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What is a truly original Valentines gift for a man?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not particularly romantic, but then I don't think it has to be. My boyfriend is a crazed sweet (candy) addict. So I've got him a hamper of retro sweets that he would have eaten when he was a kid.

    He's also got a thing about keeping loose change (coppers etc) but he's got nowhere to put them so I find pennies and random 2ps all over the damn house - so I bought him a piggy bank!

    I figure when you've been with someone a long time - presents that show how well you know them are as much expressions of love as roses or naughty undies!

  • 1 decade ago

    the original gift for a man is for you to cook a romantic dinner and have you have to dress sexy in your best outfit and have candles, roses and soft music cause then you set the mood but if you have any children send them off to a friend house or send to a grandparents house so that you two can have the house all by yourself

  • 1 decade ago

    Make your own gift basket. Fill it with a plastic shower curtain liner, a bottle of chocolate sauce and a spray can of whip cream. I'm sure he'll be able to figure out what to do with it. ;)

  • 4 years ago

    some years in the past I stunned my boyfriend (now fiance) with a valentines day scavenger hunt of types. He knew i became into coming over to make dinner, yet I set it up in the front room and hid in the kitchen. I left a observe on the door so he could see it while he walked in, and it mentioned, pass to the table. on the table, I had left a observe that mentioned mild the candles and turn on the stereo and press play. After that, it mentioned pass to the workplace. He went in there and there became right into a container of his fav candy and a observe that mentioned pass into the bathing room. I left rose petals and bubble bath in there and a observe that mentioned pass into the mattress room. greater rose petals and a single rose and a observe that mentioned pass back to dinner. whilst he became into wandering in direction of the homestead, I set dinner on the table, added out champagne, and got here out of hiding. The song I had queued up on the stereo (burned DVD) became into kiss me, and that i became into preserving a observe that mentioned "Kiss Me?" for while he lower back to the table. He became into completely stunned, and despite the fact that it took a whilst to establish, it became into incredibly low fee and the main memorable valentines day as much as now for us!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell him your leaving.

    You and your mother want a threesome.

    Offer him your kidney.

  • 1 decade ago

    buy him a new 44" telly. am sure he will appreciate that. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    a stripper

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    buy YOURSELF some realy sexy underwear, he will love it

    Source(s): man
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