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Islam and Beheading Innocent People...?

Where is it written in the Quran, what exactly did the Prophet Mohammed say, where did Allah imply, it was proper to behead an uninvolved, innocent, Polish, civilian worker, for revenge? I'm trying to understand beheading someone as a valid religious statement, or action.

Don't waste your time bashing Israel, America, or Pakistan, or anyone else. I know full well they are not saints. That's politics, not religion. And please don't insult my intelligence by saying al-Qaida and the Taliban are not Islamic religious organizations.

Just answer my question as posted. I'm trying to understand Muslim thinking! Can I get one calm answer from a knowledgeable, intellectual, individual who understands what is taking place within Islam today, that justifies such actions, and can state clearly it in words not containing rhetoric, hatred, or bias?

This is an intellectual question.

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan – A video delivered to media outlets appears to show Pakistani militants beheading a kidnapped Polish engineer, underscoring security fears in the Muslim nation ahead of a debut visit Monday by a newly appointed Obama administration envoy.

Pakistan has witnessed several attacks on foreigners in recent months as its overall security has deteriorated amid a growing al-Qaida and Taliban-led insurgency. In early February, an American U.N. worker was abducted in the southwestern city of Quetta, purportedly by separatists.

The seven-minute video appears to show the Polish hostage, Piotr Stanczak, sitting on the floor flanked by two masked men. Off camera, a militant briefly engages him in conversation before three others behead him. One of the hooded men then addresses the camera, blaming Pakistan for the killing for not agreeing to their demands to release Taliban prisoners.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mr since u asked in apolite way i will answer.

    Islamic groups recently are divided into two groups. One of them are the Osama bin laden school, the another type uses legal ways of defending there countries.

    Osama bin Laden school, Osama bin laden studied Islam in Saudia Arabia which preach for the Wahabi teaching or the wahabi school.

    The wahabi movement was reformation movement in the late ninteenth century, it helped people to take their rights from the Ottoman empire. They helped in reducing taxes and so on. They fought also many crazy things there. This person commit a mistake by asking people to follow the Saudian family thinking they will protect Islam.

    What happened is, the new scholars came after started to issue extreme fatwas because of the government corruption, so they became severly conservative and by time we had new things came like suicide bombing and accepting killing innocent people.

    Osama bin Laden, was a student of this school who found that the Islamic nation are suffering from retardness and oppression. And he said the US is helping these regimes. Osama Bin laden fallen in the errors and mistakes regarding Jihad (striving for your rights in Islam).

    He proposed a methodology that attacking the US will drag it to wars in middle east that lead to weaken the US militarly, financially and in terms of reputation. Then he will be able to get rid of these regimes.

    In his Fatwa he justified killing any American, any country helps in wars against middle east, any forigner (non muslim) comes to the country (Afghanistan).

    As an expert in political Islam and rules of Jihad

    In order to achieve a legal goal, the way should be legal

    Osama bin laden used illegal way

    Who bear the resposibility??!!

    1- We Muslims bear the responsibility that we didnt get rid of regimes in middle east

    2- West who used these regimes to opress us and supported Israel

    Once these regimes changes, all this violence will stop.

    People are so angry and their lives are so miserable, and no government are representing them, so expect any thing

    Source(s): Muslim
  • 1 decade ago

    Ok, what appears from the article to have happened is that Pakistani militants kidnapped a Polish man and then made demands to the Pakistani government for the release of Taliban prisoners. The Pakistani authorities did not comply with the demands , and so the kidnappers killed the Polish man as they had threatened to do, saying on a video that they blamed Pakistan for not agreeing to their demands.

    I see no reference by the kidnappers to Islam or any saying of the Prophet Muhammad. It seems to me a hostage situation like hundreds before it. Kidnappers take someone, make demands, then kill or release the hostage.

    Beheading a man is a particularly gruesome way to kill, and I believe they chose that way deliberately to get the most attention to their cause. If they had shot him, it would be despicable of course, but it would hardly make the news outside Pakistan. This way, they are guaranteed world wide impact.

    Of course there is nothing in Islam to condone what they did. The dead man was an innocent victim. But it's not about Islam. It's about politics and manipulating the media for a cause. It's as cynical as that. But that unfortunately is the world we live in today.

  • 1 decade ago

    The thing is my friend that the taliban and terrorists are not really the true muslims they are insane and are killing innocent muslims as well. That is not the real islam. they are not truly following it. If you kill an innocent muslims prepare your self for hell. THat is what the taliban is doing. Als i think hamas are just protecting the people they do have the right because of thos freakin zionists massacring 1000 innocent muslims or more. THere is always a reason for people doing things like that. But i do not know what the taliban's reason is. Also it says that if one polythiests or non muslim wages war than wage war on him. DO not kill an innocent man women or child working and in safe haven, if they have done nothing to you, do not slander a tree, do not kill a person in their home without a weapon and do not torture a prisoner. THat is said of the rules of war in muslim belief. I do not know what the taliban is following.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't deny the fact that there are terrorists who cause terrorism and say that it is in the name of Islam. but i am sorry, that is not what Islam teaches us AT ALL. these people you see are indeed terrorists but they are not true Muslims. because if they were, they wouldn't have caused terrorism. what the media does exactly is to show you the acts of terrorists (who call themselves Muslims yet do not follow Islamic rules nad regulations) and tell you there is Islam!

    i won't sit here and tell you, Islam is peaceful, Islam is great. it is just words. so i'll tell you to read the Quran and buy its Islamic interpretation and then you can judge it for yourself. then you can tell me if Islam is a religion of terror.

    there are Christians who commit murder of innocent people. does this mean that the Bible tells them to do so? no, it doesn't. these so called Christians are indeed not following Christianity by doing so. so why isn't the media being fair to Muslims, too? just because some terrorists, who call themselves Muslims but don't have an idea about the true meaning of being a Muslim and don't follow the Holy Quran, do terroristic acts, that doesn't mean that Islam and the Quran orders us to do that.

    Islam is a religion of peace. Don't u know that Prophet Muhammed suffered from (Koraysh) which was a tribe that humiliated muslims. Koraysh tortured the Muslims, kicked them out of their houses and country, and they didn't give them the chance to even take their money. and when, Prophet Muhammed returned to Mecca (now Muslims were the stronger side) he asked them what they thought he would do to them. so the praised him and told him that he was a good man and a son of a good man. and the Prophet response was that he let them go and told them they were free! so, Islam is defenately a religion of peace.

    Here, read this question which basically discusses some Quranic verses which seem to promote violence when misinterpreted or read out of context:;_ylt=AuNr_...

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sura (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

    Sura (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

    Sura (25:52) - "Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness, with the (Qur'an)." "Strive against" is Jihad, obviously not in the personal context. It's also significant to point out that this is a Meccan verse.

  • 1 decade ago

    As far as I am aware it does not say in the Koran that this is a good thing to do.

    Just as it does not say in the bible to blow up family planning clinics. Neither does the Bhagavad Gita say to massacre Muslims.

    These are violent acts committed by people for political reasons that they justify with their faith because they feel the need to justify an unjustifiable act.

    It's aims are the same as for all terrorists, to achieve though fear what they can not achieve though a reasoned political argument.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It probably didn't. According to my Muslim friends, the radicals in the Middle East don't follow the Quran; they're like a separate religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the 1740's the Puritan state of Massachusetts issued a bounty on Indian scalps. Does this mean the Bible endorses scalping, or that it was a humane thing to do, no, it means in tribal warfare people do terrible things.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm afraid elements with negative intentions are polluting your faith.

    For some reason muslims won't stand up against them. I really think any muslim criticizing another muslim, is some kind of taboo.

    I wish all this insanity would stop. But only muslims themselves can stop it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Koran chapter 8 instructs them


    YUSUFALI: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

    PICKTHAL: When thy Lord inspired the angels, (saying): I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger.

    SHAKIR: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

    7th century practices still being practice in the 21st century.

    Oh, and don't forget that according to Allah himself (speaking through Muhammad, of course) Muhammad is the most "beautiful pattern of conduct" and "example" for mankind to follow!

    Koran chapter 33:

    21 - YUSUFALI: Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.

    PICKTHAL: Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day, and remembereth Allah much.

    SHAKIR: Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much.

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