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So far, I'm seeing NONE of the change that Obama promised; have you seen ANY of it yet?

Sorry for such a long post but our new Administration has gotten off to a fast start. lol

1 – Bill Richardson: An almost–Secretary of Commerce who has a history of ethical "issues" and is now caught up in the grip of a pay-to-play scandal back home in New Mexico.

2 – Timothy Geithner: A Secretary of the Treasury who won't pay his SS & Medicare taxes until compelled to by the IRS. If you or I pulled that crap, we'd be charged with a felony – and rightfully so!

3 – Nancy Killefer: Slid into the job of Obama's Chief Performance Officer for the United States Government while having cheated on her taxes. It seems that she refused to pay the SS & Medicare taxes on her household help. She was going to be allowed to keep her job until it became clear that was NOT going to pass the smell test with the American people.

4 – Tom Daschle: A former Senate Majority Leader and almost–Secretary of HHS who won't pay his income taxes. Not only Barry, but the Senate, too (including most of the Republicans), were prepared to confirm this bum anyway. It seems that the ONLY reason he got the heave-ho was because Barry couldn't keep tax cheats Tim & Tom while tax cheat Nancy got the boot. THAT would be sexist, you see. These Dems and their PC crap – sometimes ya really gotta laugh! lol

5 – Barry Obama: A President who, to the loud clapping of good–government types, issues an executive order banning lobbyists from his Administration and who, immediately thereafter, this time to dead silence, authorizes waivers for lobbyists that he wants in his Administration. "Our waiver provisions are designed to allow uniquely qualified serve the public interest in these critical times," Presidental spokesman Robert Gibbs said. Uh–huh, I think I got it; it goes like this, right? BUSINESS AS USUAL. Doh!

6 – More Barry Obama: A President who turns over the responsiblity for creating a "stimulus" plan to Nancy Pelosi and her gang in the House of Representatives. They immediately, and without ANY input from the other party, turn out the world's biggest pig and then start screaming "It HAS to be passed NOW!!!" What they meant, of course, was "It HAS to be passed BEFORE anyone has a chance to look at it!" Whatever happened to that BIPARTISAN spirit we were promised; maybe Little Nancy didn't get the memo, do ya 'spose?

7 – Even More Barry Obama: A President who issues an order closing the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp but then doesn't close it; no, instead, he's going to spend up to a year (or longer) figuring out HOW to close it! Shades of the banning of lobbyists fraud. BTW, don't know if you picked up on it or not but Eric Holder, sanctioner as ***'t. Attorney General of Bill Clinton's pardons of felons who'd paid Bill's family members for said pardons and now Attorney General of the United States, quietly stated during his confirmation hearing that the Administration would reserve the right to engage in (what the Dems like to call) torture under "unusual circumstances". Read: Under the SAME CIRCUMSTANCES under which BUSH II engaged in "torture." Oh, and the extraordinary reditions program that was instituted by none other than Bill Clinton himself? Gee, well, there may be some of those same "unusual circumstances" where it will be necessary to keep on keepin' on with that practice, too. Hmm...change?

I could go on, but you get the idea.

So, sports fans, I'm not seeing ONE IOTA of change here. Are you?

Oh, I KNOW, the boy has a 'D' after his name instead of an 'R' – big deal!

Like the little old lady said: "WHERE'S THE BEEF!?!"

I'll tell you what I think. This guy Obama is going to turn out to be a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT to the average American. He promised things he couldn't deliver on and, it turns out, NEVER INTENDED to deliver on. His party is gonna take it in the shorts in the midterm elections and, unless he gets it figured out, he may well be limited to one term – a la Jimbo Carter, a misfit for the Presidency if ever there was one.

Barry's lack of qualifications, especially when it comes to managing the wild dogs in the House, are really coming home to roost. And his Say–One–Thing–and–Do–Another isn't exactly what we signed up for. Too bad for us.


Dan – Son, STOP drinking the Kook-Aid!

Update 2:

Bob Muffin – Congrats on not going ANYWHERE NEAR the question!

Update 3:

ValGal995 – Well, GOD KNOWS I'd never do anything on purpose to annoy your precious little self! lol

BTW, the reason for referring to Presidents with pet names is to bring the boys down to size. But, then, you ALREADY KNEW that, right?

Update 4:

Brandon – I, too, hope that Barry has (many, many) shoes sent his way! lol

Update 5:

Kara – Thanks for the pointer to Levin's piece on torture; would that the Weak Sisters would read it and take it to heart. Alas, that crowd seems to have a very effective force sheild up when it comes to common sense.

Update 6:

Kunukaraya – Yes, Barry has been in office only a very, very short time. And, being in Sri Lanka and not in the States, you may not have soaked in the bath of bold promises made by Barry over the last 18 months but I can tell you this: When, after only a very, very short time in office, the President is seen to be doing PRECISELY the opposite of what he PROMISED, he WILL be called on it. So, I would submit to you that it is not at all too early to begin doing just that.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great post. Nailed all the points. Talk is cheap, but it gets you elected. Obama has shown himself to be a hypocrite every step of the way and people turn a blind eye to it. They give him a free pass when all he has done in the past 2 weeks is screw up and try to give the government eternal power. Rational people knew he couldn't live up to what he said. He is a typical politician, actually worse than most, who is doing what makes him happy. I hope he is a Carter one term president. Maybe somebody will throw a shoe at him :)

  • 5 years ago

    The first thing that makes your argument weak is the fact that you ASSUME that just because Obama is black then most of the supporters who are of the same race must be voting for him purely for that reason. Eeh! Wrong! I was a Hilary supporter until she started basing her campaign on personal attacks instead of the issues at hand. Yet, you have the nerve to call someone else a hypocrite when none of your "facts" are based on anything solid. When you can provide some actual statistics to back that up instead of appropriated guesses then please feel free to try again. With that being said, according to your logic it could be said that a lot of people are voting AGAINST Obama because he's black. Would you stand behind that assumption because it's just like the one you stated in your "question". Talk about hypocrisy. Now why is it that when Al Gore was running for president the Republicans were harping on his military history and saying that he was using his Purple Heart Medal as a way to draw in sympathy votes. Yet, for McCain him being a prisoner of war makes him the most noble of the two. No one brings up the fact that his wife at the time stood by him for those five years and when he was finally set free he dumped her for his current wife. Real noble person that is. I also notice that none of the Republicans bring up the fact that when McCain was asked how many homes he owns, he couldn't even come up with a valid answer. The reporter was told to check with his staff and his campaign said that he owns "at least" four. Yet, this is the same man that took a low blow at Obama calling him an elitist and a celebrity. Yes, I'm sure he would be able to relate to the failing economy and what the average middle and lower class American citizen goes through on a daily basis. That ad in itself was an embarrassment to the Republican party. That's why YOU didn't bring it up and that's why other Republicans act like it never happened to begin with. This is one the main thing that truly bothers me about Republicans. I have no problem admitting that there are faults within the Democratic party. Republicans on the other hand, think that they're perfect. If a Republican said it or did it, it must be right. When scandal breaks out in their party, they try to quietly disregard it but the minute the same happens in the Democratic camp they're all over it. Talk about hypocrites. Of course, I can't generalize and say that ALL Republicans are this way but just from on the ones on yahoo answers alone, it's apparent that they are the more arrogant and self-righteous party. I hardly come to this section for the fact that as a Democrat I feel as if I'm always on the defensive. Why? because Republicans are always spouting off about the "Liberals" and how everything is their fault. If you're a registered Democrat, I don't think we would feel any loss with you becoming a Republican. Seeing as if you're doing as most of the Republicans I know and seeing only faults with one side then that is perhaps the party that is better suited to your needs.

  • Khushi
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't follow the precise moves in Congress to be able to comment on your points in detail but I do know enough to comment on your conclusions.

    The President has been in office for less than three weeks, so it seems a little early to judge him as you do.

    I know that the President's qualifications were not that tremendous when he took over, but in the States that never seems to count for much. US citizens gave themselves a choice between two candidates who were equally "unqualified," but in different ways. Bush and Clinton were elected as presidents after terms as state governors, who don't always have the most impressive credentials either. The Illinois Governor, Palin, Schwarzenegger and various brothers Bush come to mind.

    If they're "qualified," then anyone's "qualified."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do any of you realize how bad America is going to suffer in 10 years?

    "Creating" jobs. Do you any of you remember FDR's New Deal? He is the reason our economy, housing market, everything is the way it is. Obama isn't going to fix it. But, in 10 years when we feel the effects of his "changes" things will only be worse than they are now.

    He may have closed Guantanamo Bay... but where in the hell do we put these prisoners? Our back yard? America? Yeah that's where we want 'em!

    Torture, I could care less about. Read Michael Levin's paper "The Case For Torture".

    Stimulus plans, where do you think this money comes from? ITS OUR TAX MONEY! We have to pay it all back! Stop watching tv news, it distorts our view of everything.

    I hate how uninformed American's are. Thank you American citizens for screwing over our nation. Thank God I'm a Republican.

    I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money. You can keep the change.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What has the other party done except whine and talk about tax cuts?

    Problem with the economy? Tax cuts!

    Energy and infrastructure are woefully inefficient? Tax cuts!

    Education failing? Tax cuts!

    It's like the past 8 years have been swept under the rug.

    But I "s'pose" McCain could do better, "lol".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I felt it.

    he closed Guantanamo, ended torture in america.

    Restored the USAs esteem in the global community.

    Will stimulate our economy by creating 3 million new jobs with this stimulus bill

    where the hell have you been?

  • 1 decade ago

    I did,go watch some news kid!

  • 1 decade ago

    his name is Barack not Barry; sorry but that was annoying me

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't seen any either. If it was a republican people would be crying foul.....

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