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Can you believe this story?

The local radio station (WFLS) Fredericksburg, VA reported that kids are taking nude pictures of themselves and sending them to their friends. Then they or their friends are sending them on to anyone. The Louisa County Sheriff said that anyone that does this can be arrested for receiving and/or distributing child pornography. While I agree if an adult gets this stuff and does not report it to the police they should get arrested, and I agree that children should not be doing this, I do not feel that if a child does this they should go to jail or some sort of juvenile court for this. I think the parents should be notified by the police and the parents should take care of it. What do you think? And no before you ask, this has never happened to me.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i'm actually with you on this one - it's just gonna be hard to prove the adult or the child had the picture. There are some adults who will say "that's my kids phone!". I think it all falls down to parents need to be more of a part of the child's life. Monitor what they see, who they talk to, and what they are doing. This doesn't mean hover over them, but set some boundaries!! that's why kids are misbehaving and acting like this. When you see this on your child's phone take it away and tan that hide of theirs!

    I know some ppl wont agree w me, but just "time outs" or anything like that is not going to cut it.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all I am with you on the fact that they should not be arrested. However I disagree that the parents should be the only ones dealing with it. What would happen if a parent just puts it aside thinking "Boys will be boys." I think that there needs to be some legal action in order for the kids to actually learn their lesson, or the next time they have an idea like this they would think "Oh last time they just had our parents yell at us." Not much of a deterrent to the crime.

    Also let's think of the example it would send to all the other high school boys, or teenage boys, or whatever, around the country. They would see this and they would start doing the same things, except in perverse ways, if you just let the parents handle it, overall it just sets a bad example.

    However that being said, I do not know, as of now, what legally should be done against this. Charging them with child pornography would seem to be a little harsh. Maybe they should do some community service? I'm not really quite sure, and I'd have to look into the law a little more to give you a better answer.

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