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Why wasn't Henrietta's son working at McDonald's like Jose, while continuing search for job?

The son lost his job, boo freaking hoo hoo! You get humble and you get a job, any damn job. I read articles and then comments from people around the nation and it's appalling the amount of sympathy. There are a lot of people out there struggling who still have to make rent or mortgage and have to go to their minimum wage job.

LESSON HERE: Go to an Obama "rally" disguised as a town hall meeting and get rent-free home and jobs on the spot. Forget getting a low paying job and at the same time sending in resumes, you cut all that out, just be lucky enough to get that Golden Obama Ticket!


Oh and BTW, sorry you people feel like I am whining. I own a home, cars, and have a good job. Personally I have no complaints. Home and cars are free of debt. I'm just stating the obvious. Sorry, you don't see it the same way.

Update 2:

I never said Obama gave it to them, did I? Also, I have read their story. It's a sad one. Believable, it's a matter of opinion I guess. They own a vehicle. What bothers me is I know of a story in GA, where a family basically was selling everything they owned to get money for medical care for their sick child. A person bid and won and told them to keep their stuff. I'm not faulting Henrietta, she an older woman with a lot of problems, but you do everything you have to do to help yourself. There have been too many cases lately of gimmie, gimmie, gimme. And then you have Joe Plumber basically being attacked by everyone for asking a simple question. People were trying to destroy his reputation for asking a simple question and he didn't ask for a thing.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just WHAT did Obama give Henrietta???

    A BUSINESS card to a gov't agency.

    It was a Republican's WIFE who offered her the house to live in rent free.

    Yet OB gets the credit.

    This world is more upside down and sicker than ever.

    Americans are not getting the truth, they do not seek the truth and prefer to live in fantasy land.

    This could only lead to another (and perhaps even final) national catastrophy. Our constitution is violated, our leaders will not be paying any of the stimulous bill as you have to pay taxes 1st . Since they get away without paying for YEARS with no penalties, while the rest of us grunts would be in jail, where is the sanity?

    And don't even start me on the move to have the census reporting directly to the white house. This is corruption on the level of the Sopranos and Americans are shouting, "Screw me over some more...and don't forget my grandkids ....they can pay too you know... even those not yet born."

    Do you realize if you took 1 trillion ONE dollar bills and stacked them on top of each other it would be 68 miles high or 1/3 the way to the moon? Do you realize there are 2 Billion stars in our milky way. If each star was $1 we could buy 5 milky ways? Do you realize that if you got $1 for every minute 24 hrs a day/365 days a year it would take 2 MILLION years to reach a trillion dollars....and Obama is talking about 3.27 Trillion $(see below) ...and this is ONLY the START!

    And the sad thing is, it will not create jobs, it will not help the poor. 2 million to preserve some endangered MOUSE in California?

    Frisbee Parks? Seriously!

    Todays stats showed that foreclosures dropped 10% this month. The bill hasn't even been signed off on yet, so evidently this is not as much in need to be rushed through as our pres contends.

    For ex. unemployment is now about 7%. During the depression it was 33%

    Sorry Barack, not even CLOSE to the same. You are looking for excuses to spend like a madman and pay off all those who funded your campaign. The economy will NOT be better off with this.

    Already China has said, "We hate you guys. Once you start issuing $1 trillion-$2 trillion [$1,000bn-$2,000bn] …we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys but there is nothing much we can do.?" China already OWNS a huge part of our economy. And they are not an ally. This isn't only stupid, it is dangerous.

    Yet people sit by and defend this spending or

    are stunned into silence. (and will soon be legally) If Americans don't react NOW and fight this, (protests, calling senators, congressmen, etc) America is a done deal.

    WHAT IS WRONG with Americans?

  • 1 decade ago

    It's really hard to defend your case when people prefer their opinion over reality....Judging by the answers you've gotten so far - no one seems to know much of Henrietta's story. They must have missed the part about how she became homeless - and how she took out a high interest loan to fund her little adventure.

    Personally, I feel sorry for her and her son. They are complete idiots with an entitlement mentality - and I doubt it's their fault. They truly are victims of the "system" but not in the way they tried to portray....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know why it's such a big deal for one American citizen to help out another American citizen in a time of crisis. All the complaining I hear reminds me of my 3 year olds fighting over who got the bigger half of the cookie and whether or not he deserved to get the bigger half.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here's the way I look at it............if illegal aliens from mexico can sneak into California, have their kids for free in our hospitals, get a job, get a loan, get a credit card, get a drivers license, find a place to live, and earn money without having to pay ANY taxes whatsoever AND STILL be able to send half of what they make back to the rest of their family in Mexico, then why can't legal citizens do the same thing? Hard for me to feel sorry for Americans losing their jobs when illegal aliens from mexico sneak into this country by the MILLIONS to find work that Americans aren't willing to do.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell you what: Practice what you preach. When you lose your job, look for another one. See how long it takes you. Then go to Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and ask them for a job. See how far you get.

    Remember the old bumper sticker? "Vote Democrat: It's easier than getting a job." Well, if getting a job was easy, we wouldn't need to vote Democratic. It's not, thanks to your boys in the Republican Party, so we voted Democratic.

    By the way, you might want to change your avatar. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers had that helmet logo for 20 years, and they were a spectacular failure. Rather than stick with more of the same, they decided to change. And they've been a perennial contender ever since, and they've won a Super Bowl. Change vs. more of the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    sorry,im not on u with this..Down here McDonalds is not even hiring..Is that not pathetic im not kidding

  • 1 decade ago

    I am thinking that this whole thing was a set up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because the lib mentality is to live off of the govt.

  • WaaWaaWaa

    Stop crying already. How do we know why her son was not working. I don't know and I don't care honestly because I was not living in the car with them.

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