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Question for Cathoics only, is this adultery?

Amy and Ben get married, in the church, big Catholic wedding, with a Mass. Two years later, they have a son named Augustus. Five years after that, they divorce.

As I understand it, the Catholic Church doesn't recognize divorce, in the eyes of the Church they are still married. nobody gets an annulment.

A couple of years after that Amy then goes off and marries Jacob, in a civil ceremony in Vegas.

Ben does not get married to anybody else, because he is a good Catholic.

A couple of years after that, Amy comes down to Ben's house to drop of Augustus for his summer visitation with Dad. Jacob does not come. Amy and Ben have a couple of beers, talk about the old times, and Amy spends the night, and fracks Ben's brains out.

Since they are still married in the eyes of the Church, the Catholic church would NOT consider this to be I right?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, the intercourse between Amy and her husband is not adultery. The relationship between Amy and Jacob is adultery.

    Source(s): Catholic deacon
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes.. But the RC church will acknowledge it as Adultery Outside of Marriage. but not the annulment of the marriage..

    You See in the RC Church The Lady is still married to Ben..

    Don't Think so Read this.

    Read Jackie Kennedy Onnassis and Ari Onnassis Marriage Even Though the Church disapproved

    Mrs Onnassis Kept the Onnassis name until She Died.

    Read Lee Radziwill and Prince Redziwill between them they had Three Annulments.

    Robert Kennedy Jr. Annulment .. And Reversal of Annulment by the RC Church

    Shatterd Vows..'Shattered Faith', by Sheila Rauch Kennedy

    After an amicable divorce. The Church Annulled The Marriage of Robert Kennedy Jr. and Sheila Ruach

    Kennedy.. Sheila complained as she did not want her children to be ANNULED.

    Thus She Worte a Best Seller Called Shattered Faith.

    After Publicity the Pope Reversed the Annulment .. (First in History)Nine years later, in 2005, the Roman Rota reversed the Boston tribunal's decision, saying in effect that in the eyes of the Church, Sheila Rauch is still Joe Kennedy's wife.

    Thus The RC Annulment was Reversed..( and Legally in the

    Eyes Of the God and The American Law she is Divorced.

    and not Annuled.

    The True Greek Orthodox ( Right Worship) Katholikos (Gr

    Universal) Apotolic Church of the First Greek Septuagint and First Greek New Testament and SInaticus Codex

    Does as Per Laws of Moses. ( you can divorce your wife for Adultery .. In Bible)

    as in Case Above.


    Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison

  • 1 decade ago


    Amy living in sin with Jacob is the sin of adultery.

    Your understanding is incorrect. The Catholic Church believes that God does not recognize civil divorces.

    Jesus said, "Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate." (Mark 10:9)

    Anyone who commits adultery

    • Does injury to the sign of the covenant which the marriage bond is

    • Transgresses the rights of the other spouse

    • Undermines the institution of marriage by breaking the contract on which it is based

    • Compromises the welfare of children who need their parents' stable union.

    For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 2337 and following:

    With love in Christ.

  • "And I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to kept silent"

    -1 Timothy 2:12

    I believe if Amy did indeed frack Ben's brains out, she is the sinner.

    Or possibly Ben is at fault for letting Amy do the fracking to him.

    One thing is for sure, Ben should be the one fracking Amy in this scenario, the Bible is very clear.

    Source(s): Bible, bro.
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A catholic annulment is a legal divorce in the eyes of the state.

    A legal divorce is legal regardless of what the catholic church thinks.

    The situation you describe above is defiantly adultery. No matter what who thinks.

  • 1 decade ago

    What the heck? Neither is playing with boys genitals a sin either so what's your point?

    Are you trying to legitimize what exactly, BS?

    FORGET WHAT THE RCC SAYS SHE COMMITTED ADULTERY TWICE AND he is a looser, and the other a sucker for drinking out of a bottle of the naive, and as for you there isn't any truth. And how can you ask this question and then base your beliefs on the bible and, not know truth?

    Its no wonder people judge christianity while observing you wooden nickles

  • 1 decade ago

    i used to be catholic, but not anymore. i still felt that i had to answer because this is an interesting question. i think the church would probably consider it immoral at the least, and they might even consider it some form of bigamy.

    you'd have to ask a priest to know what the church would really say.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, that's against the teachings of the law

    Deuteronomy 24:4

    then her first husband, who divorced her, is not allowed to marry her again after she has been defiled. That would be detestable in the eyes of the LORD. Do not bring sin upon the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Eh... in this day and age, I think they *would* consider it adultery. Lots of people don't get annulments, but the Church is starting to relax the annulment policy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Technically, no. But they (and anyone, be it jewish, atheist, gay, straight, whatever) would consider it disrespectful and unethical. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    Not to mention Amy's married to someone else with no annulment, so Amy is committing technical adultery by presumably having sex with her new husband.

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