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Why does it seem that Republicans often pick the absolute worst candidate to run for Pres.?

OK, I voted for Bush three times (I voted for him as Governor) and I'm happy with him and the job he did.

What, however, is it with Dole and McCain? Unbelievably bad choices. Considering that Alan Keyes was out there, and could beat any of the possible Republican candidates in a debate, and he is an African-American in the traditional meaning of the word (His ancestors were slaves), why was he pushed away from the game?

23 Answers

  • Rayne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Our worst is still better than the Dems' best.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you, When the republicans picked both, my first thought was,"We are going to lose". I did not like McCain, never did and never will. My 1st choice was Guilliani, Romney,Thompson,Ron Paul,Huckabee, Alan Keyes, Hillary over McCain. I thought she was a moderate and would of made a better president then McCain or Obama.sigh!

    I know Alan Keyes is a true conservative and I liked his views

    against abortions.sigh!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Great question. I don't think that we, the people, have anything to do with who gets to run for president. I love what Alan Keyes stands for. We don't need a moderate like McCain or Dole either. We need a person who'll take prisoners and then ask questions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm afraid nobody can give a satisfactory answer to your question. The problem is that your idea of "worst" is highly subjective. It's like picking football teams for the office pool. You pick Bush and Keyes as good candidates, McCain and Dole as bad candidates. I daresay not many here would agree with you on all four choices.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You were happy with the man who kept reading with school children after learning that the first tower had been hit? It took for the second tower to be hit before the man took action. I would grade him an F that day.

    His handling of our deficit was a joke from 5.7 trillion in 2001 to 11 trillion in 2009 I do believe Laura Bush handles the check book in the Bush family!

    Yes Republican's have been among our worst Presidents we have the two bush's we have Nixon the only President to ever resign we have Ford who pardoned Nixon you Have Hoover who was in office during the time when the great depression began. It is like a big hall of shame.

  • mom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I can't believe anyone would admit to voting for Bush 3 times. Has to be a native Texan. I couldn't understand why, with all the candidates running this time, we had so few worth voting for.

  • Calvin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well this go round the Conservatives split their vote allowing for the "Maverick" to slip through. With Bush, Conservatives were untied because we didn't want to see Gore in office and were angered by the Clinton years.....but it was a problem uniting behind one this go round. (George Allen was supposed to be that guy....but of course he blew many Conservatives were not sure what to do, and ran in all different directions. Thompson too turned out to be sorely lacking).

  • 1 decade ago

    You're joking right? Alan Keyes had already lost to Obama by a landslide in one election. What makes you think he would have had a chance again?

    Keyes has a habit of alienating everyone except the extreme right. There is no way he could win a national election where you need the support of moderates.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ah c'mon GHWB, Reagan were worthy men! Alan Keyes didn't do near enough to get himsellf known!

  • 1 decade ago

    Bob Dole, while a decent human being and war hero, sometimes has the personality of a grumpy munchkin.

    Source(s): It is hard to take someone seriously when they consistently refer to themselves in the third party like Senator Dole was oft to do.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Elmer Fudd could be a extra appropriate determination as against the present crop of GOP idiots now working ! "Be vewy vewy quiet, i'm looking wabbits" "Huh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh". we could see we've on the GOP area at present: Rick "memory Loss" Perry, Michele "Out Of touch With certainty" Bachman, Newt "I Left My spouse In Her Time Of desire" Gingrich, Herman "hands On" Cain, Ron "Too previous to undergo in recommendations" Paul, Mitt "Bot" Romney, and John "Johnny Come recently" Huntsman. Perry: as quickly as I get there i'm doing away with 3 businesses, the dep. Of commerce, the dep..Of coaching and the dep. Of um, ahem, hiya Ron what's the third one ! Ron Paul: there is 5 Rick ! Rick: Um are we nonetheless on digital camera, uh staffers what's the third one i could eliminate, hmmmm, Herman, some counsel please ! Herman: do no longer question me Rick, I have been given women respiratory down my neck screaming sexual misconduct ! Michele Bachmann: hiya Rick do no longer touch the NRA we desire our weapons in Minnesota. John Huntsman whispering: do we incredibly want this numbskull as President ! Mitt Romney: Yeah John that is a travesty until now the rustic, hell until now the worldwide a skill U.S. Presidential candidate having memory loss on stay television for the period of a debate ! Rick Perry: Oh yeah thank you Mitt, the EPA is the third one. hiya i'm no longer a debater and don't carry out nicely in a debate placing. Ask anybody in Texas !

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