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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Why is it that most people in the US would not vote for an Atheist as President?

Below is the Wikipedia info on it.

My guess is that most people think that most atheists cannot be trusted and are somewhat arrogant and self centered due to their belief. A couple of my relatives have expressed this concern. They are fairly well educated people and are far from overly religious. I feel most people are honest and it is probably based on the fact that most people do not understand atheists. Most atheists adhere to the law, which indirectly include the ten commandments. Let's face it, if every person in the world followed the ten commandments, we would be much better off.

What do you think is the reason.

Irreligion in politics

Many voters in the United States are rather distrustful of those professing a lack of religious faith, with an "atheist" at the bottom of the list of presidential candidates that people would vote for. Over 90% of Americans are willing to vote for a Catholic, Jewish, female or black President, but the number willing to vote for an atheist is below 45%, lower than the result for homosexuals and Muslims.[4][5]

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it would be grand for politicians to h ave their religions hidden so they are voted in based on the merit of the actions and personal track record rather than for a certain religion's agenda.

    Frankly it's a shame that such a distinction is made when this person is to represent the American people. Shame indeed.

    Source(s): atheist / secular humanist
  • 1 decade ago

    How many atheists have been candidates for president? I'd be interested to see this same poll if it were taken 20, 30 or even 50 years ago. The numbers of Amercians willing to vote for a black, woman, Jew or Catholic would be extremely low. When JFK ran the big issue was that he was a Catholic.

    People's viewpoints and social mores change over time. I'd like to see this poll in twenty years. In other words WE EVOLVE. And FWIW, I wonder what this poll would have shown BEFORE Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton declared their candidacies.

  • 5 years ago

    in my opinion faith is thoroughly beside the point in the variety of project; i might vote in somebody which i presumed grew to become into able to accurately winding up the activity. And for those people who would not vote for them on account for religious motives; I wish that there could be an election the place each and every of the applicants could be atheists, so they had no determination; i might get lots excitement outta that :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I think I'll skip the commandment from the 10 that tells me I can't pick up sticks on Saturday without risking being stoned to death...

    The reason is that most churches teach that atheists are the embodiment of evil. When I was young, I was taught in my church that all other religions had at least some truth, and that people of other religions were mostly sincere but misguided -- but at least they were trying to find god. I was also taught that atheists were, unlike sincere but misguided believers in other faiths, seduced by satan and the worst of humanity. They denied their god and were not only not trying to know him, they were actively fighting against him.

    Pretty easy to see, with that kind of teaching, why many people think atheists are bad people.

    It's often very amusing to me in my community life -- I'll meet people, often from school or sports activities, they'll like me and my family, they'll think I'm a good guy...then later on when they find out I don't believe in god, they'll be shocked; "Oh, I had no idea you were an atheist, you don't seem like one!" is the response I most often get. Because they've been taught that atheists are evil, baby-eating monsters.

    edit for bindy: There's no "god" in out national anthem...never has been.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists are one of the most hated minorities in the US. I blame the churches for spreading lies about us. You can see by the comments posted here that theists have been fed some pretty wild stories about atheists and, rather than checking to see if the stories are true, they simply believe everything some church authority tells them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I could care less what a person believes in as long as they can do the job but, being told daily how delusional and brainwashed someone is because of their beliefs would signify they are not accepting of others beliefs and label them, therefore, No I would not vote for an atheists president at this time.

    Now Obama I did not vote for him either. Many voted just for the novelty of him being "black" and others because he is liberal and making history. Now the question remains if Obama fails which he is well on his way already what message will be sent. Think about it. The first thing everyone will say is that they knew a "black" man could not be president. If he fails he will ruin it for any other black leader for quite some time.

    Making history is great if you can do the job but going down in history as the first who failed is a bigger thing to have to deal with.

    But just my opinion, time will tell. maybe he can do the job. But so far what he said he has done the opposite, just like all politicians.

    **bindy below me I absolutely agree.

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's ignorance perpetuated by what they have been taught in churches and in the popular media. What they fail to take into account is the people in congress who screw then are nearly all "God fearing", yet somehow it's the atheist who can't be trusted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most Americans are under the unfortunate misconception that atheists lack morals or are untrustworthy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "atheists cannot be trusted and are somewhat arrogant and self centered due to their belief"


    There is your problem, that and argument from popularity.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would not vote for an atheist at all...Look at today's society and how loose everyone has gotton without God in the schools and elsewhere. An atheist would definitely not try to compromise with manys teachings of God...If you will remember was an atheist that took God out of the schools because of their child's rights. The rest of us have to do what the atheist want because it's their right to have their child not to have to hear prayers. Where did our rights go...especially since the atheist are a minority among the religious. I don't remember who said it but yesterday in here the atheist were I think at the bottom of 22% among the polls. The atheist also says take God out of our national anthem...You tell me whats fair....

    Sorry...I meant...Pledge Of Allegiance...

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