The Shawshank Redemption. Add that to the fact that I already know how WW2 comes out... I'm having a harder and harder time finding anything to watch. I do like TCM and AMC... but AMC isn't classic movies anymore, and TCM is more and more of a crap shoot. You may get GONE WITH THE WIND or BRINGING UP BABY or PSYCHO... but your'e just as likely to get some unfunny Doris Day Comedy or the 1964 version of Bikini Beach.

    It's not worth $95 a month.

    So I'm thinking of cancelling DIRECT TV and going to broadcast TV (for Big Bang Theory, and Sleepy Hollow, and local news) and Hulu and/or Netflix.

    Have any of you done this? Which is better, and should I just go with one or the other? Most importantly, does anyone have experience with streaming from ? I have a 10 year old daughter who can do with less Disney channel, but I can't cut her off entirely... especially because it's often the only thing on.

    1 AnswerComedy7 years ago
  • Does Hell have a revolving door or something?

    I'm serious here. After loosing the war with St. Michael, the Devil was cast down into Hell, with all his deamon followers.

    But apparently deamons can come and go from Hell. The Devil appears to Jesus in the desert to tempt Him. Devils tempt people on Earth, sometimes even posses people on Earth. When Jesus casts the devils that call themselves "Legion" out they beg Him not to send them back to Hell, so He sends them into the herd of swine. What the heck is up with that?

    So, I don't want to sound snarky, but does Hell have a really bad security system or something? I assume that this condition is only temporary, and that after the end of the Universe, the deamons will be stuck there for all eternity, but is there any biblical explanation for this?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is Hypocrisy underrated?

    I'm serious. Is it worse to be a politician who supports the family, and says adultery is wrong... and then cheats on his wife, or to be a politician who cheats on his wife and when he's caught he shrugs his shoulders and says "So What?". At least the hypocrite has standards, even if he fails to live up to them.

    Or look at Thomas Jefferson. Owned slaves, slept with his slaves, but was one of the greatest defenders of individual rights and freedom we've ever seen. Obviously a hypocrite, but would it have been better for him to be consistent and just said "Slave owning is natural, some Men are born to dominate others" and never have written what he did?

    Isn't it better to have high standards, try to live up to them, and to fail than to not even try at all?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do atheists deal with many Christians that are far smarter and more scientific than they could ever be ?

    People like Monseigneur Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, Col. James Irwin, General "Charlie" Duke, Gregor Mendel, Christopher Clavius, Pierre Gassendi, Pierre Macq, Giuseppe Piazzi, etc.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Who cleaned up after WW2?

    Take the battle of Kursk for instance, there were thousands of bodies, wrecked tanks, planes, trucks. It would have been beyond the ability of the locals to clear all that stuff away. How many years did it take to clear out the mines, wrecks, barbed wire, and everything else?

    4 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Can I salvage an old hardrive and turn it into an external drive?

    My son got careless and broke the screen on his laptop. The drive is fine, but the screen is cracked down the middle, so that' AFU. I got him a new laptop, but he can't transfer his iTunes over to the new machine. (Apparently you can only put a song on a particular number of devices before you have to buy it again?). We researched software ideas to move the music, but apparently that's not going to be "doable". So I thought, could we pull the drive from the old machine and adapt it to work as an external drive on the new machine? Would there be a kit for something like this? He's got a couple thousand songs, and I can't afford to buy them all again.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • So how many of the athiests here are really just angry because they had deadbeat Dads?

    Starting with Freud's "projection theory" of religion-that belief in God is merely a product of man's desire for security-Professor Vitz argues that psychoanalysis actually provides a more satisfying explanation for atheism. Disappointment in one's earthly father, whether through death, absence, or mistreatment, frequently leads to a rejection of God. A biographical survey of influential atheists of the past four centuries shows that this "defective father hypothesis" provides a consistent explanation of the "intense atheism" of these thinkers. A survey of the leading intellectual defenders of Christianity over the same period confirms the hypothesis, finding few defective fathers. Professor Vitz concludes with an intriguing comparison of male and female atheists and a consideration of other psychological factors that can contribute to atheism.

    Professor Vitz does not argue that atheism is psychologically determined. Each man, whatever his experiences, ultimately chooses to accept God or reject him. Yet the cavalier attribution of religious faith to irrational, psychological needs is so prevalent that an exposition of the psychological factors predisposing one to atheism is necessary.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What to do on New Years Eve in New Orleans?

    I have two kids boy (15) daughter (8). They may be visiting the ex-wife for Christmas, but they will be back home with me for New Years. I would like to take them to New Orleans. Is there something we can do that is fun, but doesn't involve drunkenness, public nudity, cheap beer, overly-loud music and Fraternity guy's urinating on the Street corner? I know this pretty much rules out The Quarter but there should be other places and other things we can do to celebrate.

    2 AnswersNew Orleans10 years ago
  • Where can I get a power supply?

    I just moved and lost the power supply for my wall mount stereo. It's about 7 years old, it's a jWIN JX CD5000 - micro system - radio / CD / cassette and it says on it 11Volt AC Input.

    Where could I get the power supply so I can plug it in?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • What to do in Chicago?

    My kids (boy 14, girl 7) are taking the train to grandma's over Christmas. We change trains in Chicago, get in at 9AM on Tuesday the 21th, leave at 2PM Wed the 22. What would be a good thing to do with the kids over that time?

    5 AnswersChicago1 decade ago
  • The ex wife is leaving me and the kids, what to do next?

    The ex found a lover, got engaged, divorced me, and is now moving to Fort Worth to be with him, leaving me and the kids (son 14, daughter 7). I'm worried about what I do after she loads up the car and drives off. That is going to be a big moment in the kids lives, and I need to handle the rest of the day... what do I do? what do I not do?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Question for Cathoics only, is this adultery?

    Amy and Ben get married, in the church, big Catholic wedding, with a Mass. Two years later, they have a son named Augustus. Five years after that, they divorce.

    As I understand it, the Catholic Church doesn't recognize divorce, in the eyes of the Church they are still married. nobody gets an annulment.

    A couple of years after that Amy then goes off and marries Jacob, in a civil ceremony in Vegas.

    Ben does not get married to anybody else, because he is a good Catholic.

    A couple of years after that, Amy comes down to Ben's house to drop of Augustus for his summer visitation with Dad. Jacob does not come. Amy and Ben have a couple of beers, talk about the old times, and Amy spends the night, and fracks Ben's brains out.

    Since they are still married in the eyes of the Church, the Catholic church would NOT consider this to be I right?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is the '57 Chevy considered cool?

    Why is the 57 Chevy regarded as an icon? Not that it isn't cool, I'm just wondering why the 57 is considered so special and not the 56 or the 58 or the 49 or the 62. What makes the 1957 model so special and distinctive?

    3 AnswersChevrolet1 decade ago
  • What is the exact formula in formula one?

    I would guess it is something like weight must =x times the horsepower of the car, or wheelbase times the length of the car must = a certain number or something. Is there in fact a set formula? If so what is it? How often do they change it? Is there a formula two? formula 3?

    6 AnswersFormula One1 decade ago
  • Does anyone live at #12 Downing Street?

    The White House is surrounded by a big lawn, but from the photos I've seen 10 Downing Street is in the middle of the City. So if there is a #10, doesn't that mean there should be a #8, and a #4, and a #13? IF so, who lives in them? How do they get past security?

    3 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • Need to know a leagal term, family law.?

    Sometimes in a divorce if one party has finished a professional degree and the other one took care of the kids and kept the family going, when the couple breaks up the party that kept the family going will "get part of the degree" of the other party. I think that technically it is a share of the future earnings of the educated spouse. What I need to know is what is the exact technical term for this?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago